Leader Lan Palace

第1821章 5卷118(6字1起发)

Chapter 1821 Five Volumes 118 ([-] words published together)

Lin Guiren greeted Wanxi and smiled forcefully.

But he seemed to be talking about him, and said quietly, "Madam Ling, do you know that tonight, the emperor turned over the signboard of Concubine Xin, but invited another person to serve the banquet?"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "...the emperor has just returned to the palace after all, it is only natural for someone to bring some food to the emperor at this moment. The emperor will just stay and eat together."

"It's that nobleman." Lin Guiren stared into Wanxi's eyes, and said to himself, "...the emperor likes it very much, and even gave that nobleman a title."

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Oh?"

Guiren Lin nodded, "That's right, the eunuch has come to pass the decree, and the prophet will give it to the Empress at Zhongcui Palace, I heard."

"Madam Ling, do you know what title the emperor bestowed on that noble man?"

Wanxi pursed her lips, she didn't say anything, and only listened to Lin Guiren.

After all, Lin Guiren seemed to be unable to listen to what she said at this moment.Lin Guiren has been talking to himself since these few sentences.

"...It's Shen."

Lin Guiren stared at Wanxi, and smiled sadly, "Mr. Shen... Your concubine never thinks that the word 'Shen' matches Xin's concubine's 'Xin' very well? Let's accompany each other together." The emperor has a meal; maybe they will be pampered together."
Wanxi didn't speak any more, just quietly listened to Lin Guiren finish speaking.

Lin Guiren stared at Wanxi sadly, "...Concubine Ling, I will enter the palace with her and be named nobleman together. She already has a title today, but I still use my surname as the title. In terms of position, the high and low have already been distinguished here."

"Concubine Ling, please forget, you said that I will become a concubine earlier than that nobleman. Now it seems that there is no hope..."

Lin Guiren mourned and blessed his body, "Concubine Ling will be with you for two months in autumn, and the emperor's new favorite concubine Xin is going to bed tonight. Concubine Ling must really want to know that during the past two months, concubine Xin has been in the empress's palace, and the empress' concubine All kinds of things, that's why you're only here to see my concubine tonight?"

"It's a pity, the concubine has been in such a mess for the past two months that she didn't notice anything. Tonight, the concubine can only disappoint the concubine..."

"My concubine is guilty of concubine Ling, and I will serve her concubine without face. I will retire first."
Lin Guiren left, and Pingting's back was slender and graceful in the night, as if she had been cut out of paper.

Looking at Lin Guiren's back, Wanxi couldn't help but sighed faintly.

Yu Rui stepped forward to help Wanxi put on Da Mao's cloak, and said sadly, "...It seems that Lin Guiren resents the master."

"It's all the slave's fault," Yurui curtseyed. "It's the slave and the slave's Ama is useless. It's only a year late to find out the news. Otherwise, the master wouldn't be so passive."

Wanxi shook her head, stretched out her hand to pick up Yurui, "In this palace, people's hearts always gather and disperse, so don't force it."

"If you really agree with each other, just like Concubine Ying, even if you are separated for a few years, you can still get back together; and if you really don't want to go together for everything, naturally you don't have to force it."

Yurui knew that Guiren Lin belonged to the Nala family's palace anyway, and the master could know some things about the Nala family through Guiren Lin. It would be a pity to lose Guiren Lin at this moment.

"Why does the master not allow the slave to stand up and explain? This is all the fault of the slave and the slave Ama... The master shouldn't take it like this without saying a word."

Wanxi shook her head slightly, looking back at Yurui.

"Silly girl, what does this have to do with you? The life of the Bannermen has always been a big stone in the emperor's heart. Since the emperor has made an order, this is something that cannot be disobeyed. Even if it is my turn, I will not go to it." Said in front of the emperor."

"If she remembers that she is the emperor's concubine, she should try her best to appease the family at this moment, so as not to embarrass the emperor. Besides, the emperor has never been a person who disregards the harem, even if she asks her family to raise the flag at this moment, There must be other arrangements in the future. After all, the nobleman is already the head of the inner court, why did the emperor wrong the family members of the head of the inner court!"

