Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1609: Jumping From A Building

Chapter 1609: Jumping From a Building (287 More)
Everyone looked up.

A palace lantern with a red gauze cover first protruded from the window sash, and then a graceful face appeared beside the shadow of the lamp.

Wanxi smiled and said to Nala downstairs, "Is the mistress looking for the concubine? The concubine is here. The concubine is not absent, and the future is late, the concubine actually came early."

Nala's eyes narrowed, her cheeks were hot.

"So you are upstairs?! What are you doing upstairs?"

"Besides, since you came early, since you know I'm looking for you, why are you silent?"

Concubine Ying was also a little stunned, and couldn't help but raise her voice to ask, "Concubine Ling, there are no ladders inside or outside this pavilion, how did you get up?"

Wanxi smiled crisply, and nodded at Nala first, "My lord, please wait a moment, let my concubine go downstairs to pay a formal visit."

After Wanxi finished speaking, she waved her hand to Concubine Ying, "Sister Gaowa, just watch how I get downstairs."

As Wanxi said, the palace lantern in the window sash retracted into the window, and immediately the red light came out along with the figure, and walked all the way to the corridor on the second floor.

I saw Wanxi handing over the palace lantern to Yuye who was waiting by her side, and one of her legs actually climbed onto the railing of the building and climbed over the railing of the building!

All the concubines below exclaimed in surprise, thinking: "Is Lingfei going to jump off the building?"
Concubine Ying raised her head high, staring at Wanxi curiously and enthusiastically.

Although Wanxi is a girl with a Han surname, she was born delicate and delicate, but Concubine Ying has seen Wanxi's courage with her own eyes.That year in Bayangou, it was she, Yu Wanxi, who saw the "solitary grave" all over the floor.As Gege, who was born in the Eight Banners of Mongolia, she was too scared to move forward on the Mongolian grassland, but Wanxi told her to stay where she was and take care of the fourth princess and the others. to check.

At this time, even if everyone couldn't believe that Wanxi would "jump off the building", Concubine Ying believed it.Because compared to the "grave circle" in Bayangou, this pavilion is no more than two stories high, so what is it!

Sure enough, in this silvery moonlight, Wanxi leaned on the railing with her hands behind her back, and then jumped into the air!
"Ah..." All the concubines were startled, and some simply closed their eyes.

Even Concubine Ying's heart was shaken.

In the entire courtyard, only the emperor raised his head high, his clear eyes were full of moonlight, and his red lips were slightly drawn.
After Wanxi jumped, she didn't fall from mid-air, but jumped onto the rockery in front of the building.She deliberately stood on the top of the rockery and yelled, "Boom!"

It's like when I was playing hide-and-seek when I was a child, and when the "ghost" couldn't find me, I would jump out to scare the "ghost", and I would yell proudly and mischievously.

Everyone was flickering again, but hearing her voice sounded like something was wrong, they all opened their eyes and looked over.

I saw Wanxi in the moonlight, her figure lightly circling the rockery, turning three times and two times, and then returned to the flat ground!
Concubine Ying was really smart, and she couldn't help clapping her hands, "I see! Although the building has no ladders, the rockery in front of the building is actually a ladder! It's just that people are used to walking stairs, and when they see the building, they just stare at the stairs to find it. , but missed the bright rockery in front of this building!"

Wanxi laughed too, reached out and patted Concubine Ying on the shoulder, "That's right!"

Then the emperor came slowly, and walked together under the moonlight, staring at Wanxi with a smile on his face.

"It's not difficult to discover that the rockery is a ladder. The most difficult thing is to have the courage to jump like that. If you don't have the courage, you can't take the last step upstairs; you can't even take the first step downstairs."

(End of this chapter)

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