Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1745 Use of 5 Volume 52

Chapter 1745 Use of Five Volumes 52 (6 More)
"I can't figure it out! I can't be reconciled to it!!"

She stomped her feet and shed tears, pointing to the bag of worms, "Even if the empress dowager doesn't feel sorry for this grandson, he is the child I gave birth to after all my hard work in October. I will never let my child eat this poisonous insect!"

Both Cheng Jue and Ru Huan wept, and knelt down to persuade, "...Master, this is in a hurry. This is a gift from the Empress Dowager. Let's see for a while, we have to send everything to Ningshou Palace How dare you disobey the order and disrespect it, how dare you not give it to Elder Brother Ten?"

"If we hold back this breath for now, the Empress Dowager may pass through this juncture and pass all these things. But if the master can't swallow this breath this time, then maybe the Empress Dowager will completely I'm getting cold."

"Master..." Cheng Jue said with tears in his eyes, "Master still can't see clearly the current situation in the palace? We can't count on the emperor—the emperor will talk about affection and love for the master and children, but it is better to be cruel than to be cruel." Everyone is ruthless! If we want to survive in the palace, we can only rely on the empress dowager."

"Master, even if he doesn't do it for himself, he has to do it for our ten elder brothers..."

Concubine Shu gritted her teeth, full of resentment, but... she also understood that what Cheng Jue and Ruhuan said was reasonable.

No matter how angry she was, she would have to send the locust to Ningshou Palace herself after she calmed down.Even, you have to serve your own son with your own hands!
What's more, she had to smile all over her face, so that everyone felt that she had accepted the grace of the empress dowager; after her son obeyed, she had to kneel down in the direction of Shoukang Palace for her son and thank her!
Knock out teeth and swallow blood?What she has to do later is much more difficult than this!
Thinking of this, she also calmed down a little bit.

What's the use of crying?I can't cry back to the empress dowager's pity.

What's the use of just cursing?She can't curse anyone she hates to death!
She took a deep breath and learned from the pain, "Think about it, where did we go wrong. We missed a move, which move did we lose?"

After all, it is Mingzhu's great-granddaughter, Gege of Yehlana!She will have the reflection that she should have.

Cheng Jue bowed his head and said, "Yi Nu wants to come... The most obvious thing at this moment is the locust plague."

Concubine Shu narrowed her eyes, "Yeah, it was a bad move, and it was on this matter. If I didn't know that Ji Qing was Ling Concubine's brother, if I didn't add fuel to the empress dowager about the locust disaster in Tianjin, The emperor might not issue an order to proclaim auspiciousness; this would not cause the imperial concubine to feel pain later, causing her to start thinking of ways to protect her clan brother..."

Concubine Shu stopped suddenly, squinting at Cheng Jue, "But how do I know that Ji Qing is the brother of Concubine Ling? Concubine Ling and her own family have never made it public."
Cheng Jue hurriedly said, "Before Qiu Xi set off to drive, the servant managed to cast his reputation on the Queen's master...then heard about it from the Queen's Palace."

Concubine Shu couldn't help being slightly shocked, and she held her cuffs with her fingers.

"Yes, the queen 'told' me!"

Cheng Jue's face turned pale with fright, "So...could we be used by the Queen?"

Concubine Shu gritted her teeth and sneered, "Don't worry, didn't we let the queen know? We told her to use her, and I don't believe she can't be used by us. When she found out what Ling Fei was doing in the Old Summer Palace, she would Can you not track it down!"

(End of this chapter)

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