Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1684: Which Palace Is Suitable

Chapter 1684 Four Volumes 365 Which House Is Suitable (7 More)
Having said that, it is also the reason that in the past, emperors lived in Qianqing Palace, empresses lived in Kunning Palace, and only concubines lived in the entire east and west palaces.

Ever since Lord Yongzheng no longer lived in the Qianqing Palace and changed the Hall of Mental Cultivation into the emperor's bedroom, the status of the six palaces of this thing has also changed.

Because the Hall of Mental Cultivation is on the west side, next to the West Sixth Palace.Although it is said that "East is the most precious", it is only literal.Who doesn't understand that only those who are closer to the emperor's bedroom are more popular?Therefore, the West Sixth Palace actually surpassed the East Sixth Palace.

What nominal level can compare with the actual closeness?
The emperors naturally understood this mystery, so the emperors instead used the two harems closest to the Hall of Mental Cultivation: Qixiang Palace and Yongshou Palace for other purposes, and less fingers entered the concubines to live there.

Qixiang Palace is where the internal building is located;
Yongshou Palace, when Lord Shunzhi lived in Concubine Ke, is the first Han Chinese concubine among the concubines in the harem since the entry of the Qing imperial family.In the Shunzhi Dynasty, because the emperor's bedroom was still in the Qianqing Palace, the Yongshou Palace had no special meaning.And when Yongzheng moved the sleeping palace to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the status of the Yongshou Palace became special.

During the Yongzheng Dynasty, because the Empress Dowager died in the first year of Yongzheng, there was no empress dowager in the Cining Palace.Therefore, there is a princess who has surrendered, and it is impossible to hold the preliminary banquet in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, so Yongshou Palace is tentatively designated as the place to hold the banquet.

Until Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne, in the sixth year of Qianlong's reign, the imperial pen personally bestowed the plaques of the East and West Six Palaces, and later gave the character "Ling" in the plaque "Ling Yi Shude" of Yongshou Palace to Wanxi as the title. Go to a fixed theme.
"Besides, you live in Chengqian Palace. My year name happens to be 'Qianlong', which just means 'upperly inherits Qian, and below is Kun'. It should go with your status as a queen, so I am not willing to move it for you. "The emperor said tenderly, "...But now, since you have our child, you must move it for the sake of the child. "

The emperor bowed his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head, his eyes gliding past Concubine Shu.

"If it is because of 'Chengqian', the only West Sixth Palace that can correspond to it is 'Yikun'. It just so happens that Concubine Shu feels that she lives in the West Sixth Palace, which is a little far away from Ningshou Palace." ? Then it happens to swap the bedroom between the two of you. Empress, how do you think?"
Nala laughed when she heard that, "I will naturally follow the emperor's order in everything."

Concubine Shu struck her forehead like lightning again, staring blankly at the emperor.

"Your majesty... this, this is not appropriate?"

The emperor raised his eyes faintly, still smiling lightly at the corners of his eyes and brows.

"What's wrong?"

Concubine Shu took a deep breath, trying her best to calm herself down.

"Just as the emperor said, the master and empress originally lived in the Chengqian Palace, which means 'to inherit the Qianlong', and it is the most suitable! The Yikun Palace, where the concubine is, has the word 'Kun', but it is' Yikun'ah!"

"Yizhe communicates with 'wing', which means assisting the middle palace... The master and empress is already in the middle palace, how can she live in the Yikun palace? The master and empress moved from the sixth east palace to the sixth west palace, and she is already a respectable person Lowering your price; how can you lower it one more step just for 'Yikun'?"

Concubine Shu was flustered, and her eyes quickly slid over the faces of all the heads of the West Sixth Palace, "The West Sixth Palace is not the Yikun Palace where only concubines are the only ones. The emperor can choose another palace for the master and empress to live in. For example, for example--"

Concubine Shu's eyes finally met Wanxi's.

"It's like the Yongshou Palace where the concubine Ling lives alone! It is the closest to the Emperor's Hall of Mental Cultivation, so it is the most suitable for the identity of the master and empress!"

(End of this chapter)

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