Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1862: Silent Mind

Chapter 1862: Silent Mind (159 More)
"It's so lively?"

The emperor had already put on his luggage, stepped out from the front hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and squinted at the people outside the door of Mental Cultivation.

Headed by the Nala family, all the concubines of the six palaces greeted the emperor.

Nala got up first, stepped forward in person, and rearranged the ribbon of the end cover for the emperor.

The emperor's eyes flicked across everyone's faces, and he asked with a smile, "Just now I vaguely heard you guys talking outside, and I found it interesting, so I came to listen. Why, I'm here, but you didn't say anything?"

Nala lowered her head and said with a smile, "I didn't say anything at first, but I just heard this morning that Concubine Xin is also going with the driver. Concubine Xin was not in the list of concubines, so the sisters just made fun of Concubine Xin." Woolen cloth."

The emperor turned to Concubine Xin, stepped forward and shook Concubine Xin's little hand.But he didn't put it in his palm, just patted it lightly.

"Why are your little hands so cold? Don't freeze them."

"I was surprised that the empress dowager issued an imperial edict suddenly, so I didn't have time to ask you to prepare more things to protect against the cold. It's winter now, and the summer resort is colder than the capital, so don't freeze you."

The emperor held Concubine Xin's little hand and looked up and down, "Is the charcoal you bring enough? If you allocate it according to the travel quota, I'm afraid you won't have enough. Sun Yuqing, remember to ask your master Xin about the charcoal consumption from time to time. If it's not enough Yes, from my charcoal case."

Sun Yuqing slapped Qian'er with a smile, "Hey!"
The emperor's "send charcoal in the snow" like this completely turned the eyes of all the concubines cold.

The emperor nodded with a smile, "It's cold, I'll go back this time, and you don't have to send them away, just go back now."

The emperor spoke and walked in front of Nala and Wanxi, "The empress dowager's birthday depends on the empress; when the empress celebrates her birthday, it is inevitable that there will be daily affairs that cannot be taken care of in the harem, and the concubine will do it for her."

Both Nala and Wanxi hurriedly saluted and said yes.

The emperor personally helped Nala first, and then Wanxi.

Wanxi got up, her cheeks blushed involuntarily, and her eyes collided with the emperor slightly.

The emperor laughed and turned around, took Concubine Xin, and went together.

Although the emperor did not ask everyone to send him off, but Nala, Wanxi and others still stood where they were, watching the emperor disappear from a distance.

Concubine Xin, the emperor's son, and five other people accompanying him were the focus of everyone's attention.
The emperor finally disappeared without a trace, and Nala sighed softly, "Let's break up too, and each of us should do our own work."

Everyone sent Nala back to Yangxin Palace first, and then Wanxi went back to her own palace.

She clenched her hands tightly, and walked all the way back to her apse, then let go of her hands, and lowered her eyes to look at her palms.

Just before the emperor left, there was something extra in her palm.She didn't dare to open her hand to look at that moment, but now she can finally look carefully.

When the eyes touch, the jade is moist and the pearl is round.

Wanxi opened her mouth.

Yuye's eyes were sharp, and when she saw it, she cried out in a low voice, "...Dongzhu!"

Both are pearls, but Dongzhu and Nanzhu produced in the south have different colors.Traditional southern pearls are jade white, while eastern pearls are "light gold" in color, that is, on top of the jade white color of traditional pearls, there is a layer of transparent light gold, so they can be distinguished by naked eyes.

Yu Rui leaned forward upon hearing the sound, and smiled when she saw it.

"Slave right to guess, I don't know if it's right or not—the Huifa River is rich in pearls, and the emperor watched the pearl picking by the river when he was in Huifa. I personally used a small knife to pry open the big clam and got dozens of pearls..."

"Look, servant, the number and color match."

(End of this chapter)

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