Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1852 Chapter 5 Volume 148

Chapter 1852 Five Volumes 148 (8 More)
Ginger is naturally old and spicy.

Concubine Chun had just wiped away her tears, when Concubine Xin was stabbed in embarrassment with just one sentence, her pretty face was already red.

"...Little sister, I would like to thank Sister Chun for her auspicious words. It's just who the emperor is looking at at night, or whether to turn over the cards. After all, it is only the emperor who can make the decision. Little sister has no reason to go to bed tonight. ?”

As Concubine Xin said, she stepped forward and hugged Wanxi's arm affectionately.

"Furthermore, even if I'm going to bed tonight, the younger sister has to come and thank Elder Sister Ling first. Elder sister Ling has helped the younger sister so much today, and in my heart, the younger sister will rank elder sister Ling ahead of the emperor." !"

Concubine Chun and Wanxi couldn't help but look at each other.

Wanxi laughed by herself first, and gently pulled her arm away, "Sister Xin's words made me confused. How can I help my sister today? It's worth my sister ignoring the emperor and coming to me first?"

Concubine Xin didn't speak, she just looked up at Concubine Chun with a smile.

Wanxi couldn't help frowning, "Sister Chun has been with me in the palace for many years, there is nothing we can't say between Sister Chun and me."

Only then did Concubine Xin laugh, but stretched out her arm to hug Wanxi's arm, "Didn't I ask my sister to help me with this white deer today! The white deer carrying the moon is a legend known to old people in Bohai. Sister Ling made such an arrangement and said she didn't help me?"

"Sister Ling is really a lot of adults. She has helped me so much, but she still refuses to take credit. Fortunately, my younger sister is not that stupid. Otherwise, if you don't come to thank Sister Ling, Sister Ling will be so disappointed!"

Concubine Chun's eyes turned around Wanxi and Concubine Xin unknowingly.

Concubine Xin raised her smiling face and smiled innocently at Imperial Concubine Chun, "August and fifteenth lunar eclipse, Qin Tianjian said that it should be in the harem. Then someone made up a rumor against the younger sister, saying that the younger sister was against the queen and the son... the younger sister came Please help sister Ling. Sister Chun, look, sister Ling's intelligence is really beyond the reach of everyone in this harem!"
Wanxi couldn't help chuckling, pulled her arms away again, and took a step back.

"Sister Xin's wishes, I accept them. But I really can't bear what my sister Xin said."

"White Deer celebrates his birthday, but God blesses my Lord. What does this have to do with me? What does it have to do with my sister?"

Wanxi raised her eyes to glance at Concubine Chun, and smiled softly, "Fortunately, we saw with our own eyes that the white deer is bowing down to the emperor. Otherwise, if sister Xin said it so abruptly, I would have misunderstood that the white deer came to kneel and worship sister Xin?"

Concubine Chun laughed, "That's right. Sister Xin is a descendant of the royal family of the Bohai Kingdom, so the legend of the white deer carrying the moon is also from the Bohai Kingdom. It is true that a white deer passed by our emperor and just came to pay homage to Sister Xin. Makes sense too."

Wanxi smiled and nodded, stepped forward and gently held Concubine Chun's hand, "Sister Chun made it clear, I think so too."

Yu Ye had been listening for a long time, so she couldn't help but interject, "...the masters are kind-hearted, and they will settle it as soon as they say it. It's nothing. The slave is just worried. If the emperor thinks the same way, it's not good. "

The corners of Wanxi's lips curled up slightly, and she scolded softly, "The masters are talking, where do you have the right to speak? Still not apologizing to Concubine Xin?"

Yu Ye bowed down as well, "Master Xin just said that if the concubine treats the servants like sisters, Master Xin also treats the servants as sisters. Master Xin will definitely not know the same as the servants, huh?"

Concubine Xin smiled awkwardly for a while, "That's natural."

 I'm a little busy, so I'll be here first today.Try not to be busy these two days, add more for everyone~~
(End of this chapter)

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