Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1655 Chapter 4 Volume 335

Chapter 1655 Four volumes 335 (2 more)
With her thoughts in mind, Lan Pei went to Yikun Palace to greet Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu glanced at Lan Pei, and smiled lukewarmly, "I know you are not here to see me, but to see Concubine Ling."

Wanxi asked Nala for an order, and Nala was naturally happy to see that she and Lingfei were incompatible, so she had already let her know.

Lan Pei replied cautiously, "It's about Long'er's admission to school. Long'er has to be taken care of when he enters the palace, so the emperor entrusted it to Master Ling."

Concubine Shu snorted, "The emperor's decision is weird. Long'er has me as a ready-made aunt, or a pure noble concubine as a mother-in-law, who can't take care of him? Why do you want to entrust it to Lingfei?"

Lan Pei replied lightly, "Pure Concubine still has two princes, and my sister now has a tenth elder brother. The emperor is naturally afraid of the hard work of the two."

Concubine Shu stared at Lan Pei with squinted eyes, "I don't care what the emperor thinks; I want to know what you think in your heart? - After all, I, as an aunt, can take care of Long'er, can't I be as considerate as Concubine Ling?" Are you going?"

Lan Pei smiled apologetically, "If Elder Brother Shi can be a few years older, I will naturally ask the emperor for grace to entrust Long Er to my sister's care! After all, Elder Brother Ten is too young at this moment, and I am afraid that my sister just gave birth. Prince Yu, your body has not fully recovered, and you will be tired again."

Lampe's attitude and words are also impeccable.Concubine Shu couldn't find anything, so she also sighed, "Forget it. After all, the emperor has already made the decision, so it's meaningless for us to say anything at this moment."

She looked up at her sister, "... Ling Fei told you to talk about Long'er, what's the matter?"
Lampe lowered his head and smiled, "It's nothing important..."

Concubine Shu glanced at Lan Pei's embarrassed look, "If it's really nothing important, what did she ask you to come into the palace again? There must be something important, so she asked you to come into the palace."

Lampe frowned momentarily.

Concubine Shu laughed, "If you don't say it, I can guess... It's important that you can't say it like this, what else can it be. It must be that Long'er despises the fourth princess and goes?"

Concubine Shu couldn't tell whether she was satisfied or worried about her sister, but she sighed.

"It's no wonder that Long'er dislikes it. With the hands of the fourth princess, who can not dislike it? With Long'er's status, in the ruling and opposition parties, whoever's daughter wants to marry, and what kind of daughter do you want? On such a daughter-in-law."

"Although Princess Shang is an honor, you have to see what kind of princess she is! In my opinion, the emperor appointed these four princesses to marry Long'er, not for Long'er's special favor, nor for your family. Glory, on the contrary, he is afraid of such a princess, no Mongolian prince will want it!"

"I'm wronged for Long'er and your family. Why would you give the princess who no one wanted to your family? Should our Ninth Master clean up these broken messes that no one wants for the emperor?" ?”

Lampe gritted his teeth and listened. In the end, his forehead was throbbing.

Concubine Shu was not surprised to see her younger sister's face looking sour, "I know you must be wronged. You are just such a child, and you will have to rely on your daughter-in-law to serve you in the future, but it turns out that you have such a hand. Then when the time comes A daughter-in-law serves her mother-in-law, or should you, the mother-in-law, feed her and help her change and wash?"

Lampei couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a low voice, "Although she is a daughter-in-law, she is still a princess. She will have her own princess mansion, and she doesn't need to stand in front of me to behave herself."

(End of this chapter)

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