Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 172 Unspeakable

Chapter 172 Unspeakable
Fu Heng closed his eyes tightly.

The queen breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, turned around and walked back to the kang: "It's getting late, it's not appropriate for you to stay in the harem for a long time at this time. Go now, and go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to thank you tomorrow morning."

As the night darkened, the light in my heart was dimmed bit by bit.Fu Heng's voice was already hoarse, and he said slowly, "My brother wants to see Jiu'er. Before thanking you, I need to see her first."

"No need." The queen stood on the footrest before she could sit down, but she stopped looking at her younger brother: "I just said, it's getting late, and it's not appropriate for you to see the palace at this time." Any woman. Go back, if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, I will arrange for you to meet."

"Sister!" Fu Heng knelt up straight, raised his head and fixed his eyes on the queen: "...Master, the queen, I beg you to be kind to me!"

But the queen turned her back and said, "I'm the queen of the middle palace, and I'm in charge of internal affairs, so I won't break the law for my younger brother. You go, don't embarrass me."
The key to the Changchun Palace was finally released, and Xianchun didn't come back until the lights were turned off.When he entered the door, his eyes flickered, and Wanxi saw it.

The two were in the same room, sleeping on the north and south kangs.The lights went out, and the surroundings fell into darkness, and Wanxi opened her eyes in the darkness.

"Aunt...do you have something to tell me?"

Xianchun sighed softly in the dark, turned over: "No."

Wanxi smiled: "My aunt is not a liar, she can't hide it from me."

Xianchun tightly closed his eyes in the darkness, and could only sigh: "Then you guess first. I'll tell you if you guess right."

Wanxi sighed softly: "I guess... is Master Jiu coming into the palace?"

Xianchun had no choice but to look at the window and said quietly, "Yes, it's rare that although you are young, you know everything in your heart."

Wanxi smiled coquettishly: "What did Master Jiu say? It's a pity that Master Jiu came late today and didn't have a chance to talk to me."

Xianchun's nose was sore: "Miss Wan... In fact, in this palace, everyone must abide by the palace rules. There are some things that I shouldn't have said to you. Otherwise... I'll just do it myself, but I will It will implicate the family members outside the palace."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said, "Then aunt doesn't need to talk about it! I've already taken aunt's heart."
Therefore, regarding the former Fengge matter, the palace's prohibition on passing on news was brought up again, so Wanxi didn't even know about Fu Heng's alleged marriage.

Xianchun is not an ordinary official girl, she is a daughter of the family who married the empress into the hidden residence of Chonghua Palace.So Xianchun is really embarrassing.

Wanxi found an excuse the next day and went to the Yonghe Palace located in the East Sixth Palace.

It was the palace where the late Yi concubine Huang lived, and Chen Guiren also lived in it.Because it is located at the easternmost side of the East Sixth Palace and is extremely far away from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, it is rare to be quiet, and it is considered to be a cold palace where the most unfavorable people live.

So Wanxi walked around without being noticed.

Wanxi stepped forward to call for the door, and as soon as the armpit door opened, Bai Guo, the official woman close to Chen Guiren, came out with a smile: "Miss Wei is here~ Please come in quickly, our master has been waiting for a long time."

Wanxi was startled, then lowered her eyes and smiled slightly, looked left and right before entering the door, and then followed Bai Guo and quietly went inside.

The Yonghe Palace is full of shade, although it is only March and the trees and flowers in the north are not yet at their peak, but because the Yonghe Palace is mostly planted with natural pines and cypresses, there are shades of trees at this time.

If summer comes, it must be very good.It's just that standing under such a thick shade in March in early spring, it feels a bit bleak.

 The third update later~
(End of this chapter)

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