Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1739: Disappointment

Chapter 1739: Disappointment (46 More)
The emperor had a good temper, and still smiled obediently, "My son really didn't think about anything else, but he felt that if he faced Xiaoxian alone in the future, he would have nothing to say. It would be too deserted. It would be better if there were more people and lively."

The emperor had already said this, and the empress dowager could only shake her head, knowing that everything was a foregone conclusion, it was already difficult to persuade.
On October [-]th, the Zi Palace of Empress Xiaoxian, the golden coffin of Empress Huixian, and the golden coffin of Empress Zhemin were moved from Jing'an Zhuangfeng to Zunhua, Zhili, and Feng'an to Yuling.

Walking inside, Fujin, the princess, the princess, and the wives of the princes below Fujin and above the second rank all went to see them off.

The palace became deserted for a while, and the empress dowager looked out of the window, smoking a cigarette lonely again.

Anshou knew that the old master was probably thinking about what happened a hundred years later, so he was afraid that the old master would be deserted, so he deliberately raised his voice and said enthusiastically, "Back to the master, it's better for the slave to invite Concubine Yu from Ningshou Palace. The tenth elder brother who brought Master Shu; the eleventh elder brother who was brought by Concubine Shou Donggong and Jia Guifei, take advantage of today to come together to pay respects to the old master, okay?"

The empress dowager knew that this was Anshou's wish, so she also sighed, "No need. After all, Concubine Yugui and Concubine Qian are the elders of filial piety, and there is nothing to send them off today, so why bother asking them to come to me again Let's set the rules; what's more, the tenth and eleventh elder brothers they are raising are the sons of Xiaoxian, even if they are young, it shouldn't be too lively today. Otherwise, they won't be messed with in the future?"

Back then, the elder brother Yonghuang and the third elder brother Yongzhang were deprived of their inheritance rights, still echoing in their ears.

An Shou also understood, so he smiled and said, "It's the servant who didn't think carefully."

The empress dowager lowered her head and smoked for a while, then suddenly raised her head to look at Anshou, "Look at it, will there still be a place for Concubine Shu in the emperor's underground palace in the future?"
The empress dowager's question was right, but Anshou was taken aback.

"Oh master, how can a slave say such nonsense?"

The empress dowager snorted, "Don't pretend that I don't know, Concubine Shu has put a lot of thought into you these years. She did this to honor me, and I hope you can benefit from it, so I never mentioned it. Pass."

"But don't pretend that I don't know anything!"

An Shou was so frightened that he quickly fell to his knees.

Concubine Shu was born in a famous family and had a lot of money in hand. In order to please the Empress Dowager these years, she has indeed done a lot to benefit Anshou and Shoushan.

The empress dowager sighed, "Get up, it's all her filial piety, I don't blame you. Since you have been close to her these years, you should naturally think of her in your heart. Now that something happened right now Son, you have naturally thought about her in your heart, so I want to hear the truth from your heart."

An Shou frowned, "... Originally, the servant also thought that Concubine Shu would be very promising. After giving birth to a prince, and with the support of her natal family and master, it is possible to become a noble concubine, or even an imperial concubine. It is the tenth prince There is also great hope for the position of the crown prince, so there should be a place for Master Shu in the underground palace in the future."

"But how could I have imagined that Master Shu really has a bad life. After ten years in the palace, he finally gave birth to a prince, but then Concubine Jia and the Empress also gave birth to princes. This pushed Master Shu and Elder Brother Shi together. It's far away. It's extremely difficult for Master Shu to advance to the throne at this moment, and it's even more impossible for Elder Brother Shi to surpass the first prince."

The empress dowager also frowned, and nodded helplessly, "It's easy to say, and it's not that I can't help her. But she has been in the palace for more than ten years, and you can see that she hasn't benefited at all!"

"If you look at Concubine Ling today, Concubine Shu can't catch up even if she runs."

 See you tomorrow~~ Thank you for Lan's big red envelopes + monthly pass, Ruqing's red envelopes, Fan Fanstella's red envelopes; Four Seasons Story's 16 flowers, and violet9000's flowers.Thank you for your monthly tickets as follows:

  15: Breeze
  6 sheets: tenghong124
  3 photos: Xiaohui BBB
(End of this chapter)

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