Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1816 Volume 5 113 Elusive

Chapter 1816: Elusive (113 more)
Wanxi could tell that Concubine Ying had voices beyond the strings.

After the dinner, Wanxi specially grabbed Concubine Ying, "Can you teach me how to ride a horse?"

Concubine Yu is getting old, so she smiled and went back to the camp first.

Wanxi originally knew how to ride a donkey. Riding a donkey and riding a horse seem to have similar moves, but the posture on the horse is different.

Because the donkeys are mostly used by folks for riding, especially if they are for women, it is natural not to choose tall ones.Therefore, there is no need to wear saddles, stirrups, and bridles like horses.Therefore, when Wanxi was riding a donkey at home, there were no stirrups to use, so she usually climbed up from the buttocks of the donkey as soon as she slipped out.

Riding a donkey is okay, but riding a horse like this is impossible.

Concubine Ying couldn't help but laugh when she saw it, she leaned on the saddle and burst out laughing.Wanxi glanced at her without embarrassment. After all, she pulled the pony's tail and stepped on the hairy ball's back, and came up cautiously.

Mao Tuan'er was walking underground holding the reins of the horse, Wanxi was much more careful now.

She always remembers the emperor's words, she can't be reckless and hurt her body these few years, she doesn't try to ride a horse by herself, just ask Mao Tuan'er to lead the horse to be safe.

Fortunately, Concubine Ying's original intention was not to race horses, but to find an excuse for the two of them to talk.

It was Wanxi who spoke first, "...this time, Mr. Xianggui came to the palace again, so there are three Gege from the Eight Banners of Mongolia. I think when we go back this time, Mr. Xianggui will also live with his sister in Yanxi Palace , this is another companion."

Concubine Ying lowered her head, suddenly raised her voice and whistled, and charged forward on her horse.

The night sky of the prairie is like a black dome, and now it is pressed down heavily, covering the prairie land.

Concubine Ying stopped after running for a while, and waited not too far ahead.Wanxi was not in a hurry, and walked over at her original pace.

Walking back to each other again, the blush on Concubine Ying's face hadn't dissipated, she turned her head and growled at Wanxi, "Women in the harem have to hug each other, and they can't live without hugging. I know that sister Ling I have always believed that since I am born in the Eight Banners of Mongolia, I will definitely be with Concubine Yu when I enter the palace, and now I will add a nobleman Xiang."

"In addition to the Baotuan'er of the Eight Banners of Mongolia, because of the closeness of the Manchurians, they are also in the same line as the queen's master!"

"Sister Ling herself, who has a Han surname, made good friends with Concubines Wan and Concubine Qing who both had the same surname of Han; she also got along with Concubine Chun because of the Fourth Princess; The flag is friendly..."

"If Man and Mongolia are in the same camp, and Baoyi and Han women are in the same camp, I am destined to be different from Sister Ling. So in the past few years since I entered the palace, Sister Ling has always been not far or close to me. After all, it is because I am alone. The matter of living in Yanxi Palace has been completely separated from Sister Ling!"

Speaking of these, Wanxi herself felt uncomfortable.

When Concubine Ying first entered the palace, she was very close to Concubine Wanxi and the others because she lived in Concubine Wan's Yonghe Palace.It was only later that Concubine Ying became a concubine, and the Nala family deliberately gave Concubine Ying the Yanxi Palace, which had only one empty palace left, to live alone, making Yuqin, who was also registered as a concubine, sad... Wanxi also alienated Concubine Ying. up.

There is another level, just as Concubine Ying said just now, Wanxi has to be concerned about Concubine Yu.

During the years of entering the palace, all the women in the harem have confronted Wanxi, and either became sisters or enemies. Only this concubine Yu, who has been neither far nor near, enemy or friend for so many years, is called Wanxi. There is always something difficult to figure out.

Wanxi had reservations about Concubine Yu, so she also made Concubine Ying more or less implicated.

(End of this chapter)

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