Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1650 Volume 4 330 Kneeling

Chapter 1650 Volume Four 330 Kneeling (4 More)
Wanxi saw Fu Longan's grimace, she didn't say anything, she just turned her head and told Yuhan, "Light a stick of incense."

Yuhan couldn't understand what it meant, so he couldn't help but look at Wanxi.

Wanxi cast a glance at Fu Long'an, "Brother Long hasn't had enough fun yet, light a stick of incense and tell him to kneel down and have fun. When the incense burns out, if he is happy enough, wake him up; if the incense burns out, he will still If you don’t have enough fun, let him continue to kneel and continue to have fun.”

Only then did Yuhan understand that the master wanted to set rules for Brother Long, so he lowered his head and secretly laughed, but didn't take the incense stick seriously.

Sure enough, Fu Long'an couldn't be more happy, and kowtowed to Wanxi again on the ground.

"Your Majesty, the boy knows his mistake."
Wanxi's face is still light.

"Brother Long is wrong? Where is it! Brother Long is the treasure of your Ama and Erniang, the eldest son of your Duke Zhongyong's mansion. He has already enjoyed the duke's salary at a young age, and he is on the same level as your Ama Go! It is in your mansion, who dares to enter the threshold before you; who dares to make you unhappy? Why bother to ask the young master to come into the palace and set up these rules!"

"I'm just wondering, you, Ama, gave up your life in Dajinchuan in exchange for the title of first-class Duke of Loyalty; but you, who are only seven years old, can enjoy the duke's salary...Brother Long Son, what on earth are you doing?"

"Of course, you are the eldest son of your ama. After a hundred years from your ama, you can naturally inherit the title of first-class loyal and brave duke. But, that is a hundred years from your ama, it's still too early!"

Wanxi's voice was soft, not harsh, but these few words made Fu Long'an unable to lift his head.

Fu Long'an kowtowed again and again, "... I know that the reason why I can get the duke's salary is because I was selected by the emperor as the fourth son-in-law."

Only then did Wanxi sigh softly, "It's good if you know. If you knew, you shouldn't have treated the fourth princess like that just now. She didn't offend you, but you got the grace because of her."
Fulongan bit her lip and stopped talking.

Only then did Wanxi sigh softly, she got up herself, stepped down, and bowed to help him up.

He sat down nearby, drew him to his side, and wiped his sweat with a handkerchief.

"Tell your mother what's going on? Let your mother know that although you come from a wealthy family, you are not an ignorant child. You, Ama and Erniang, have never let go of your family education since childhood."

After all, Fu Longan was still a child who was only seven years old, and now his eyes were red with grievance.

"...It's not her hand!"
Wanxi's heart sank.

She has deep affection for this pair of children.Half of the fourth princess was brought up by her own hands, and she loves her mother and daughter; Fu Longan is the eldest son of the ninth master, and she treats her as her half son.

The palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, and she feels distressed about the same.

But she can't avoid it, the fourth princess's hand is indeed like that.Adults still know the seriousness, and children will inevitably dislike it.

Wanxi took a deep breath, calmed herself down, and asked softly, "You didn't know about her hand until the first day. It's impossible that your family, Ama, Eriang, and the master didn't give you a notice in advance. "

Fu Long'an bit his lips tightly, "... I was learning to ride and shoot in one place, and all the elder brothers knew that I had been chosen by the emperor as the fourth son-in-law, so they all laughed at me! When the fourth princess came, they coaxed and pointed at me. Give it to me, say 'look at your daughter-in-law'."

"When I shoot an arrow, all the arrows hit the target, and they all praised it. But since she came, even if I hit the target, they only have smirks!"

(End of this chapter)

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