Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1668 Chapter 4 348 Is it All Wrong

Chapter 1668: Volume Four 348 Are They All Wrong (6 more)
But my father has finally reached his age, and he has so many gray hairs, even if he carefully plucks them out, he can't finish pulling them out.

Otherwise——wouldn't it be that he pulled his father into a bald ladle?

Wanxi imagined mischievously in her heart, really wanted to laugh, but felt even more sad.

Her father can still pull out her gray hair, but she dare not even mention her mother's.Mother's sideburns have more gray hair than Ama's.Fortunately, my mother wore a dress when she entered the palace, and she wore tinsel on her head, and she could put a film on her temples, which covered her gray hair.

But she didn't dare to let her parents know about the sadness in her heart, so she changed the topic and only asked about the introduction today.

"...Today, there is a sudden rumor that our family members are going to lead an introduction. I don't know what is going on with the emperor?"

Wanxi tilted her head, looked sideways at her father, "...Is the emperor going to raise the flag for our family?"

What Wanxi hopes most is to raise the flag, after all, she has to think about her little nephew Guilin.Otherwise, wouldn't my nephew have to be like his elder brother, and at the age of 35, he can only be an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If he can raise the flag, his nephew will be able to take the imperial examination when he grows up, and he will be an official in the previous dynasty.

Qingtai lowered his eyes and said calmly, "No flag raised."
Wanxi's hand trembled.

The grate was no different from an ordinary comb, the pitch of the teeth was too close, so it accidentally scratched Qingtai's scalp.

Wanxi hurriedly restrained her expressions carefully, and tried her best to smile again, "If you don't raise the flag, don't raise it. After all, I still like that Ama and Er Niang are both internal management leaders, and internal management leaders Fujin, so I can still see the two elders entering the palace. , at least we can see each other again.”

Wanxi bit her lips, and said carefully, "...Since it is a formal introduction by the leader, it is not a flag raising, it means that the emperor is going to grant Ama an official position, isn't it?"

Qingtai remained indifferent, "The slave is still the leader of the fifth rank, and has not moved."
Wanxi was a little stunned.

The sense of powerlessness from the day of his birthday quietly climbed up again.

Is waiting in vain again?
Even if the emperor formally sought out her natal family, it was just - see?
Qingtai turned her back, so she could temporarily escape Wanxi's expression; but Wanxi's disappointment fell into Yang's eyes after all.

Yang Shi was also a little embarrassed, staring at her husband and then at her daughter, hesitating whether to speak or not.
Wanxi was with her parents in the hall, Yuye and others outside the door curtain longed for their ears to grow two feet long, and they all wanted to hurry up and hear what good things happened to the master's family.

But after hearing it...why is something wrong?
Wu Niu stood up straight first, relaxed her expression, and turned around.

"How do you say this? It turns out that this formal introduction is just to ask Mr. Wei and Fujin to come to the palace to meet. It is not the master Qianqiu's usual greeting."

Yu Ye was so anxious that her eye circles were red.

Yu Rui was the one who reacted the most. As soon as she turned around, she rushed out of the palace door, ran all the way to the porch, hugged the porch pillar, and pressed her forehead against the porch post.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yuhan hurried to follow, supported his shoulders and said softly, "What is this for? The master may feel uncomfortable today, we must not lose our composure in front of the master again."

Yu Rui nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, Auntie, I have my sense of proportion. I'm feeling uncomfortable right now, and I'm sure I'll keep my composure in front of Master later."

Yuhan looked Yurui up and down, "We are all uncomfortable. But normally, if Yuye is like this, I can still understand...Why do you have such a big reaction?"

(End of this chapter)

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