Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1675: Talents

Chapter 1675 Four Volumes 356 Talents (4 More)
"Hmm... Anyway, I'm not wrong. I asked your brother to come back. On the one hand, I was thinking about you, Ama and Erniang. They are old, and naturally they should have sons by their side to fulfill their filial piety."

"This year is the Empress Dowager's 60th birthday, so I think of myself and others. How can I not worry about your parents? It's also your age. You are in the palace, and it is inconvenient to serve your parents every day; then naturally I will call you Brother is back."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat again.

It turned out that he celebrated his own mother's birthday, and he did not forget her parents...

Although only the empress has a "Danchan" natal family, and only the empress's parents are the emperor's parents-in-law, so her parents are only the emperor's servants and are not qualified to ask the emperor to be filial-but the emperor also has such a Mind.

She raised her eyes and stared at the emperor seriously, "The emperor's answer is considered a pass."

Only then did the emperor heave a sigh of relief, and then spat softly, "You're still interrogating me!"

Wanxi's eyes streamed brightly, and she stared at the emperor, "...Brother slave originally worked in weaving in Jiangning, and what he is good at these years is only weaving errands. The emperor suddenly called brother brother back like this, but slave didn't know What can my brother do?"

The emperor leaned back with both hands, gnashing his teeth to endure her little hand, but still trying to speak.

"...Your brother Dexin is a talent."

Wan Xi raised her eyebrows, "It's the emperor's first time seeing Brother Slave during this southern tour, right? How do you know he's a talent?"

The emperor snorted a few more times, and Fang said slowly, "When Jiangning saw the loom room, he knew that he was quick-witted, neither humble nor overbearing. He lived up to his name, and he deserved to be your elder brother. "

Wanxi bowed her head and couldn't help chuckling, thinking to herself: That's the emperor, you don't know what happened later... Brother's ghost way, only scales and feathers appeared in the computer room, and that happened later represent.

Seeing her bowing her head and chuckling lightly, the emperor relaxed again, and snorted again, "...your brother has been working in the weaving business all these years, but he is not familiar with it, and the weaving business is the most important experience."

"It just so happens that Grandpa also needs a pair of good eyes in Curry, so that they won't be able to tell what kind of material has entered the palace."

Wanxi was startled, remembering that the last time the emperor said in a joke that he wanted someone from the satin warehouse to palm his eyes to see where the queen's gauze material came from.

At that time, I just thought it was just a casual joke from the emperor, but now I understood that the emperor had already made plans at that time.

Wanxi stopped her hands and fixed her eyes on the emperor.

Only then did the emperor snort, "Just tell your brother to go to the satin warehouse. He is of low rank now, so he will be the treasurer first."

The satin warehouse corresponds to Jiangnan Sanwei Weaving. Every year, the silk and satin that Jiangnan Sanwei weaving pays tribute to will be inspected, graded, and stored by the staff of the satin warehouse.Dexin has been working in weaving for many years, so this is naturally the easiest job to do.

In addition to corresponding to the three weaving in the south of the Yangtze River, the satin warehouse also stores the donations from the royal family, princes and ministers every year, and the cloth tribute from foreign vassals... Therefore, although it sounds like a "warehouse", the satin warehouse is a very lucrative department.

The emperor glanced at Wanxi, "It's not in vain that your brother is a talent in this field. Putting him in the satin warehouse is also a way to make the best of his talents."

"...In some special occasions, for example, when some strange clothes appear in the harem, you can still ask your brother to identify them. This will save even the master from being fooled."

The emperor hissed, "I don't know who is so bold about the material of the queen's clothes~ I have to ask your brother to check it carefully."

(End of this chapter)

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