Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1777, Volume 5, 74

Chapter 1777 Five Volumes 74
The emperor's thoughts drifted away, and before he could take it back, there was a "slap" on the back of his neck.

Immediately, the emperor felt exactly the same feeling as Wanxi did just now, and he raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look over.

"You hit me!"

Wanxi's fingers were still full of snow foam, so she couldn't deny it, so she shook her hands and laughed loudly, "...the emperor obeys the will of heaven to educate the people. The emperor just attacked the slave, and the slave is just following the example."

Annoyed, the emperor reached into his neck to get out the snow, and hummed angrily, "...Didn't you say that no one would dare to beat you?"

Wanxi retorted seriously, "But the emperor also said that it's not fun, and I would rather play a sneak attack. That's why the slaves 'sneak attack by order'."

Some of the scum had melted in the neck before it could be taken out, and it was wet, making the collar of the clothes stick to the neck, which was uncomfortable.

The emperor was so annoyed that he jumped, "...the Lord is the Son of Heaven!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes and smiled lightly, "This is a snowball fight...it is a plot of land for the camp, it is for the battlefield. Since the two armies are facing each other, even if the general is outside, the king's life will not be affected~"

The emperor was stunned and stood there pointing at Wanxi, and couldn't help but laugh.

Then he raised the big "iron egg" that had been balled up in his hands for a long time over his head, and turned towards Wanxi.

Wanxi could imagine how painful the iron egg was when it was hit, so she closed her eyes subconsciously and waited.

Fortunately, she wears thick clothes in winter. Even if she doesn't have the emperor's black fox hood, she still wears a cloak, and inside is a big fur coat with a leather board.It should be fine to smash it.

With a "poof", the snowball exploded.There was no pain on her body, but some splinters were splashed on her face.

She hurriedly opened her eyes to look.

It turned out that the iron egg didn't hit her, but the snowman she had just piled up. .

It turned out that the emperor was still merciful.

But she deliberately didn't appreciate it, pinched her waist and said with a smile, "It turns out that the quasi-boss of the master is nothing more than that."

Of course, she has seen the emperor shoot a deer with his bow, and the quasi-boss is definitely more than that.Now that the distance is so close, the emperor can point to where to hit.

The emperor clapped his hands and shrugged, "I was going to hit that snowman, but I didn't say I was going to hit you. The master's aim is good, it hit the target."

This kind of small talk, as the saying goes, is called "dumbness", that is, to find something to say when there is nothing to say, and use some seemingly nonsense words to bypass some sensitive things.

The two of them talked and teased for such a long time, and the vague sullenness in Wanxi's heart really dissipated little by little.

Wanxi was a little unwilling, and reached out to grab the snow again, wanting to hit it back again.

The emperor stepped forward and stomped, "Put it down!"

Wanxi stared at him, "Why? The emperor is domineering, so as long as the emperor hits the slave, the slave can't fight back?"

He hit her back and forth twice, and she only hit back once!
"You should fight!" The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked fierce.

Wanxi bit her lip. "Why? The emperor bullies people..."

The emperor sighed softly, stepped forward and grabbed her hand, and squeezed her cold little hand tightly with his own palm.

"...Who dares you to be so cold again?!"

"Taking so much trouble to recuperate your body, it's always hard, and you, Ama, are too hard, but you are not careful. Now that you are playing in the snow again, if it gets too cold, wouldn't all your previous efforts go to waste?! "

(End of this chapter)

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