Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1844: Please Save Me

Chapter 1844: Please Save Me (140 More)
This year seems destined to be an eventful year.

Wanxi managed to use Fukang'an's birth to make up for the sadness of the emperor Yue Zhongqi's death and the death of the star.

As a result, on August [-]th, the emperor lived forever; two days later, on August [-]th, it happened to be August [-]th, but a lunar eclipse occurred.

This was the year when the emperor was on his way to visit the ancestral mausoleum on his east tour, and this was the year when the emperor had already decided to send troops to Junggar.

Qin Tianjian didn't dare to sprinkle salt on the emperor's heart anymore, which explained it to the harem.

It is said that the sun corresponds to the emperor, and the moon corresponds to the harem.This lunar eclipse is not a warning from heaven to the emperor, but an accusation of disharmony in the harem.

When Nala heard it suddenly, she was so annoyed that she threw down all the plates and bowls in the palace.

"The emperor inexplicably appointed a foreigner as the Deputy Superintendent of Qin Tianjian a few months ago. I thought it was a bad omen. Sure enough, when this foreigner speaks, he is full of tongues and dares to say anything!"

If it was his own servant, who would dare to casually point the spearhead of this lunar eclipse at the harem?Doesn't that mean it's obvious that she, the queen, is immoral? !

"I don't understand. The emperor sent a foreigner into the Qin Tianjian again. What is he going to do! Isn't this a bit dignified!"
Tana looked carefully at her master, and after listening to Nala's yelling enough, she stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Master, don't worry. Qin Tianjian only said that the lunar eclipse corresponds to the harem, and did not directly say that the master is unethical... If The only thing that happened in this harem was the fire!"

"Let's just say that even if the lunar eclipse refers to the master, it should be due to the fire in our palace. As for the loss of morality... of course, Concubine Xin will take care of it."

"Besides, we are already in Jilin at this time, and we will arrive at Huifa City in a few days. The emperor will only raise the reputation of the master. The emperor will never get involved with the master about the lunar eclipse. .”

Nalashi narrowed his eyes and stared at Tana.

It took a long time before he smiled slowly, "You're right, it's unlucky for Concubine Xin to enter the palace, causing the empress's palace to catch fire, and it's a lunar eclipse at this time... She is the one who is in bad luck."

"Don't forget, her Ama died in the 14th year of Qianlong's reign. She entered the palace after observing the three-year filial piety period. It is inevitable that she came in with bad luck~"

Tana smiled and knelt, "The servant will let the words out."
Concubine Xin came crying to beg Wanxi.

"...I don't know why such rumors suddenly started, saying that the lunar eclipse is bad luck for me. It is said that the Yikun Palace has not experienced water in these years, and it has been flooded since I lived in it; what's more, If you say that I live in the queen's palace and tell the queen's palace to flood, I will rush to the queen."

"Such a lunar eclipse is a warning from the heavens to the harem, saying that I am not good for the queen and the son..."

"Sister Ling, I'm Concubine Xin. The title given to me by the emperor is 'Xin', which means joy and joy. The emperor has entrusted me with such kindness, why did I suddenly become an ominous person?"

"Besides, I was the victim of that fire, wasn't I? If it's ominous, I'm the most innocent one. Why did it all come down to me?"

Wanxi listened quietly, but her eyes were light.

Concubine Xin was so anxious that she was about to fall to her knees.

Only then did Wanxi reach out to support her, "Speak slowly if you have something to say, what are you doing?"

Concubine Xin was so anxious that she hugged Wanxi and cried out, "Sister Ling, please help me!"

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(End of this chapter)

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