Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1660 Chapter 4 Volume 340

Chapter 1660 Four volumes 340 (7 more)
The emperor took the empress dowager's holy car, and it took half a month to leave.It was already September 25th before I could go back to the palace.

It's been half a month since Wanxi's birthday, and I can't even track her back.

That night, Nala led the concubines and above to Shoukang Palace to pay respects to the Empress Dowager.Except for Concubine Jia and Concubine Yi, all the concubines above were present.

The emperor also arrived at the same time, saving the harem from tossing and going to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to pay his respects.

Wanxi quietly looked at the emperor, but when his gaze fell on her, she deliberately avoided his gaze.

But even though she lowered her head, she still noticed a trace of a smile on the corner of the emperor's lips.

I hope she is wrong, why do you think that smile is a bit bad? .
Today's Nalashi is a bit different, it was walked in with the help of two first-class women, Tana and Dege, on one left and one on the right.I also changed into flat shoes on my feet.

The empress dowager couldn't help asking, "What's the matter with the empress? But you sprained your feet these days?"

Wanxi also felt that something was wrong, so she couldn't help but meet Yuqin's eyes.

Yuqin snorted softly, "Could it be that you sprained your ankle after walking too much at night?"

Wanbi, on the other hand, was smiling a little, tilting her head to glance at Wanxi.

Wanxi hurriedly stretched her head over and asked, "Sister Chen, what is she secretly happy about today? Tell us quickly, so we can be happy too."

Concubine Wan thought for a while, then said slowly, "The emperor issued an order on Yeling Road to ask my uncle to also take care of the affairs of the Ministry of Rites."

"That's really a happy event!" Wan Xi also clapped her hands, "Elder Chen Ge has returned to his post earlier, and is still a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion and Minister of the Ministry of Industry; now he will also be in charge of the Ministry of Rites!"

It can be seen that the catastrophe that happened to Mr. Chen Ge back then has already passed.The emperor not only asked Chen Shiguan to return to his original post, but now he put more emphasis on it.

Wanbi was still smiling, but she looked at Wanxi and didn't speak.

With Wanbi's eyes like this, Wanxi's back is a little hairy.

"What is Sister Chen hiding? I have been with Sister Chen for so many years, and the look in Sister Chen's eyes must be related to me. How can I not see it?"

Wanbi still shook her head with a smile, "No matter how aggressive you are, I won't say anything."

Wanxi also looked away.He understood in his heart that only Wanbi's smile was enough.

As a concubine Wan, the smiles in these years have never been revealed in vain.

Wan Xi tilted her head and glanced at Concubine Wan, "... Anyway, Mr. Chen Gel is in charge of the Ministry of Rites now. This year is the Empress Dowager's [-]th birthday, and it is time for the Ministry of Rites to contribute. The emperor will hand over the Ministry of Rites to Mr. Chen Ge at this time. , which shows the emperor's reliance on Chen Gelao in his heart."

"For us, the Ministry of Rites will be responsible for all matters such as entering the harem. From then on, Sister Chen will be able to know the news as soon as possible, which is a good thing."
On the other side, Nala's family is supported by two women, and flowers are already blooming on his face.

"...Going back to Huang Ernie, it's not that my daughter-in-law sprained her ankle, it's because the imperial doctor told her to be careful when she acts like this."

The empress dowager heard the smell, and couldn't help opening her eyes.

"Queen, you should speak more clearly. What's the matter?"

Nalashi glanced at the emperor shyly and charmingly, pursed her lips, but trembled again, after all, couldn't hold back, couldn't help it, so she burst out laughing.

"Congratulations to the empress dowager, congratulations to the emperor... It must be due to the sincerity of the empress dowager and the emperor's visit to the mausoleum, asking the late emperor and ancestors to protect the concubine... The concubine has been serving the palace for 20 years, and finally has the opportunity to serve the emperor. Branches and leaves are scattered!"

As soon as Nala's words came out, all the concubines were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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