"She just can't figure it out," Wanxi shook her head, "Besides, her family has official positions and salaries, so why should it be so?"

Yu Rui also sighed, "After all, I got it for nothing, and I can't bear to lose it like this. Besides, I have a noble master in my family, which is even more self-esteem. If officials under the banner are not allowed to move their land, maybe they will return it." Got into trouble."

"It's true." Wanxi looked far away, "Besides, it's not this matter that she blamed me. You heard it too, she still cares about that nobleman in her heart."

"The nobleman entered the palace with her, and she always had a comparison in her heart. She hoped that I could help her; I also promised her that she would become a concubine earlier than the nobleman in the future... It's just that she was too impatient, and the nobleman had a title It made her lose her composure. If she is willing to wait quietly for a few more years, why won't she have a future?"

Yurui thought for a while, and then said softly, "...the emperor conferred the title of Concubine Xin again, so there are five concubines named Concubine Yi, Concubine Wan, Concubine Qing, Concubine Ying, and Concubine Xin. ...According to the palace rules, there are only six concubines, so there is only one vacancy left. Guiren Lin is afraid that the emperor will give it to that nobleman, so I am in a hurry."
"I think so too."

Wanxi stared at the night and shook her head helplessly, "But if the emperor really has this intention, he can directly confer the nobleman as a concubine, why give him only one title. Even if he has this title, that nobleman is still a nobleman, and he has What actually went?"

"Besides, what kind of title is 'Shen'?"

Shen, the combination of the two characters of sincerity, also means to be careful and vigilant.Taken together, it means "treat each other sincerely and follow carefully".

When the title is carefully weighed, it doesn't look like a favor, but more like a warning.

Wanxi understood why the emperor gave such a title to that nobleman, but it was a pity that nobleman Lin didn't understand.

On the contrary, Lin Guiren thought wrongly, thinking of "Shen" and "Xin" facing each other.

Yu Rui lowered her head, "Since Guiren Lin doesn't understand so much, then the master will let her go. After all, the slaves haven't forgiven her for dancing in the Emperor's Hall of Mental Cultivation."

"It's just...it's even harder for the master to know what's going on in the queen's palace from now on, and this slave can't let go of this alone."

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand lightly, "If you don't know, you don't know. After all, the most important thing is for us to recuperate quietly at this moment."

Besides, the emperor put Xin Concubine in the Queen's Palace at this moment, and Xin Concubine was about to be favored so soon, there might be some trouble in Yikun Palace, so why not hear the noise? .
On November 25 of this year, the Empress Dowager's holy birthday collided with the emperor's winter solstice fast, so the Ministry of Rites asked whether to celebrate the holy birthday on November 23 in advance.The empress dowager herself issued a decree to stop the banquet this year.

Because of the absence of the empress dowager's birthday celebrations in previous years, it is inevitable that people feel that the end of the 18th year of Qianlong is a little quiet.

At the end of the year, the most grand event was the emperor's visit to the Palace of Preservation and a banquet for the court officials.Outer Mongolia, the left wing is headed by Prince Alabutan of Horqin and Shuo Tuxietu, and the right wing is headed by Prince Cheng Gunzabu of Khalkha Heshuo, to the front of the throne.Give wine as a gift.

It seems that the Forbidden City has also expected that with the arrival of the 19th year of Qianlong, another major battle in the fate of the emperor and the Qing Dynasty is coming! .
In the 19th year of Qianlong, it came quietly with a trace of dignity.

In the first month, Junggar Taiji Cheling entered the pilgrimage.

In February, the Wulianghai library in Junggar was originally surrendered, and it was ordered to be rewarded for placement as usual.

The first-hand battle reports from Junggar brought by these attached Junggar leaders showed that Dawazi and Amursana had broken openly.The opportunity that the emperor had been secretly waiting for finally arrived.

The emperor ordered to ask the ministers about the meaning of using troops in Junggar.

Although she didn't know the specific situation of the previous dynasty, Wanxi also noticed the difference in the emperor's year.

The 44-year-old man seems to be a boy again this year, walking like a breeze, and his eyes are as bright as stars.

Even spending nights with her... is even more lively, blood is transpiring, as if the strength is inexhaustible.

