Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1648, Volume 4, 328

Chapter 1648: Returning Together at Sunset and Sunset (328 more)
Wu Niu was now happy, her cheeks were flushed and she was staring at Wanxi.

"Master's words are really clear. Although Yuye and Yurui are smart, they are too young to overwhelm others; Yuhan is a good old man, and his temper is too peaceful. In this palace, master, I really want to leave. Not me!"

Wanxi originally had all the words on her lips, and wanted to ask Wu Niu if she had any wish to go out of the palace.

Wanxi is the same age as Wu Niu, and it's Wanxi's 25th birthday, so Wu Niu can leave the palace immediately.

But after hearing what Wu Niu said, Wanxi knew it too: it was useless to ask.

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "You have worked hard too, go down and rest. After all these purses are finished, I will ask you to rest for a few days. When the Empress Dowager lives long, there will be constant drama in the palace. Go watch the big show for a few days."
Wu Niu had just left, and the fourth princess and Fu Long'an finally asked Yu Ye and Mao Tuan'er to pick her up.

Wanxi could see it from a distance through the glass window, Mao Tuan'er was carrying Fulong'an on his shoulders, and Yu Ye was hugging the fourth princess.

The Forbidden City is so big, and the study room is on the side of Qianqing Gate.Jianting is farther away.The two children who were only seven years old walked over by themselves, really tired.

However, not everyone in the Forbidden City can ride a horse or sit in a sedan chair, not even the golden branches and jade leaves like the Fourth Princess.What's more, Fu Long'an is just a small son-in-law like this.

Therefore, both Mao Tuan'er and Yu Ye feel sorry for the child, so they can carry it whenever they can, and hold it whenever they can.

Looking at it from a distance, the picture formed by these four people is so harmonious and beautiful.

They walked, talking and laughing.When there are children, it is always so lively.It was Mao Tuan'er and Yu Ye, both of whom seemed awkward, but it was clear—Mao Tuan'er was trying to talk, and although Yu Ye was dodging, her face was also covered with red clouds.

Wanxi sighed.

The scene in front of her made her feel a little dazed, as if she saw a family of four returning home from the field when the sun was setting...

It is also because of this that even if you beat a mandarin duck with a stick, in the past few years, you can't bear to beat them to death with a stick.

It is because no one in the palace knows better than her how good and true the relationship between the two children, Mao Tuan'er and Yu Ye is.

Once, when she really couldn't think of a good idea, she also thought about sending Yu Ye out of the palace in advance - but she couldn't.

First of all, the palace rules are strict, it is not that the concubine wants to let any woman out of the palace just to leave the palace, but there must be a reason.Whether it is an illness, or a violation of the rules, these matters must first be reported to the respect room and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the palace supervisor and the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will review together, and they can only be released if they are found to be correct.

Of course, what's more important is that if the official woman is sent out before the age limit, not only will there be no reward from the palace, but the woman's reputation will also be ruined.Just like Wu Niu back then, no one cared what the real reason was, they only cared that this woman was kicked out of the palace by the master... Then any family with some official position would not want such a woman.

For official women, leaving the palace early does not mean freedom, but brings shame to themselves and their families.

Fortunately, Yuye's age is coming soon, and she can still get rewards from the palace when she stays up to the normal age of 25 to leave the palace, and she can even help Yuye find a good family.
The fourth princess and Fu Long'an finally entered the palace.

But from the appearance of the two children entering the threshold, Wanxi could tell something was wrong.

 Remember the girl in "A Dream of Red Mansions"?Death is not the most serious thing, but expulsion is the most serious thing.It will only get worse in the palace~~
(End of this chapter)

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