Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1607 Chapter 4 285 After all, he is someone else's child

Chapter 1607 Volume 285 3 After all, I am someone else's child ([-] more)
She is the descendant of the royal family of the Huifa tribe. Back then, the Huifa tribe had allied with nine tribes including the Yehe tribe, the Ula tribe, and the Mongolian Horqin tribe to jointly attack the Jianzhou Jurchen.Unexpectedly, the Nine-Party Alliance was defeated by the Jianzhou Jurchen instead, and Emperor Taizu Nurhachi of the Qing Dynasty wiped out the Huifa tribe and incorporated the Huifa royal family into the Xianglan Banner.

More than 150 years have passed, and only now has she been a queen in the palace. She finally sees a little hope of revival in Huifa Department.Her queenhood became the glory of their clan.

Therefore, the bow, in addition to wishing her to have a son from the family, has a deeper meaning: Manchus rely on bows and horses to conquer the world, and the mountains and rivers are like bows and arrows shot down, so the bow is entrusted to her Huifa department. royal inheritance.

Yong Qi really couldn't afford such a bow with profound meaning.

She was not willing to give it casually.But since the emperor said, she wants her to give out his reward; Yongqi just won the Mongolian prince's elder brother, and gave the royal family a face; what's more, tonight is August [-]th, she If the reward given is not valuable enough, the emperor might not be happy either.

What's more... If she was looking for an extra valuable reward right now, wouldn't she have to spend extra money?It was not easy for her to get this little money this year, and she was not willing to spend it outside.

Although the bow of the mother's family has a profound meaning...but she is now the empress of the Qing Dynasty, so the inheritance of the royal power of Huifa has already happened more than 100 years ago.Don't mention it, so as not to ask the emperor to read it, no matter how much you worry.

Therefore, even if she has a son-in-law in the future, she can't ask her own child to use this bow, so she simply took this opportunity to give it to Yong Qi.

When her mind settled down, Nalashi was also very happy, "Yongqi, you deserve it. If you really feel scared, use that bow well in the future and make more contributions to your emperor Ama! It's not in vain. Erniang is all about it today."

Yong Qi quickly thanked her.

After Yongqi got up, the emperor only looked at Yongqi with a smile, and asked kindly, "Do you know that your emperor, Ama, can pull the hard bow of 'how hard'?"

The emperors of the Qing Dynasty were all emperors on horseback, and their sons and grandsons all learned to ride and shoot since they were young.But after all, they are the prince's son and grandson, so the bows used in the palace are not too powerful.

Yongqi stood in awe, and knelt down again, "My son has heard from Qishe Dada that... since the Ding Ding Central Plains, only the imperial bows hidden in the palace are the most powerful! Huang Ama Ma Ke draws the hard bow of 'Five Strengths'!"

Five strengths is equivalent to a weight of 45 jin, which is to use the thumb to pull the 45 jin bowstring.This strength is equivalent to stretching out the right hand, stretching it flat, and holding a 45-jin heavy object without moving a muscle.

The eyes of the father and son met, and they were beaming with joy when they spoke, completely looking like a father and son deeply in love.Instead, she, the owner who took out the expensive bow and arrow, was left aside.

Nala's heart was filled with desolation.

Of course she understands that although she is the aunt of the prince in front of her, he was born by someone else after all!This child is connected with the emperor by blood, and she only had a name before.Therefore, look, the child entrusted all his gratitude to Huang Ama right now, as if he had nothing to do with her!

Nalashi took a deep breath, sneered and pierced through the scene of deep love between father and son in front of him.

"Since Yongqi is here, what about Concubine Yu? I don't seem to be watching Concubine Yu today."

(End of this chapter)

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