Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 168 Palace Selection

Chapter 168 Palace Selection
"What are you talking about? It's so lively."

While talking, suddenly a man's voice crossed.All the concubines didn't have to look back, they hurriedly knelt down: "I respectfully invite Shengan."

The emperor didn't sit on the shoulders, but just brought Li Yu and came on foot with a smile on his face.

"Get up. It's rare that the harem is busy today, and I'm here to join in the fun."

The queen stood up first, and all the concubines also stood up.

The empress specially pulled Concubine Shu and Concubine Yi to the emperor, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the younger sisters Concubine Shu and Concubine Yi have already entered the palace. The concubine is leading them to choose the palace where they will live."

Lan Jin and Shui Wei also bowed gracefully and said in unison: "My concubine, please be safe with the emperor."

The emperor nodded, stretched out his hand and pulled one up, smiled warmly, and stared left and right: "How is it, is there anyone you choose?"

Although Concubine Yi is weak in stature, she has a natural and charming attitude when she smiles.

"I just listened to what the empress said, and I count the Yongshou Palace, Qixiang Palace, Yikun Palace, Yanxi Palace, and Yonghe Palace empty."

The queen nodded: "Good brains. You are concubines, you can live with concubines, noble concubines, or live together with concubines; because there is still an empty palace, you can even apply for residence."

Shui Wei couldn't help but tugged at the emperor's sleeve, and smiled coquettishly: "Whether the concubine wants to go to any palace, the emperor can accept the concubine's body?"

The emperor had a smile on his face, but his eyes were far away: "It's okay for you to say."

Concubine Yi turned her wonderful eyes: "I have an unfeeling request, and I am afraid that the emperor will not allow it, so I dare not say it."

This act of acting like a spoiled child would be garish to the eyes of all the concubines.They were all born in a family of officials and eunuchs, and the worst was from a family of Baoyi. Ordinary women's etiquette is also a daily compulsory course. How can anyone be seen in such a situation as the emperor.

Concubine Xian was so annoyed that she spat in a low voice.

The emperor smiled softly: "Say it. I told you to talk about it first."

The empress also had a smile on her face, but slightly shifted her eyes to look at Concubine Shu.

Concubine Yi clutched the emperor's sleeve, smiling lightly: "I want to... live in Xianfu Palace!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, and the smile deepened at the corners of his eyes.

But the queen murmured: "Sister Yipin forgot, I just said that Xianfu Palace is the emperor's piano room. The emperor's beloved guqin is hidden in the palace, and the emperor occasionally lives in this palace. Therefore, it is not suitable for concubines to live in. "

"It's because it's the emperor's piano room~" Yipin's cheeks flushed delicately, "I am good at playing the piano, and the emperor once praised my piano skills, and said that if I bring my concubine into the piano room in the future, I will be able to play the piano." Gong Lai, I must let this concubine try the emperor's favorite guqin. Since I have this opportunity today, I will naturally dare to ask for it."

The queen was a little embarrassed, and raised her eyes to look at the emperor: "From the emperor's point of view..."

The emperor raised his eyebrows lightly: "It's okay, let her live. In such a big palace, there is usually no one and it is deserted. With the company of water and weeping, I usually play the piano more interesting."

The queen held back a sigh, and tried her best to smile: "Yes, my concubine will ask someone to clean it."

The queen turned to look at Concubine Shu.

"I don't know how Sister Concubine Shu chose?"

Concubine Shu did not smile coquettishly in front of the emperor like Concubine Yi did. She looked dignified and thought for a moment before saying, "I heard that there is a palace named 'Yongshou'."

The queen raised her eyebrows: "Indeed."

Only then did Concubine Shu walk up to the emperor and salute: "My concubine's Ama's name also happens to be Yongshou. Because Ama has passed away for many years, I miss her all the time. So I dared to ask that the emperor give me the Yongshou Palace!"

 Sixth update later~
(End of this chapter)

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