As the news from the previous dynasty came in, the harem also knew that the emperor wanted to use troops.

It seems that the man has blood that yearns to fight in his bones, and it is because of this blood that he regains his youthful vigor.

Also because he is the emperor on horseback, the kind of pride that the tip of the sword points to the frontier, and the demarcation of the border is just around the corner, is even more passionate.

Wanxi is no stranger to such an emperor.During the Battle of Dajinchuan in the 13th year of Qianlong, the emperor personally built watchtowers in Xiangshan and personally trained the majestic appearance of the Jianrui Yunti Battalion. She has seen it with her own eyes.

She knew that the emperor had been waiting for this opportunity, and she knew that the emperor had always wanted to complete the martial arts that neither Kangxi nor Yongzheng could accomplish.After years of waiting, a good opportunity finally appeared in front of her eyes. She understood the joy in the emperor's heart.

She quietly put away her thoughts, and instead of asking Concubine Xin any more in front of the emperor, she even reminded herself to think less.

This is not the time for something to happen in the harem.
In February, there is Nala's Qianqiu birthday.

The emperor once again decreed that the Queen's Qianqiu Festival banquet should be stopped.

After receiving this news, Nala could not sit still.

Since she was in the middle palace, the 16th year of Qianlong was the first month's southern tour, the 17th year of Qianlong was pregnant with Yongzheng, and the 18th year of Qianlong was pregnant with the fifth princess... But now her stomach is empty, why did the emperor stop the banquet ?
"I have given birth to the emperor's first son and fifth princess, and now I have both sons and daughters. Why, the emperor thinks that this is enough for me as a queen, so there is no need for the Qianqiu Festival banquet, right?"

After looking forward to good luck for 20 years, it finally came again and again.But how could you leave so quickly?
Tana stepped forward to carefully persuade, "...the emperor will visit Dongling in February. I'm afraid the emperor won't be able to come back at this time?"

Nala raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the East Side Hall lonely, "Isn't it because I'm old and have given birth to the ones I should have given birth to, so the only thing left in the eyes of the emperor is the fresh and fresh newcomer?"

Dege said, "Master, why bother to think about this? How does Concubine Xin compare with the master's mother in the palace? Besides, she has no children."

Nalashi sighed, "So what if she doesn't have children? She is young, and now the emperor dotes on her, she may have children at any time."

Tana smiled and said, "Master, you really worry too much~~ Take a step back and say, what if that one has a child? Master, we already have a little master~ What kind of child is comparable to our son-in-law? Brother is going."

Only then did Nala's smile, and leaned on the money python satin pillow, "That's right. She's a talented little girl, she's still far behind."

She squinted her eyes for a while, "...it's Mr. Shengui, what's the matter? Have you paid attention to her?"

Tana said cautiously, "It is said that 'Shen' and 'Xin' are symmetrical, so usually when there is Concubine Xin, Mrs. Shen is also there."
"Oh?" Nalashi opened his eyes.

A noble person, even with a title, is not worth caring about for her who is in a stable position and has both children.

It's just that this noble man belongs to Concubine Shu's palace after all.Concubine Shu has become a pool of dead ashes, what does this mean at this moment, is she still unwilling to be reconciled, and is there still a spark?

She may not care about nobleman Shen, but she cannot be fooled by Concubine Shu.

Thinking of this, her eyes could not help but turn cold, "No matter what, Concubine Shu cannot be given a chance to come back from the ashes! What is she doing these days?"
Tana replied the next day, saying that Concubine Shu had asked for an order to take care of the emperor's eldest grandson, Prince Ding Miande.

Since the eldest grandson of the emperor had to go to the study to study at the age of five, it was inconvenient for her own mother-in-law to take care of her in the palace every day. In the palace, the head of the inner court needed to take care of her.

Concubine Shu lost her son, and now she looks pitiful, which makes people feel sad.At this time, beside the emperor, she was put in by nobleman Shen to speak for her. Outside, she pleaded and begged several times, the emperor relented and allowed her to go.

"...The emperor said that the head of the inner court has no children, and the only concubines are Concubine Ling and Concubine Shu. Concubine Ling has been ordered to take care of the fourth princess and the fourth concubine, so only Concubine Shu is suitable to take care of Mian De." brother."

