Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1605, Volume 4, 283

Chapter 1605: Volume Four, Volume 283
The Nala family led the concubines to the "Yunshan Resort".

The concubines all looked up at the five-room wide and two-storey pavilion, but Nalashi turned his head and only stared in the direction of "Yanbo Zhishuang".

She wanted to walk over directly, but was stopped by Zhang Yu, the chief eunuch of Chengde Palace.

"If the queen's master wants to see the emperor, he must ask the slave to report."

That's the emperor's bedroom, so what if it's the queen, who gave the rules to break in if you want?

Nala sneered and stared at Zhang Yu.

It's really annoying, Li Yu is next to the emperor in the palace, Zhang Yu is next to the Summer Resort, and Gao Yu is next to the Old Summer Palace!This jade, that jade, both of them only listen to the emperor, not her!

Zhang Yu, on the other hand, smiled casually, knelt down and begged, "It's better for the empress master to stay here for a while, and this slave will go back to the emperor."

Nala narrowed her eyes and stared at Zhang Yu, "That's not necessary."

Nala lowered her body towards Zhang Yugong, lowered her voice and said, "... Zhang Yu, I just ask you: who is in the 'Yanbo Zhishuang' hall at this moment?"

Zhang Yu smiled, but shook his head, "This servant is answering in front of the Queen's master, and he is not in the hall of 'Yanbo Zhishuang', so the slave can't see who else is in the hall of 'Yanbo Zhishuang' at this time."

"However, the slave can be sure. The emperor is in the palace, and who are the eunuchs who serve in front of the imperial court. Does the queen master want the slave to play one by one?"

Nalashi sneered, and glanced back at the concubines, "If you don't tell me, you won't see it if you pretend to be me?"

Whoever is not in the crowd at this moment, that is who is in the hall of "Yanbo Zhishuang".

But it's not yet time for her to explode.Most of the concubines in the harem came with her, but there were still a few who were not in the bedroom, they said they were strolling in the garden, and they were called to look for it later, but they still haven't arrived.

Nala stood with her head held high, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Everyone will always come, and she can naturally tell who is not there from inside.At that time, even if the emperor's sleeping hall cannot be entered, she will still be able to ask questions.
The moonlight was getting higher and higher, and several concubines rushed over from behind.He squatted down to pay his respects, but he could see that Nala's expression was unhappy, so he didn't dare to say anything, after paying his respects, he hurriedly got up and went back to the crowd.

The moonlight on the [-]th of August is like silver water splashing on the ground, which makes the summer resort in August cold.

Nala looked at the crowd with squinted eyes by the light.

Whoever didn't come, did not go left or right as she estimated in her heart.

Ling Fei
Concubine Shu.

There is also a concubine Ying.

What is more surprising is that there is no Concubine Yu.

It was because Concubine Yu disappeared unexpectedly that she endured it silently, and she couldn't get angry for a while.

Finally, there was movement from the direction of the "Yanbo Zhishuang" hall, and the eunuch in front of the imperial court clapped their hands crisply, telling this side that the emperor was coming.

Nala looked over with a sneer, and raised his jaw high.

She looked instead, on the night of the fifteenth day, without the seal permission of her, the empress of the palace, which concubine would dare to go to bed on this day without authorization!
Finally the emperor arrived.

Lanterns and incense balls dodged left and right, and the emperor, with a happy face, led a person all the way to the concubines.

Since Nala stood at the front, he was also the first to see the face of the person next to the emperor clearly.

There was a thud in her heart.

In fact, she didn't even need to see the man's face clearly. She already felt bad when she saw the man's figure in the dim light.

The moonlight is like silver water, and the lamp shadow is like rouge water. Red and white collide for a while, and then blend.

The man's eyes were bright, and he came to Nala's face to say hello.

(End of this chapter)

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