Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1611 Volume 4 289 Heart Like a Lotus Bloom

Chapter 1611 Chapter 289 Volume 7 Heart Like a Lotus Blossom ([-] More)
Wanxi slightly raised her eyes, staring at Nalashi.

Thank you for tonight's moonlight like silver, covering all the shadows of swords, lights and swords in your eyes into a faint glint.

Wanxi understands that Nalashi will definitely come to fetch her tonight.

Tonight is the [-]th day, and it's August [-]th, Nala's naturally won't allow others to compete with her for the emperor; since the emperor didn't go to her place, it's no wonder that Lashi is willing to let go.

But Wanxi is here, and in front of the "Yunshan Resort" is "Smoky Waves".She was too tired to walk anymore, so the emperor personally carried her up the rockery and up the stairs; sent her to the East Nuan Pavilion to rest steadily.Don't look at Nala's menacing approach, but she never left this place at all.

The real reason why she left "Yanbo Zhishuang" was not to avoid Nala, but because Yongqi came.She looked like a begonia that hadn't had enough sleep, she shouldn't have been seen by a child.

Nalashi came, already downstairs, so close to her.But Nalashi didn't catch her, so who is to blame?
Who told Nala to come upstairs for such a long time, but not go upstairs to have a look?

If Nala had gone upstairs when she first arrived, it would have prevented her from sleeping soundly.
The two were too close, even through the night, others couldn't see the expressions in their eyes clearly, but Nalashi could see the rebellion in Wanxi's eyes.

Nalashi couldn't help sneering, "Month offering?! Even if it's upstairs, I, the empress, should arrange it myself. When will it be a concubine's turn to do it?"

The emperor laughed, and said in a calm voice, "Oh? The empress wants to arrange the offerings for worshiping the moon with her own hands? Then I would like to hear how the empress plans to make offerings to the moon."

Nala snorted softly, "What's so difficult about offering to the moon? It's just setting up an altar table and offering fresh fruits and pastries. When the empress arrives, you can offer incense...that's all."

The emperor nodded, "Fresh fruit table, what does the queen want to offer?"

"What else can there be?" Nalashi was full of confidence, "But there are some in the palace, as long as you have the heart, you can choose them, and put them all out for offering!"

With such a commotion downstairs, Concubine Ying could not stay upstairs comfortably, so she came down quietly.

When the emperor saw it, he nodded with a smile, "Concubine Ying, tell me, what is the most important offering on the fresh fruit table upstairs?"

Concubine Ying glanced at Nalashi, and said softly, "Watermelon."

Nala raised his eyebrows slightly, and then smiled again, "So it's just a watermelon, so what's so weird? Watermelons are not expensive in this season, and there are some in the palace that are even rarer than watermelons."

"Watermelons for offering... I think it's customary to be big and round, but it's similar to the moon on August [-]th. That's easy, just pick the biggest and farthest watermelons and put them on the altar table. It's not easy."

The emperor just glanced at Concubine Ying with a smile and didn't speak, but the meaning was full.

Concubine Ying could only bite her lip and said, "Return to the master...it's not just a matter of simply putting a whole watermelon on the altar."
Nala's heart was inexplicably startled, he raised his eyes and glanced at Wanxi, and asked hastily, "What else can I say? Could it be that you cut it in half and put it there?"

Concubine Ying was embarrassed as if being put on fire, but she couldn't keep silent.

"Back to the master...the watermelon was carved like a lotus flower."

Nala's complexion changed.

The emperor laughed, "In this Yunshan resort, the Buddhist hall upstairs is called the 'Lotus Room'. The offerings placed upstairs should naturally be like lotus blossoms."

(End of this chapter)

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