Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1750: Settling Accounts

Chapter 1750: Settling Accounts (57 More)
Concubine Chun was a little surprised and embarrassed.

She hurriedly glanced at Wanxi, bowed her head and smiled, "Thank you, my wife, for your trust. It's just that I'm already in my forties, and now I feel that my eyes are a little blurry even when I read the scriptures, and I can't see the lower characters clearly. "

"The numbers on the money account can't be wrong, so I don't want to add this mess to the mistress, so as not to make the accounts more and more confused, which is a disservice to the mistress."

Nala himself laughed first, and all the concubines also laughed.

Although Nala's headache was caused by the accounts, but today's temper is really good, so that everyone can't help but secretly marvel.

Nala raised her eyes and glanced at Concubine Ling, "The sisters who have come out of the hidden mansion are all in their forties, and I am reluctant to work hard for the pure noble concubine. What I said just now is just a joke. What's more, she still has three sisters." Brother's marriage, sixth elder brother's studies, and fourth princess and fourth concubine need to be taken care of, I really don't want her to be tired."

Wanxi couldn't help looking at Yuqin and Wanpin.

Yuqin said in a low voice, "...when did she change her sexuality and suddenly become so considerate to Concubine Chun? In the past, she used to call her by her name 'Su Wanrou' one by one."

Concubine Wan looked back at Wanxi with a smile, and said softly, "There are two noble concubines. The empress is so kind to one of them...Wanxi naturally understands the meaning behind it."

Wanxi also smiled and nodded.

Sister Chen was right, Nala's treatment of Concubine Chun was all for Concubine Jia to see.

Na Lashi and Concubine Jia gave birth to the prince one after the other, so he was already holding back his anger; it seems that this time the two of them went to the ceremony together, maybe some unpleasant things happened in Dongling, right?

Not knowing if she sensed Wanxi's gaze, Nala's gaze suddenly turned to Concubine Ling.

"I also feel that Concubine Ling is young and smart, and what's more, she has the imperial order of 'Assimilating Neizhi'. I should ask Concubine Ling to share the burden with me."

Wanxi hurriedly got up with a smile, and was about to decline, but unexpectedly, Concubine Shu, who was sitting across from her, chuckled, "Ask Concubine Ling to settle the money accounts? The master is kind and willing to give Concubine Ling such an opportunity. But I am worried that Concubine Ling The concubine is getting more and more confused!"
Concubine Shu's words were so abrupt, and it was obvious that there was something beyond the strings.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Concubine Shu, and then at Wanxi.

Yuqin was more nervous than Wanxi, grabbing Wanxi's hand, she wanted to stand up and confront her.

Wanxi patted Yuqin lightly, and met Concubine Shu's eyes with a smile.

"As expected of Concubine Shu, she always has such bright eyes that she can tell the success or failure of things I haven't done yet."

Wanxi looked at the crowd with a smile, "It's like fortune-telling. Although there are many blind people in the world, not all of them can really tell fortunes; only one in a million can be accurate."

"I don't want to embarrass Concubine Shu, and I don't want to let Concubine Shu's words come to nothing—even though I got up first, and I wanted to ask the Queen to resign first—but at this moment, I am willing to sacrifice my life for Concubine Shu. Change what you say:"

"Master, Concubine Shu is right. I am really not good at calculation. My master's trust is deeply engraved in my heart, but I should resign for this calculating task."

"But the concubine is willing to recommend a sister who is good at calculating to the master and empress, to relieve the master's empress—"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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