Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1686: How Can You Treat Her Like This

Chapter 1686: How Can You Treat Her Like This (367 More)
In the 14th year of Qianlong, it was the year when the Nala clan officially conferred the title of Imperial Concubine of the Sixth Palace, and because of this title, she was scheduled to be the successor.In this year, the emperor hung the plaque and couplet in the apse of Yikun Palace.At this time, the emperor said that he was suspended by the Nala family, and it was precisely the timing that no one could question.

The emperor patted Nala's hand with a smile, "I have long wanted to move you into Yikun Palace. After all, Yikun Palace is just behind Yongshou Palace, and it is also close to my Hall of Mental Cultivation. But I am also worried. As for the word 'Yikun', I am afraid that you will offend the empress, so you have not made an order for so long."

"The opportunity is just right at this time. Does the queen like the arrangement I made for the queen?"

Nala couldn't help being surprised.

She had known about the plaque in Yikun Palace long ago, and Bai Yongji, Bai Changzai's older brother, "followed up" and told Nala about the plaque.

Just because of this plaque, the Nala clan officially separated from Concubine Shu, until now the situation has become a hot water.

But only now did he realize that the plaque that the emperor hung back then was not for Concubine Shu, but for her!
Nalashi nodded vigorously in surprise, "It turns out that the emperor has made arrangements for this concubine so early, and this concubine, this concubine really appreciates the divine grace... This concubine will definitely take good care of our children and will not disappoint the emperor!"

The emperor nodded with a smile, and gently rubbed Nala's swollen hands, "I hung up the plaque for the empress. Otherwise, how can a concubine be worthy of the words 'Maoduanhujiao'?" ?”

As the emperor said, he glanced at Concubine Shu indifferently, with a faint smile.
Concubine Shu froze on the spot as if her skin had been torn apart, like a wooden sculpture made of clay.

What is the emperor talking about?

The plaque implying the virtues of the middle palace was hung by the emperor for her!When did it become for the queen?
The emperor told her tenderly at that moment, it was for her!The emperor is the son of heaven, and the emperor's words are useless, how can the emperor ruin the preface, and change his mind at this moment? !

——That plaque is her lifeblood!

In the past few years, she has lived for that plaque, for the emperor's vague promise!
In order for the plaque to be worthy of its name, she fought with the queen openly and secretly, and in the end she did not hesitate to tear her face; for the plaque, after giving birth to the prince, she went crazy and tried every trick.

But why did the emperor suddenly say that the plaque is not hers anymore?
She stared at the emperor fiercely, she really wanted to shout out, and ask the emperor why he changed it when he said it? !

But... she has no witnesses.At that time, the emperor said such things to her when there were only two of them, and she had no one to testify for her!
In other words, even if there are people around, such as women and eunuchs in her palace, but he is the emperor, who dares to testify for her? !

My servants are willing to lay down their lives for themselves, but if the emperor is angered, the servants will not only lose their own lives, but also their families!

Now the emperor was unscrupulous and made it clear that in front of the entire harem - trampled on her!

Why?What did she do?
She just gave birth to ten elder brothers for the emperor. She should have been promoted and granted the title because of the prince. Why should she not swallow such a bitter fruit alive in front of so many people like this today? That's right!
She was speechless, but the emperor looked relaxed, "Concubine Shu has nothing more to say? Then it's settled. Concubine Shu will go back to tidy up today and wait for the empress to move into Yikun Palace."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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