Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1842 Chapter 5 Chapter 138

Chapter 1842 Five Volumes 138
"Who said that there were only Jiuye in the previous court and slaves in the harem?"

Wanxi smiled and raised her head, grabbing the emperor's sleeve.

"...and the ancestors."

After 11 years, the emperor is going to visit Shengjing this year, and his intentions can easily be reflected in this year's situation.

Wanxi blinked lightly, "Back then, the great-grandfather's cavalry only had thirteen sets of armor... Why did the great-grandfather have any fear in his heart?"

"Now that the emperor has ruled for 19 years, the treasury is full and all nations return to their hearts. It is the time when the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong. The ancestors and ancestors are all in the sky, protecting the emperor."

The emperor's heart trembled slightly, and he hugged Wanxi even tighter.

He bowed his head and kissed her temples, and whispered quietly, "...this year, the former court officials objected, and the pressure on my heart is unprecedented in these years. The harem is most tired of people who want to be here at this time." Something happened! As a result, Yikun Palace still caught fire!"

"The so-called 'fire in the backyard', my harem is still in this year, and it gave me a vivid interpretation! Where do they want to put my face? How can they make me feel so anxious under this year's situation?! "

Only at this moment, only in front of Wanxi, did the emperor talk about it like this, the veins on his forehead popped up, and the dark clouds rolled in his long eyes.

With calluses from years of horseback riding and shooting in his big palms, he subconsciously rubbed Wanxi's cheeks vigorously, looking for that soft support.

"Jiu'er... If it weren't for you, I really want to burn this harem down!"
Wanxi reached out and hugged the emperor.

The fourth master at this time made her feel distressed.

Fourth master has always smiled at Fengyun, especially in the harem, never revealing the pressure of the previous dynasty.But it doesn't mean that he doesn't have a heavy heart.

The harem can be fought, and such fights have never stopped throughout the ages.But it always takes time.

At this time, the emperor was in the previous dynasty, and only Lord Jiu supported him. Such pressure was really like being "lonely".But at this time, the harem is still on fire, and it still has to start in the Queen's Yikun Palace!
What has become of this?

So at this moment, no matter how much she wants to say to Concubine Xin, how much grievance she has in her heart, she can swallow it.

This time the empress is like this, the new favorite concubine Xin is like this, if she behaves like this again... How will the emperor's heart be fried on both sides?

Wanxi put her cheek on the emperor's heart, "Even though the Lord is concerned about the previous court, he is planning how to defeat Junggar in one fell swoop and regain the great mountains and rivers. In the harem, no matter who is in chaos, the slaves will never be in chaos."

"Not only that, but the slave will do his best to take care of the queen. Let the sisters take care of themselves and not disturb the emperor."

The emperor didn't speak, he just picked up Wanxi, placed her on his lap, and pressed it tightly to his heart.
After visiting the ancestral mausoleum in Shengjing in July, the emperor did not return to Luan, but continued north to Jilin.

At this moment, Nala's heart was already too excited to calm down.

Back to Jilin again, the emperor has already informed me that he will stay in Huifa City.

Huifa City, the ancient city of Huifa tribe established by her ancestors.After the emperor toured Shengjing, he took her back to the ancestral city... This is the treatment that many empresses have not had since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs.

In the past, Empress Xiaoxian and Concubine Shu always looked down upon her because of her background. She always thought that although she was a descendant of the royal family, she was only in the Huifa Department and was included in the Xianglan Banner... After the defeat of the army, the status of the flag was low, and there was really nothing to show off. of.

But what is the emperor's attitude?The emperor took her back to her natal home!

(End of this chapter)

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