Leader Lan Palace

第1722章 5卷29 小2口吵架(5更)

Chapter 1722 The Young Couple Arguing (29 More)
For a moment, the meadow was full of juveniles jumping for joy.

It is not only for playing, but also for practicing the Eight Banners formation, and at the same time, it is called competition between the left and right wings... Every teenager is working hard.

Wanxi embraced the fourth princess and the eighth elder brother Yongxuan, and looked at them with a smile.

Because most of the teenagers are the sons of princes and clan Jueluo, they have yellow belts and red belts around their waists.These two colored belts look particularly bright and beautiful between the green farmland and meadows.

After all, it is a child's heart, the fourth princess and Yongxuan are also anxious, each holding Wanxi's hand, stomping their feet in anxiety, wanting to rush over together.

Wanxi understands, but she has to worry about the hands of the fourth princess and the feet of the eighth elder brother, and she can't bear to make them unhappy because of this natural defect.

"You are a girl, why do you want to go crazy together?" A boy's voice was not high, but it was a little cold.

Wanxi was startled, turned her head back, and saw that Fulong'an was still there, standing not far behind the fourth princess, and did not go to play with the boys.

Is Brother Long controlling the fourth princess? —— Wanxi couldn't believe it, and couldn't help asking herself in her heart.

But looking at his stern little face, all the answers are in front of him.

Wanxi couldn't help but want to laugh.

Seeing the fourth princess, her pretty face was already flushed red, she turned her head and glared at Fu Long'an in annoyance, "Bold slave, I want you to take care of me!"

Wanxi quietly gave a thumbs up in her heart—it really is a royal princess, with the air of a master!

Fu Long'an's complexion changed slightly, but he didn't push back, he pursed his thin lips tightly, "Since I am the emperor's chosen fourth son-in-law, I have to take care of you!"

Yu Ye's side was already laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten up, she leaned over and whispered to Wan Xi, "The young couple quarreled... This is the youngest couple I have ever seen."

Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "That's not true. But the quarrel was so interesting, I wasn't in a hurry, but I liked to watch it. I really want to go up to them and say: 'Just keep arguing for a while, I haven't watched enough'."

Yu Ye covered her mouth and laughed silently.

After a while, he blushed and said, "Master, who are we helping?"

Wanxi snorted softly, "No one will help. The two of them have their own lawsuit for a lifetime, let the two of them entangle themselves, and outsiders can't control it."
Although Wanxi spoke to Yuye in a low voice, the glances they glanced over from time to time made the fourth princess aware of it.

The fourth princess was annoyed, "I just want to catch grasshoppers, can you control me? My brothers have already gone, so I want to go too!"

Fu Long'an's face was tense, "My brother is my brother, but you are a girl. A majestic princess, what's the point of flopping around in the field with a group of brothers?"

The fourth princess was even more annoyed, "I'm the only princess in the palace now, is that what I want? Kuang girl is thumping in the field-just now, my aunt is also thumping, and it is my emperor Ama who saw it. Will my Empress Ama blame my Aunt Ling?"

Fu Longan was choked, and stared at the fourth princess with a pair of black eyes, unwilling to compromise, but didn't know what to say.

It took a while before he said in a muffled voice, "...that hand of yours!"
The complexion of the fourth princess changed, and finally the eyes were full of water.

"You might as well just say it straight from the beginning! I naturally know that you despise my hands, and you are afraid that I will lose face—the one who loses you!"

Fulong'an closed his eyes tightly and clenched his hands into fists.

"I don't want them to laugh at you!"

The fourth princess raised her eyes and stared at him, "They dare! - Besides, even if they laugh, I still want to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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