After hearing this, Nala could not help but sneer repeatedly.

"She really hasn't given up yet!"

Even if she lost her own son, even if she had Yongzheng above her, but Concubine Shu was still thinking about the emperor's eldest grandson!
"... She is, curse my eternal love!"

Only when the eldest son dies, can the position of the crown prince be surpassed by the princes and consider the emperor's grandson.

Nala raised her eyes and glanced at Tana, "If my son is dead, I can't teach him a lesson. The emperor is too busy with his court at the moment to care about our harem. As the master of the harem, I can't just let it go."
In March, the emperor went to Nanyuan for a walk;
The emperor also ordered Empress Nala to kiss silkworms this year.In addition to the queen, two concubines and concubines, three Wang, Bei Le, Bei Zi, and Mrs. Gong Fujin, and four ministers of civil and military affairs above the third rank were sent to pick mulberries.For silkworms.

Although the Queen's Qianqiu Festival banquet was exempted, she finally kissed silkworms anyway.Nala's heart was happy, this March was also a quiet one.

Wanxi also got good news, Jiufu Jin Lanpei is happy again.

In fact, before Jiu Ye and Jiu Fujin officially reported to her, she had already heard Fu Longan's words slipped away.

It was still in the first month, and she made milk cakes for the fourth princess and Fu Longan to eat, but Fu Longan was a little downcast.When Wanxi asked, Fu Long'an said first, "...Ama said, I will be ten years old this year. Ama said that after ten years old, you can't walk in the harem, and you can only study in the upper study room outside the court. Then I won't be able to come to Lingniang's palace every day to eat pastries."

"Young empress doesn't care about me, even my mother-in-law will ignore me. They all said that my mother-in-law will not be my mother-in-law alone..."

At that moment, Wanxi's heart skipped a beat.
Heartbeats belong to heartbeats, and what is more important at that moment is the two children.

When it comes to the upcoming parting, why doesn't Wanxi feel sentimental?But there are palace rules in the palace, and Fu Long'an will not be able to change them just because he is the forehead consort.

Wanxi quietly glanced at the fourth princess.

The fourth princess sat dignifiedly, as if she was eating her cakes seriously.But the collar of the crushed peanuts on the pastry has fallen off, and she hasn't noticed it yet.

Wanxi smiled softly, "It's okay. If you want to eat pastries, I'll ask you to send them to you."

Fu Long'an glanced at the fourth princess, "...It's always different."

Wanxi stretched out both hands, brought the two children together, one on the left and one on the right, and said softly, "...It means that children over ten years old are not suitable for walking in the inner palace. But it does not mean that they will never see each other again Yeah."

"After all, you two will be husband and wife in the future, and you will be together for the rest of your life. It's just that it's not easy to see each other in the past two years, but even though you grow up well, in a few years, you will officially fall apart."

"It's thanks to the two of you that I will be able to visit the princess mansion in the future, so I can see you again."

Two children, you look at me, and I look at you.

Fu Long'an didn't speak, just pouted, stretched out his hand and picked up the broken peanuts from the collar of the fourth princess.

Yuhan hurriedly stepped forward and followed it with a handkerchief, fearing that Brother Long's hands would be greasy.But he didn't expect that the child wasn't thrown away at all, but silently put it into his own mouth and swallowed it.

But the sadness is the sadness, Jiuye and Jiufujin are going to have another child, which is always a happy event.
In Duke Zhongyong's Mansion, the morning light suddenly rises.

Fu Heng stayed at the military plane for two sleepless nights. When he returned to the mansion, he just took a shower and changed clothes, and hurried to Lampe's room to visit.

Lampe's stomach is already big, and now she is carefully bedridden.

After all, Lan Pei had lost a child before, and no one can say for sure whether the child will travel on business.Lampe's pregnancy was also extremely careful.

But at such a time, she did not dare to ask her husband to stay for her for a moment, let alone hold back his husband who was about to leave in a hurry.

Both Zhuanxiang and Yuhu were waiting by the side. When they saw Fu Heng coming back, they all got up to greet him.

Fu Heng stepped forward to look at Lan Pei's stomach, "... are you all okay?"

