Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1658 Chapter 4 Volume 338

Chapter 1658 Four volumes 338 (5 more)
The night darkened.

After the Wanxi Qianqiu is over, Nala's breath of relief is relieved, it's time to go back and put together his account books again.

Seeing that Tana finished writing down the twelve taels that were rewarded to Wanxi in the account book, Nala breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, in September, the imperial concubine has passed her thousand years, and the whole September, including October and November , there will be no high-ranking birthdays. Otherwise, I don’t know how much money I will spend like splashing water.”

Tana closed the ledger, "This time Lingfei Qianqiu, I didn't expect that the emperor would only reward items according to the palace rules, and there would be no extra silver rewards. Otherwise, the master would have to reward with the emperor. How can these ten taels be worthless?" Not enough."

According to the position of concubine, if the emperor rewards silver on the day of Qianqiu, it is usually between 100 taels and 300 taels.If the emperor rewards 300 taels, then as a queen, she can't just take out the [-] taels.

While Nala was rejoicing, she also snorted, "The biggest birthday celebration this year is the empress dowager's [-]th birthday. Even the emperor's own longevity this year will be reduced to a lower level. If the emperor wants to give Lingfei a big fuck this year Great job, what happened to it?"

Tana smiled and said, "No matter what, it is a fortune to save a sum of money for the master this year. After all, there are still more places to use money this year."

Nala's mind was a little distracted, and she didn't respond to Tana, she just lowered her head and stared at her hand.

It took a while to recover, but he ordered, "It's the tenth day of the lunar new year. Go, send my sign to the respect room. You have to remind the emperor a few days in advance that it's the fifteenth day again, so don't forget it." gone."
In Yongshou Palace, Yurui hid for a day, but went back to Wanxi, and told Wanxi that the House of Internal Affairs did not call Qingtai and Yang into the palace.

Wanxi had already gone to bed, but she couldn't fall asleep, so she sat with her legs crossed and her head tilted on her knees.

"Well, I see. No problem."

She said this to comfort Yurui, but it was also to comfort herself.

Yurui couldn't help but said, "...Maybe the emperor is too busy. The servant heard from Ama that these few days are the list of prisoners that the Ministry of Punishment reported to the Autumn Queen, and the emperor wants to personally decide."

Wanxi nodded, "This year is the empress dowager's 60th birthday, the emperor will definitely show mercy, and this year she will be exempted from being exempted. Even the heinous ones can live for another year."

Yu Rui clapped her hands, pretending to be happy, "That's exactly what happened! The emperor put all his thoughts into preparing for the longevity of the empress dowager, so he didn't care about congratulating the master for the time being. The master again He has always been the most sensible person, even in previous years he was careless, but this year he will never care about it!"

Wanxi laughed too, stretched out her hand and pinched the tip of Yurui's nose.

"Well, you don't have to comfort me. I understand this in my heart."

It's just... She didn't expect anything else, she just wanted to see Ama and Er Niang.Even the empress dowager's 60-year lifespan doesn't seem to prevent Ama and Erniang from entering the palace.

It's just... Now that it's the tenth day of the new year and her birthday is over, she shouldn't worry about it anymore.

Go to sleep.
He said he wanted to sleep, but he still didn't sleep well.

It's been like this since last night.

I always felt that on the night of the ninth or tenth day, even if the emperor didn't have a congratulatory gift, he would still come over to see her.She knew that the emperor went to Changchun Garden to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager during the day, and then stayed in the Xiangshan Palace.But maybe the emperor will come back at night.

It's a pity... She waited in vain again.

In the early morning of the next day, I only heard the emperor's decree, and the emperor will visit the Tailing Mausoleum under the imperial car of the empress dowager.

(End of this chapter)

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