Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1802: It’s Too Late

Chapter 1802 It's Too Late (99 More)
Cheng Jue didn't even know how he got back to Chengqian Palace.

She felt that the two legs below her waist were not legs, but wooden clubs.

She didn't walk back to Chengqian Palace with her legs and feet, she simply walked back with two wooden mallets.

She didn't dare to come back, she didn't know how to explain to her master; but she didn't dare not to come back either - she was a daughter of the master's family, a slave born in the house.Their family has been a servant of the master's family for generations... She has been serving the master since she was a child, and she has never thought of leaving the palace since she followed the master into the palace.

In her whole life...the only destination is by the master's side.If she doesn't come back, where will she go?
This palace is strictly forbidden, where else can she go?
Finally, she walked into the Chengqian Gate, and the high threshold was so overhanging that she tripped to the ground.

The threshold in the palace is really high, even this threshold also marks the level of status.A girl from a family like her will never be able to cross this threshold...

The little eunuch in the guard room by the door saw it, rushed out to support her, and said in a low voice, "Auntie, be careful."

She was lucky not to fall, but she looked in the direction of the main hall blankly, her heart still fell to the ground and she couldn't get up.

How is she going to meet the master?

How to tell the master? .
But no matter how difficult it was, she still walked back after all; she wanted to escape, but the threshold didn't trip her after all, did it?
Then it was doomed, no matter how hard she was, she would have to go back to her master and explain everything she had said.

Even if she died, she would have to finish speaking in front of her master, who would decide her life or death.

She inhaled hard, trying to calm herself down.

Only then did he push away the little eunuch's hand, and walked steadily towards the apse step by step.
The back hall was quiet, Concubine Shu couldn't recover after listening to Cheng Jue's reply.

The hall was so quiet that there was no movement at all.Only the Western wall clock on the wall was ticking away in emptiness.

It was so quiet, so confusing, Cheng Jue's ears rang.

What roared in my ears was the words of the imperial doctor just now: "... Radishes and honey are right, but you used pepper to sleep?!"

"Throughout the ages, how many doctors have said that if you eat too much pepper, you will 'fire up the fire' and 'consume qi and hurt yin'!"

"In particular, "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" also clearly stated: 'Pepper, its taste is pungent, and the air is warm. If you have heat in the blood, fever due to yin deficiency, coughing and other symptoms, do not lightly bait it. Mistake it can make all diseases Instant play! Be careful, be careful.'”

"Children with cough should avoid eating spicy and hot food, especially for children with whooping cough!"

When Cheng Jue recalled this moment, his eyes were still darkened one after another.

She is a servant of the Mingzhu family, the Prime Minister of Power, and she has been well-educated since she was a child.Therefore, she also knows "Shen Nong Baicao Jingshu", which is a medical book in the Ming Dynasty, and its value is second only to "Compendium of Materia Medica".Since this book says so, then...then it must not be wrong.

But it's a pity, how did she not know until now?

Speaking of which, it's all the master's fault and her superstitious belief in the saying of "secret recipes, folk remedies".After all, the imperial doctors would come as soon as they could open their mouths in those serious medical books, but those folks who claimed to have mastered the secret recipes and folk remedies may not have read them at all!
After a long time, Concubine Shu finally let out a hoarse laugh.

"Pepper can make all kinds of diseases play tricks... Haha, ha, it turns out that in the whooping cough, pepper can not cure the disease, but can make the disease worse immediately. But we gave my child a life-and-death drink for three months!"

(End of this chapter)

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