Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 162 Shuanglan

Chapter 162 Shuanglan
The Eight Banners draft is still here.The selection this time is different from the selection by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the queen is no longer the one who can make the decision; this time she is accompanied by the queen mother and the emperor to the selection.

Especially since the queen mother was present, the queen almost never took the initiative to express her opinions, and only responded briefly when the queen mother consulted.

Because the Eight Banners draft involves Manchurian Eight Banners, Mongolian Eight Banners, and Han Army Eight Banners, the number of people under the banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is several times higher than that of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Not a lot.

At the rate of selecting two banners every day, the entire Eight Banners selection took several days to complete.

The Eight Banners draft is more important to family background, and the emperor asks to leave a sign for registration, and most of them are women from famous families.However, these women were not included in the harem, and they were all married to the clan.

Seeing this direction, the queen mother smiled and glanced at the queen.

The queen smiled and said to the emperor: "Seeing that almost all the marriageable clans on the roster have indicated marriage, I can't help but want to ask the emperor for grace: there are actually a few good ones inside, and they should stay by the emperor's side to serve."

The queen mother nodded: "The emperor doesn't have to hold back. If the emperor doesn't choose for himself, I, who is an Enie, can't help but grab a few for my son."

The emperor ruled the world with filial piety, and he was a famous filial son. When the queen mother said this, he also smiled: "The whole body of the son is born of Er Nie, but it is up to Er Nie to make the decision."

After looking at a few more rows of women, the queen mother couldn't help but picked up the list and looked at it carefully, then smiled: "No. 3 show girl, No. 4 show girl, register to stay in the palace."

The queen immediately looked at the list, but saw No.3 show girl wrote: "Manchurian Zhenghuangqi, Yehele family, granddaughter of Heshuo's concubine Kuifang, third daughter of servant Yongshou, nicknamed Lanjin, fourteen years old .”

No. 4 Xiunu writes: "Manchuria Zhenghuangqi, granddaughter of Heshuo's consort Kuifang, fourth daughter of servant Yongshou, nicknamed Lanpei, thirteen years old."

The queen laughed: "What a pair of sisters! Look at their appearance and demeanor, just one is a good choice, not to mention two sisters from the same family, it is really lovely."

The queen mother nodded with satisfaction: "The queen said well. Such a good choice is destined to enter the palace and accompany the emperor."

The emperor had a faint smile on his face, but didn't say anything, he just looked intently at the next show girl.
After watching the show girl selection, they are about to determine their identities.Before issuing the edict, the emperor first visited the Shoukang Palace and asked the Queen Mother for instructions.

The Empress Dowager especially praised the two Yehele clans to the emperor, saying that they were from famous families, and they were also the granddaughters of the princess, with noble character, they would definitely be able to enter the Lanfang Palace.

The emperor listened with a smile and was very filial.

After finishing speaking, the queen mother glanced at the emperor: "In your opinion, after these two girls enter the palace, what position should they be entrusted with?"

The emperor said with a smile: "According to the rules, naturally he should be named a nobleman."

The Empress Dowager sighed softly: "Beautiful girls from the Eight Banners enter the palace, and they are all nobles. What's the difference between them? These two children are of high status. It would be a pity if they were only named nobles."

The emperor nodded and smiled: "Everything is up to E Nie."
When the emperor returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Li Yu came to play, and Zhao Jinzhong came to play, saying that the queen had been waiting in the apse for a long time.

The emperor walked into the apse with a smile, and the empress got up to salute, carefully glanced at the emperor's expression, and then smiled along with her: "The emperor is happy with a new man again, and I congratulate the emperor with my concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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