Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1799 Chapter 5 96 Is Impatient

Chapter 1799 Five Volumes 96 Is Impatient (6 More)
In the Eight Banners draft, all the daughters of the Eight Banners must be introduced first, and those who have been rejected can marry on their own.

During the introduction, the emperor hid in the imperial garden, the emperor sat upstairs, and the beautiful women stood in a row downstairs.It is not that easy to see the faces of beautiful women; beautiful women are not allowed to come out to salute, and are not allowed to speak, even if they want to choose based on their appearance and voice, it is impossible.

The only thing the emperor can rely on during the draft is the green card and the list in his hand, on which is written the father and grandfather of each show girl.Don't mention mother, don't mention concubines, only care about the official position and origin of the paternal line.

From this point of view, when the emperor drafted a girl, he didn't choose her looks or her voice. At that time, the only ones who could choose her were her father and grandfather, that is, her family background.

With an Ama like Dai Jia and her family background, unless she is disabled, ill, etc., as long as she reaches the age, it is inevitable that she will be selected.

Wanxi bowed her head lightly, "Yes. Her Ama died in the 14th year of Qianlong's reign. If she wanted to keep her filial piety, she could not participate in the selection of Qianlong's 15th year. This is naturally scheduled for this year. Therefore, she entered the palace this year , it’s just a matter of course.”

In the normal Eight Banners draft, starting from the age of 14, Xiunv is selected to enter the palace. It is also similar to Concubine Shu back then, but she is only a 14-year-old girl.When she first entered the palace, because she was too young to be favored, she would have to wait a few years.

But Dai Jia's entry into the palace was postponed for three years because of his filial piety, so he was already 17 years old when he entered the palace.In terms of age, one can be favored as soon as one enters the palace.

Concubine Wan also nodded, "Besides, he, Ama, died in office in the 14th year of Qianlong's reign. He devoted himself to the emperor and the court, and contributed to the community and the people. The emperor will definitely not be left out in the cold."
Wanxi tried her best to smile, "Yes, Dai Jia herself probably knew from a very young age that she was destined to enter the palace since she was born. Since she was sensible, she studied the palace rules diligently at home, and grew up yearning for the emperor in her heart. right?"

Wanxi looked up at Concubine Wan.

"Sister Chen, tell me, a girl who has been molded and raised like this may have only the emperor in her heart since she was very young. Therefore, even if she may not have met the emperor, she must have admired the emperor a long time ago." .”
Wanbi thought for a while, then nodded cautiously.

"A lady from such a famous family is naturally born to leave the door and not to step in. The men I have seen, except for her dear father and brother, are all servants under the age of ten. Therefore, when she was growing up, The only man the family can talk about in front of her is the emperor."

"How many women don't have a spring? From the time she understands human affairs, the only person she thinks in her heart must be the emperor."

Wanxi smiled and turned away, "That's what I guessed—she is someone with 'heart'."

Wanxi quietly raised her eyes to look at Concubine Wan, "I just hope that her 'heart' is 'infatuated' instead of 'scheming'. "
A sign is left in May, "named on it"; and the end of May - May 29, is Dai Jia's birthday.

On this day, according to the order of the Empress Dowager, the emperor formally bestowed Dai Jia as a nobleman without having to ask Dai Jia to stay in the palace or visit again.

The emperor also allowed Dai Jia to learn the rules in his middle school and stay with his family for two more months.Stay in July and wait for the decree to enter the palace.

When the news came, Nala's heart ached.

"July? The emperor is in a hurry!"

She was due to give birth in June, yet the emperor asked Dai Jia to enter the palace in July!

 Under the first participation in the Xianghuang Banner, there is only one surname derived from the Han Dynasty - Wei Jia's ~~~ Is it still worth comparing?Do you still plan to have one more child and one less child?Which is heavy and which is light?

(End of this chapter)

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