Leader Lan Palace

第1806章 5卷103 1切还将继续(3更)

Chapter 1806: Everything Will Continue (103 More)
"That nobleman..."

Concubine Shu muttered softly, and couldn't help but smile quietly.

That nobleman is the third Nala clan besides the Queen and her in the East and West Six Palaces.

This noble man happened to be the only one who accompanied the emperor, empress Xiaoxian and the then concubine to the Daiding Palace before the death of Empress Xiaoxian in the 13th year of Qianlong.

And the emperor himself said that Empress Xiaoxian got the fatal "disease" in the Daiding palace.

Concubine Shu raised her brows lightly, and couldn't help but think of what the emperor said to her that night at Songshan Shaolin Temple, telling her to keep that noble man's mouth shut...

This is really interesting.

She lowered her eyes and smiled, "That's right. The nobleman was introduced by Qianlong in the 12th year, right? Then he is 20 years old now, which is the best age."
Nala has won the fifth princess, although she is a princess, she feels a little regretful.

But fortunately, there is already a son Yongxie in front of him.

"At this moment, I have both sons and daughters. There is nothing to regret."

Tana can also talk, she stepped forward and said with a smile, "No, there is no shortage of princes in this palace now, even if Elder Brother Shi just passed away, there are still three, four, five, six, eight, eleven, And our [-] elder brothers, there are seven princes in total! It's the princess, besides the fourth princess, it's our fifth princess."

Dege also smiled and said, "That's right. The fourth princess is still the same... Besides, they have already indicated their marriage, and this time is just about to be married. They are not the little daughters that the emperor can hold in his arms and love." Already, our Fifth Princess came at the right time!"

Concubine Shu was listening to these words when she walked in.

Concubine Shu's heart couldn't help churning.

Now people are analyzing the situation in the palace with a smile, advancing and retreating with discretion; but she has already lost everything and suffered a crushing defeat.

She stood outside the door for a while, twisting the handkerchief with her fingertips, with a faint smile on her lips.

There are only seven princes in the palace?It seems that Nala's views are nothing more than this - Nala has forgotten that there are two emperors and grandchildren outside the palace.

Although the emperor once deprived the elder brother Yonghuang of his inheritance rights, but this has nothing to do with the two emperors and grandchildren.Besides, since the elder brother died, the emperor was full of guilt towards the eldest son, so he loved the two emperor's grandchildren very much.

Among the princes, there is no one who is still alive to become the king, but now the little emperor's grandson Mian De is the first to succeed Prince Ding.

Based on the emperor's special love for the elder grandson, who knows if there will be a "grandson of the emperor" in the future.

It's as if, isn't the current emperor also the "grandson of the emperor" whom Lord Kangxi has seen with his own eyes~
Concubine Shu turned her head and stared at Zhu Lan, "...can brother Mian De come to study in the upper study?"

According to the rules established by Lord Yongzheng, the princes and grandchildren must go to the study to study when they reach the age of five.The eldest grandson of the emperor and Prince Ding, Mian De, has turned five years old this year.

Zhu Lan hurriedly said, "...Brother Mian De and Brother Mian En have already entered the study."

Concubine Shu nodded with a smile, "Okay, I understand."
In Yongshou Palace, Wanxi witnessed the joys and sorrows of the two emperors' heirs in the past six months. Her heart went up and down, and now she has returned to tranquility.

After watching a round of life and death of other people's children, she became more contemplative about her own children's future.

At this moment, she just wanted to take a step back and stay quietly in her own palace.I don't want to see Nala's joy, let alone Shu Fei's sorrow.

"...I just want to know how Brother Ten died."

(End of this chapter)

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