Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1717: New Enmity, Old Enmity

Chapter 1717: New Enmity, Old Enmity (24 More)
"The rebellious Taiji, one named Dawazi and the other named Amursana. They led troops to attack Darza in the first lunar month, but failed..."

Wanxi took a deep breath, "It seems that the emperor suddenly ordered this year's fall, just for this."

Junggar was the confidant of the Qing Dynasty during the three dynasties of Kang, Yong and Qian.Although Lord Kangxi led his troops to defeat Galdan in Ulan Butong, but Ulan Butong was so close to the capital, that battle only defeated Galdan's aggressive ambitions, and failed to reach Junggar's own ground Going up, failed to weaken the power of Junggar.

During the Kangxi Dynasty, the leader of Junggar was still Taiji, so Junggar can still be called "Jungar Tribe"; later Galdan officially became the "Khan of Junggar", and Junggar has become the "Junggar Khanate", and it has become a rival to the Qing Dynasty and no longer has ministers belongs to.Junggar occupies the snowy area again, and a large area of ​​land is about to be split.

During the reign of Yongzheng, General Fu Erdan fought against Junggar, and the entire army of [-] soldiers and horses was wiped out!

This hatred, the emperor has never forgotten in the 17 years since he ascended the throne.

"I guess, the internal strife in Junggar is now an opportunity that cannot be missed. The emperor will definitely not give up this good opportunity." Wanxi quietly raised her eyes, which were as bright as glass.
In July, drive from Luan.

Nala gave birth at the end of April, and the emperor will be in autumn this July.Although she was unwilling not to go, but after thinking about it, she decided to stay for her son.

If Nala doesn't go, the Empress Dowager always needs someone to serve her, so Concubine Shu has to go with her no matter what.

Before leaving, Concubine Shu told Cheng Jue: "...Since we are going to accompany Qiu Xi on matters in the Changchun Garden, I'm afraid we won't be able to take care of them for the time being. But isn't the empress staying in the palace?"

"We want to know about Lingfei, and the queen also wants to know...Since we are unable to investigate, why don't we let the queen know."

Cheng Jue smiled and bowed his knees, "Master, don't worry, the slave will make arrangements."
Not long after Dajia left the capital, news of locust plagues came from Tianjin, Hebei and other places.

This month is the most critical month before the crops are harvested. With the plague of locusts, this year's harvest is over.

When the emperor heard the news, he was also very anxious for a while.

Even after the empress dowager got the letter, she ordered to stop eating meat all the way and eat only vegetarian food, in order to pray for the blessing of gods and Buddhas.

Concubine Shu was with the Empress Dowager, and also followed her vegetarian diet.

"...Tianjin is so close to the capital. If the locusts in Tianjin can't be extinguished, they will rush into the capital soon. Now that the emperor has just started driving again, it would be unlucky if the locusts were also raging in the capital." Concubine Shu said softly.

The empress dowager became more and more anxious, "Who says it's not! Tianjin is the top priority. The locust plague must be extinguished first and most thoroughly so that the capital will not be damaged. I am afraid that the local officials in Tianjin understand this truth, but It’s been so many days, and you haven’t seen any good news from Tianjin?”

Concubine Shu lowered her eyes, "Then it must be that the local officials in Tianjin are not good at doing things. I heard that the commander-in-chief of Tianjin Town was just replaced when the Empress Dowager Wanshou last year. cooked."

The empress dowager narrowed her eyes, "The new general soldier in Tianjin Town? Who is it?"

Concubine Shu sighed softly, "I heard that it was the former Lianghuai Salt Administration, called Jiqing."

"When the Empress Dowager lived for a long time, he asked for an order to prepare the Empress Dowager's celebration gift, and brought a salt merchant to donate a lot of silver. The emperor praised it... Everyone said that the auspicious celebration was because of the Empress Dowager's birthday celebration Well done, the emperor asked him to be the commander-in-chief of Tianjin Town."

"Since he has received the empress dowager's grace, if he can't handle it right now, what should he do?"

 See you tomorrow~~ Thank you sure1122 for the flash diamonds + flowers; thank you for the monthly tickets of the following relatives:

  6 cards: ksh_heng, kxuer, 134322-7959
  3 sheets: 137005-2397, wfxy980902
  1 sheet: Yukang
(End of this chapter)

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