Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1681, Volume 4, 362 Sending Ningshou Palace to be raised

Chapter 1681: Four Volumes 362 Sending Ningshou Palace to be raised (4 more)
"Look at what you said," the empress dowager was also a little embarrassed, "you are very filial on weekdays, and you always serve the empress and noble concubine Wen Hui personally in Ningshou Palace, but you rarely go out of the palace. From now on, you don't have to do anything. It’s all done by yourself, and it’s all done by the servants. You often walk around my side.”

The empress dowager glanced at the emperor, "The emperor also called Prince Hongzhou to come into the palace to greet Concubine Yu."

Concubine Yu hurriedly laughed and said, "Oh, the empress dowager really misunderstood our emperor. The emperor really showed the same filial piety to me, and he was even more dedicated than Hongzhou! At the age of Fula, the emperor allowed me to leave the palace. It's a festival at home; even when I'm too lazy to move, I always ask Hongzhou's family to come into the palace to accompany me."

Concubine Yugui sighed softly as she spoke, "I am the one who called He Wanli to make trouble. She grew up beside me since she was a child, and she is used to making noise all these years. She suddenly dropped this, and I will It feels like my heart is empty."

Concubine Yu raised her eyes to look at the Empress Dowager, "Princess He Jing was also raised by the Empress Dowager's side before, and the Empress Dowager probably understands my heart best."

The Empress Dowager also nodded, "No, He Jing Qianlong had a child in 12 years. She couldn't even participate in the death of Yong Cong and the death of her mother... It's been several years."

The emperor smiled faintly, "Concubine Yu misses her gentleness."

Concubine Yu hurriedly said, "Hewan is very lucky. He was taken into the palace by the emperor to be raised since he was a child. The emperor treated him like his own life for many years. Hewan was supposed to be the princess, but was conferred the title of Princess Heshuo by the emperor's special edict. This is all because of me. I dare not even think about it."

The emperor bowed his head, "I understand best that the concubines and concubines want to spoil their grandchildren. Since I ascended the throne, my little princesses and princes have been sent to be raised by the concubines and concubines. After a while, Zierchen has a few more children, and it's time to give them to the empress dowager and the concubines to raise them."

The emperor's eyes turned and quietly fell on Concubine Shu's face.

"The tenth brother born by Concubine Shu is almost half a year old now, and his body is strong, so he can be sent to Ningshou Palace to be raised."
There was a moment of silence in the hall.

Concubine Shu stared blankly at the emperor for a long while, before she said softly, "Your Majesty, I dare to ask, why is it my ten elder brother?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Is there anyone else besides the tenth elder brother who is the newborn heir under my knees?"

Concubine Shu tried her best to smile, "Back to the emperor, Concubine Jia and the master, the empress, each gave birth to an heir for the emperor."

The emperor laughed again, "Concubine Shu, what are you talking about? The empress and concubine Jia have an heir, but it's still too early to give birth."

The emperor raised his eyes and looked at the empress dowager, "Besides, if the empress gives birth, she will be my son, daughter, and grandson of the empress dowager."

Concubine Yu hurriedly stood up, "That's not true. If it's the empress's child, it will naturally be sent to the Shoukang Palace and raised by the empress dowager herself. How can I afford such a responsibility!"

Concubine Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and after a while she couldn't tell whether she was crying or laughing, "The emperor said that the child of the master and empress will be sent to the empress dowager to be raised, but the concubine's child can only be sent far away. Did Ningshou Palace go to raise her?"

Embarrassed by these words, Concubine Yu could not help but say to the emperor, "I accept the emperor's wishes. Concubine Shu is right. After all, Ningshou Palace is a little far away from the Palace of the Empress Dowager and Concubine Shu's Yikun Palace. Concubine Shu just got A prince is reluctant to have his own."

(End of this chapter)

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