Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1631: No Coincidence

Chapter 1631: No Coincidence (311 More)
Because Zhongcui Palace and Jingren Palace are both in the East Sixth Palace, and there is only Chengqian Palace of the Nala clan between the two palaces, so if something important happens to Jingren Palace, Zhongcui Palace will know about it early.

Wanxi and Concubine Chun were almost the first to rush to Jingren Palace, but as soon as they entered, they saw that Nala was already in the palace.

Afterwards, Concubine Wan, Concubine Ying and others who were also in the East Sixth Palace, along with the West Sixth Palace, also arrived one after another after getting news.

Wanxi took advantage of the chaos and grabbed Concubine Jia's arm and asked, "...Did the empress say something harsh?"

Concubine Jia raised her eyes to look at Wanxi, and couldn't help but feel shivering in her heart.

"I made my sister see it."

Wanxi lowered her head, "I was talking to Sister Chun in Zhongcui Palace, and rushed over to inquire about it, so close. But the queen is already in Sister Jia's palace, and it seems that she has just arrived...how can I return it?" Can you guess it?"

Concubine Jia quietly hooked the corners of her lips.

They have been together in the palace for these years, and she is five years older than Nala, she has long understood what Nala felt when he came to her palace to say those words.Therefore, she purposely "fainted" right after Nalashi finished speaking, and she couldn't even tell Nalashi to leave, so that later people could see that the culprit of her fainting was Nalashigo.

Nalashi wanted to pull her into the water, so she must have easily dragged Nalashi down too.

Don't think about just plotting against her, and you can get out of it unscathed.

Concubine Jia knew that this matter must not be hidden from Wanxi, and she didn't want to hide it from Wanxi, so she sneered and said, "I am honored once today, and I can ask the empress to come and inform me. It's a pity that I I never thought of accepting her love!"

Wanxi frowned slightly, "It's convenient for Sister Jia to let me know, what's the matter?"

"Concubine Shu!" Concubine Jia sneered lowly, "She has no hope of being enfeoffed for the time being, so she uses her ten elder brothers to make arrangements. She wants to ask the emperor to send ten elder brothers to be raised by the empress dowager!"


Wanxi lowered her head and understood in her heart.

Wan Xi said as calmly as possible, "Princes and princesses in the palace are sent to the concubine and concubine's palace to be raised before they are two years old. , or even hand it over to the minister for upbringing."

"This is all to avoid the pox, and it is a last resort. Only after the pox is vaccinated, can it be sent back to the elder brother's house to raise it, so as not to infect other heirs of the emperor."

"This is a common practice, sister Jia doesn't need to worry too much."

Concubine Jia sneered, "If I send it to the Ningshou Palace or the Third Shou Palace to be raised by those concubines or concubines whose status doesn't matter, I won't say anything. And my Yongxuan did the same thing."

"After all, none of us are descended from the concubine. Only the concubine can be sent to the empress dowager's side. But Concubine Shu's ten elder brothers are also descended from the concubine. Why would she want this!"

"If I'm still a noble concubine because of my birth mother status, my child is more qualified than hers!"

Wanxi quietly raised her eyes and glanced at Yurui.
There are more and more people, and even the emperor has arrived.It was inconvenient for Wanxi to continue talking, so she stepped aside.

Yu Rui said softly, "...Concubine Shu's heart is not dead yet. Even if she is not allowed to be enfeoffed, she will still rely on Elder Brother Ten to fight."

Wanxi narrowed her eyes slightly, "Do you know what I thought? I was still a little confused in Zhongcui Palace just now, why did the official woman next to the fourth princess hang herself?"

 "Taifei" is Kangxi's concubine, "mother concubine" is Yongzheng's~~
(End of this chapter)

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