Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1732: Tianjin New Fashion

Chapter 1732 Five Volumes 39 Tianjin New Fashion (8 More)
After hearing this, the empress dowager stared at the emperor for a long time.

Finally, he bowed his head and snorted softly, "It's really a good idea! After all, there is nothing to lose, why doesn't the emperor give it a try?"
When Da Jia arrived at the Jehol Palace, the good news from Tianjin really came.

Jiqing, together with Liu Zhuer, the eunuch of the imperial dining room sent out by the palace, recruited cooks on the spot, created a variety of grasshopper dishes, and distributed them to the common people for tasting.

For the people who dare not try, Jiqing did not force them, but formulated the method of "recruiting people to fight locusts": all the people collect a bucket of grasshoppers, and the money will be paid from the Changlu Salt Administration's account, and Baiwen will be given to make money. .

The people in Jinmen seemed to have changed into another person overnight. Everyone was cheered up and encouraged, so that the locust plague that had been raging for several months was "destroyed in one day" in many counties!
The emperor was overjoyed, and issued a decree: "Ji Qingzuo, Jinghai, Qingxian, Cangzhou, etc., where the migratory locusts fell, Zao Hexian was injured. Although the total number of Tongyi is less than [-]% One of the farmers who inquired said that they can still replant before the beginning of autumn. As for the item of wheat, the cost of replanting is only [-] cents per mu. Because of the business, the government will soon buy replanting locusts and worms on a per-household basis. Distributed. It is very good to get the decree. That is, it will be reimbursed under the salt depot."

"Ji Qing, the general officer of the Tianjin Salt Administration, did not intend to do so at the beginning. As soon as I issued a decree to supervise the order, that is to say, I will personally lead the staff, and go to and fro to arrest them, and their solid efforts are all commendable. Hu Baozhen, Ji Qing, and the Ministry of Communications And talk about it."

The so-called "discussion" means that officials with excellent performance will be handed over to the Ministry for review, and they will be rewarded with additional grades, records, etc. In plain language, Jiqing, who was once "remonstrated" by the emperor, is now on the contrary. Received a commendation, going to be promoted.
The day when all the locust plagues in Tianjin were wiped out was the time when the emperor lived long.

All the officials congratulated the emperor, but the emperor just got up with a smile and didn't say anything. He just went to the empress dowager's palace in the summer resort - "Songhezhai".

The emperor served the empress dowager himself.

The empress dowager laughed when she tasted it, "Hmph, it's another grasshopper! But the plague of locusts has been eradicated now, so it won't be easy to eat vegetables made by this grasshopper in the future."

The emperor bowed his head but smiled, "...don't be afraid. It's all pickled into pickles, and there are several big jars. When did Huang Ernie want to eat this, there is no need to order it to the dining room, just tell his son. The son gave it to Ernie Bring it."

The empress dowager was also surprised, "It can be pickled into pickles? This is the first time I've heard of it."

The emperor tried his best to hide his smile, "Yes~~ There are many fresh ways to eat."

After the meal, the emperor chatted with the empress dowager, and showed the empress dowager two big books.The empress dowager saw that it was the government and county annals of Tianjin.

The empress dowager opened it and found that it was newly built this year, and it was about the locust plague.

I saw that the last entry of the two annals has the following sentence: "The grasshopper's real name is Fukata, and people in Jin eat more of it."

The Empress Dowager couldn't help being surprised, she looked at her son, "Eating grasshoppers is so popular in Tianjin these days?"

The emperor nodded and smiled, "Huihuang Enie, at this time, people in Tianjin, regardless of businessmen, businessmen, and families, eat grasshoppers as a custom. And the most popular way to eat in Tianjin is - pancake rolls Grasshopper!"

"Even the people of Tianjin have created a local saying: Pancakes rolled with grasshoppers—eat them!"

The empress dowager opened her mouth wide, and really couldn't say anything.

The emperor stretched out his hand to hold his mother's hand, "Ernie, this is a blessing that Ernie bestowed on the people of Tianjin. Every time the people of Tianjin eat this bite, it will be a blessing for Ernie."

 People in Tianjin love to eat grasshoppers, it’s a real thing, and the initiative to eat grasshoppers started during the reign of Qianlong~~ It’s a pity that Tianjin people don’t know much about it, otherwise, if you go to Tianjin Wei, who cares about eating grasshoppers? Yeah, isn't it?Goubuli is late, during the Xianfeng period, it was more than 100 years earlier to eat pancake rolls and grasshoppers~~
  See you tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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