Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1840, Volume 5, 136 Lin'er

Chapter 1840 Five Volumes 136 Lin'er (3 more)
From May to July, Dajia stays at the Summer Resort.

Wanxi found that there was someone more beside the emperor.

Apart from a military commander like Fu Heng, the only foreign ministers who can be inseparable from the emperor are "daily officials who talk about daily life".These "daily life commentators" are all Hanlin, who recorded the emperor's daily words and deeds and compiled the emperor's "Life Notes".

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the "Living Notes" had already established the system that "the emperor should not read it". It is said that Tang Taizong Li Shimin once wanted to read the "Living Notes" of this dynasty but could not get it. Therefore, "Zhu Guan" was shrouded in a layer of mystery.

This newly added "daily life commentator" is Liu Yong.

Wanxi didn't recognize Liu Yong's face; the reason why she knew it was Liu Yong was from Liu Yong's calligraphy.

Liu Yong is the son of Liu Tongxun, known as "Master Tie Xue".And Zhao Yi used to be a teacher in Liu Tongxun's mansion, and he had a very good personal relationship with Liu Yong. Zhao Yi once imitated Liu Yong's calligraphy when he wrote his market notes.And Zhao Yi's notes on talking about foxes, Wanxi has read them all, so she was able to know Liu Yong because of them.

Because of Liu Yong, Wanxi naturally thought of Zhao Yi again.Now several well-known talented scholars of the dynasty, Ji Yun, Liu Yong, etc., have passed the Jinshi examination and were awarded the Imperial Academy. Only Zhao Yi is still blocked from this threshold.

That's right, anyway, Liu Yong and Ji Yun are both from famous families, Liu Yong's father is Liu Tongxun, Ji Yun's father is first-rank Guanglu doctor Ji Rongshu... and Zhao Yi is just a commoner.

Wanxi once recommended Zhao Yi to Jiu Ye's family as tutors for several elder brothers; later, she recommended him to elder brother Fang Fujin to be tutors for elder brother Mian En; later she learned that Zhao Yi had entered Wang Youdun's family For the guest.Wanxi told Mao Tuan'er in private that if she could see Fu Heng, she would at least ask about Zhao Yi's situation.

A few days later, Mao Tuan'er brought back the news.It is said that although Zhao Yi's examinations in the past few years have not been smooth, he has never given up his ambition to make progress. In the 15th year of Qianlong, Zhao Yi was admitted to the Ministry of Rites as a teacher, and he was still a teacher; I passed the cabinet test... Now I am going back to Jiangnan to visit relatives, and I will return to Beijing to take up a job next year.

Only then did Wan Xi breathe a sigh of relief, "Brother Long and Brother Mian En are old enough to study in the study. I'm worried that he will lose his support and Yan He will go away."

Mao Tuan'er looked at Wan Xi quietly, "Jiu Ye still has a plan, ask the slave to tell the master."

Wanxi asked with a smile, "But Jiufu Jin gave birth?"

Mao Tuaner shook his head lightly, "Jiuye said...Jiuye was in the Military Aircraft Department, and every time he drafted an edict in Chinese, he relied on Wang Youdun. The battle reports of the Great Jinchuan Battle were all written by Wang Youdun...and Wang Youdun loved Zhao very much. Yi, you have introduced Zhao Yi to Master Jiu."

"Jiu Ye said that Zhao Yi was originally Mr. Long's teacher in the family, and now he is recommended by two ministers Liu Tongxun and Wang Youdun. Jiu Ye should cherish his talent, please rest assured."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, she nodded with a smile, "I see."
In July, good news finally came from the capital.Jiufu Jin gave birth, and was happy to have Lin'er again.

The emperor gave the name: Fukang'an.

This year is the year when the imperial court is about to use its troops, and Master Jiu bears the burden alone.Fukang'an was born in this year, and he was a man, which made Wanxi very happy.

Maybe the joy brought by Fukang'an's birth can offset the worries left by Yue Zhongqi's long death?
 Well, Fukang'an, Liu Yong, and Ji Xiaolan have all come out, and the only difference is He Shen...

(End of this chapter)

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