Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1811 Chapter 5 108 Cute

Chapter 1811: Cute (108 More)
When the emperor arrived, Nalashi was also supported by Tana and Dege, and slowly came from the apse to the main hall.

He wanted to go up to pay his respects, but was supported by the emperor.

"Queen, lie down."

The emperor said that he personally supported Nala to lie down, and helped Nala pull the quilt.

Then Nala smiled sweetly, and said in a soft voice, "Your Majesty, it's true, my concubine gave birth to our fifth princess on June 23, and the emperor's name is Concubine Xin, Xianggui, who will be born on July [-]th." Entering the palace, it is only the twentieth of July when Concubine Xin is conferred the title of Concubine Xin. The confinement of the concubine is not yet full~"

The emperor held Nala's hand with a smile, "The empress has worked hard."

Nala sighed sweetly and sourly, "The emperor has been in the Old Summer Palace all the time, and I don't know if the emperor will come back today. Even if I haven't finished my confinement, I still have to be a queen." Responsibilities. You can’t call the two younger sisters into the palace, but you don’t even know where to salute.”

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, "Of course it's not that I'm cruel. It's August that I'm going to have a baby, so I have to tell them to enter the palace at the end of July, and they should settle down as soon as possible."

Nala opened her mouth, "This year the emperor will go again in autumn?"

She had just reached the full moon, so she couldn't go again.

"Then why did the emperor tell the two younger sisters to enter the palace in a hurry? It won't be too late to enter the palace after Qiu Xi comes back."

The emperor smiled and blinked, "Come into the palace, you can teach me slowly. I left both of them in the palace, and when Qiu Xi came back, they both naturally understood the rules of the palace. .”
Concubine Xin and nobleman Xiang, the two newlyweds, finally entered the room together to formally salute.

Xiang Guiren Wanxi sneaked a glimpse of her before, but because Xin Xin came late, she hadn't seen her yet.

When the two walked in like this, Wanxi raised her eyebrows slightly.

Concubine Xin Dai Jiashi is not what she imagined at all.

Because both of them were born in Xianghuangqi, Wanxi couldn't help but think that Concubine Xin would vaguely have the shadow of Empress Xiaoxian, and she should have that kind of dignified and unsmiling appearance.

At least it must be similar to when Concubine Shu first entered the palace, with the appearance of a famous lady.

But Concubine Xin, who walked in front of her, had a pink face and smiling eyes, she seemed to be a very lively and lovely girl who seemed younger than her actual age.

I knew that she entered the palace late because of her filial piety for three years, and missed the selection of Qianlong for 15 years; this year she is 17 years old, but she still looks like a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Concubine Xin walked in, her eyes gliding across the faces of all the concubines with a smile.Wanxi didn't know if she might be mistaken, she always felt that Concubine Xin smiled sweetly at her.
Not only Wanxi, but everyone was stunned by Concubine Xin's appearance.

Concubine Xin's face was not considered beautiful, but she was exquisite and cute, which made people like it very much at first sight.

Concubine Xin and Concubine Xiang went forward to salute the emperor and empress, Wanxi quietly whispered to Concubine Wan, "... No wonder the emperor gave her the title 'Xin', she is indeed a lovely girl."

Concubine Xin is 17 years old this year, ten years younger than Wanxi.In the past, Wanxi herself was a little girl in the eyes of the old man in Qiandi, so there was a day like this, when she also had such an old-fashioned tone to judge others.

Yongxuan sat in Wanxi's arms, but looked up at Wanxi, and smiled, "Auntie Ling is cute."

Wanxi was a little surprised, and hugged Yongxing happily.

 Also, add more~
(End of this chapter)

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