Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1724: Proud

Chapter 1724: Pride (31 More)
This scene of the young couple, thought that no one was watching, was actually seen by Wanxi and Yuye who followed quietly and hid behind the tree.

Wanxi didn't know what was wrong, her eye circles were wet.

Yu Ye also sighed and said with a smile, "...Master's hard work over the past few years has finally paid off. Although the Fourth Princess and Brother Long are still young, they have finally formed a friendship after getting along with each other when they were young. It is not appropriate to stay together after ten years old, but this friendship must be deeply rooted in my heart."

"Even if we get married in the future, we won't just meet each other on the night of the bridal chamber, so the relationship between the two will not be so unfamiliar."

Wan Xi breathed a sigh of relief, "After all, Brother Long is the son of Master Jiu, no matter how hard his mouth is, his heart is actually soft... It was the best choice to take care of girls for the rest of their lives."
Just as Wanxi and Yuye returned to their original place, the fourth princess had already bounced back happily.

"Look, Aunt Ling! I caught these!"

Wanxi took it over and looked at it, which really surprised her.

I thought the fourth princess would catch three or five, and it would be enough to make the child happy, but unexpectedly, there were no less than thirty or fifty in the baggage of the court coat! "

Yu Ye couldn't help laughing, and asked anxiously, "Fourth princess, tell the servants, who helped the princess catch all these things?"

The fourth princess blushed immediately.

Wanxi also followed suit, and reached out to pick up the little court gown, "...I think this dress is good. It's a court gown, and it's the best yarn. It's dense and dense, and the warp and weft are not easy to break."

The fourth princess's face became even redder, and she stomped her feet, "It's not the case that my aunt misunderstood!"

Wanxi squatted down and wiped off the sweat from the forehead of the fourth princess.

The eight-year-old princess has not officially shaved her hair on her forehead and temples, but the long hair on the back of her head is braided into three braids on the left, middle and right, and then one at the back of her neck, which is tied with a red tassel hair rope. Lively and beautiful like peonies.

"Then Nianhua told Aunt Ling herself, if it wasn't about this, then what about it?"
The fourth princess raised her hand.

With a little embarrassment, but with a more calm and brave appearance.

Wanxi froze, staring at her hand.

The four princesses were born with webs between their fingers, and the five fingers are connected.Her hands are tightly clenched in front of others, and she doesn't want others to see her.

But today, she took the initiative to lift it up like this.

Wanxi stretched out her hand to hold the little hand of the fourth princess, wrapping it back in her palm, "Speak slowly if you have something to say."

The fourth princess knew that it was her aunt who felt sorry for her, but she still broke away anxiously, raised her hand again, and opened it.

"Look, Auntie, it's because of such hands!"

"Other people hold the grasshopper with their hands, and the grasshopper will slip through their fingers; but my hands can't, it's all wrapped tightly!"
At this moment, Wanxi almost shed tears.

It turns out that these hands, finally at this moment, can also bring the child pride and achievement.

Wanxi hid her sentimentality, nodded vigorously and smiled, "Yes! We can do it by picking flowers!"

At this moment, Fu Long'an has also come over, seeing the fourth princess showing off with her hands up in front of Wanxi, the little boy's face is still a bit ugly.

The fourth princess glanced back at Fu Long'an, and repeatedly emphasized, "...I caught it all myself, and it has nothing to do with other people or clothes!"

Wanxi glanced at Yuye, Yuye hurriedly stepped forward to hug Fulongan, and asked softly, "Are you tired?"

Fulongan glanced at the fourth princess again, the corners of his lips moved, but he still didn't speak.

Wanxi smiled, and brought the two children over, "Don't eat tonight, wait for your mother, and your mother will cook something delicious for you!"

 See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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