Lan Pei tried to nod with a smile, "I and the child are all fine. Don't worry, Master Jiu."

The three women all knew that Master Jiu was under tremendous pressure at this moment.

The emperor issued an order to ask the ministers for their opinions on the use of troops in Junggar.However, in stark contrast to the emperor's enthusiasm, the ministers' response was not enthusiastic.Because of the three dynasties of Kang, Yong, and Qian, the imperial court had no stable chance of success in using troops against Junggar. Moreover, the tragedy of the annihilation of 5 troops in the northwest of the Yongzheng Dynasty is still deeply remembered, so the courtiers opposed the emperor's sending troops.

At this time, Fu Heng was the only one standing firmly with the emperor in the whole court.

Just like the Battle of Dajinchuan back then, when everyone started to dissuade the emperor, he was the only 27-year-old who had never led a soldier to take the initiative to ask for a fight.

Fortunately, the battle of Dajinchuan was won, which also established Fu Heng's position in the court.

But Fu Heng never dared to rely on it because of this. He knew that the victory of Dajinchuan, apart from the cannon bestowed by the emperor, the Jianrui Yunti Battalion trained by himself, and... Jiu'er's encouragement, the most important thing on the battlefield was There is veteran Yue Zhongqi.I don't know if the heaven deliberately warned him this time, but in this March, Yue Zhongqi died suddenly and forever.

The emperor seemed to know the importance of Yue Zhongqi at this moment, and once gave Yue Zhongqi two catties of ginseng to hang his fate.But it's a pity that even two catties of ginseng can't fight against the destiny.

The pressure in Fu Heng's heart increased several times invisibly.

But even so, he still didn't change his mind, and still firmly stood with the emperor.

Indifferently facing the opposing ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, Fu Heng asked to handle this campaign alone.He led the officials of the Military Aircraft Department, "serving day and night, waiting for the newspaper to transcribe."Because of this, even if Lampe finally has another child, he has no time to take care of his family.

Fu Heng caressed Lan Pei's stomach lightly, "... My child, since he was born at this time, I hope he is a boy. In the future, he can serve the imperial court on the battlefield and make great achievements for our Qing Dynasty!"

Fu Heng bowed to the jade pot and Zhuan Xiang, "I will entrust Lan Pei and Hai'er to you."
Yuhu sent Fu Heng out with a smile, and comforted him all the way, "At any rate, Zhuanxiang and I were both born and raised. When Fujin gives birth, we will definitely be able to help him. Jiu Ye can rest assured."

Fu Heng glanced back at the jade pot quietly.

Yuhu laughed, "Master also told someone to pass the message, telling the slaves to serve Fujin with all their heart."

Speaking of Jiu'er, Fu Heng's eyebrows trembled slightly.

Even in the face of opposition from the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, he never hesitated for a moment.


her what?What does he want to ask? ——Even himself, he couldn't tell.

But Yuhu understood and nodded with a smile, "Master is very happy. Making master say that he has long been looking forward to having another child is like making master have another son himself."

Yuhu laughed and said, "Brother Long came back that day with a sad face, saying that he was afraid that it would not be easy to see Master Ling in the future; this slave knows that Master Ling must also be reluctant to part with Brother Long. Sleeping with Brother Long, how old is it?"

"But this time it's alright, if our Fujin can have another elder brother come down, wouldn't it be that the master will have another companion by his side~"

Only then did Fu Heng feel happy.What Yuhu said was right, his son, the concubine Fu Ling'an, went to the palace and went to the study room for the princes and grandchildren to read. If his next child is also an elder brother, then naturally he can.

Yuhu looked into Fu Heng's eyes with a smile, "Jiuye, perhaps no one in this world hopes that Jiuye and Fujin will be reconciled more than Master Ling. Don't feel that there is anything in Jiuye's heart~"

While talking, Zhuanxiang suddenly came out in a hurry and called out in a low voice, "Jiuye stay here."

Fu Heng looked up at Zhuan Xiang.

Zhuan Xiang bit her lip and pointed to the stone doorstep in front of her, "Master Jiu has braided hair. Sit here, and I'll call Master Jiu again."

 Afraid that the system would smack, I sent all six thousand characters together.See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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