Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1867 Volume 5 164 nickname

Chapter 1867 Five Volumes 164 nickname (6 more)
Wanxi stared at Lanpei.

"Dragon, phoenix, lin, and tortoise are called the four spirits. The unicorn is second only to the dragon and phoenix. The unicorn I gave Brother Kang will be worthy of your family."

"And throughout the ages, wherever a unicorn comes from, there must be auspiciousness. The people who are reborn by unicorns are all people with outstanding talents and both moral and ability... I hope Brother Kang will become such a person when he grows up."

Lan Pei's eye circles were already red, and she couldn't help reaching out to grab Wanxi's hand.

"Master Ling... I really don't know what to say to get Master Ling's words."

After experiencing the loss of a child in Yongshou Palace, the relationship between Lan Pei and Wanxi almost broke up completely.But even after such a thing, Wanxi can still bless the child with such a sincere heart, which makes Lan Pei feel both grateful and ashamed.

"Kang'er's arrival also made the master magnanimous and forgave the slave, so that the slave had the opportunity to reconcile the old relationship with Master Jiu... This child is God's compensation for the slave, and it also means to repair the rift between the slave and the master."

Wanxi wiped away Lan Pei's tears with a smile, "Look at you, how long ago did you still want to mention it. I myself have long forgotten."

Now that the matter of Concubine Shu has been settled, why bother to bring up those unhappy past events?

People, you have to walk forward with your head held high, don't you? .
Wanxi played with Fukang'an for a while with the unicorn, and then blew the whistle herself, making the sound of Yo Yo deer.Laughing and laughing together relieved Lampei's embarrassment.

"Yo Yo Luming, the apple of the wild food. I have a guest, playing the lute and the sheng..." Wanxi hummed this famous line from "The Book of Songs". Little Fu Kang'an listened, although she couldn't understand it, she also Ah, respond with a child's voice.

The softness in Wanxi's heart became more and more overflowing, and she couldn't help hugging Fukang'an tightly, winking at Lanpei and said, "...I really hit it off with this child. Lanpei, I'm so reluctant to give it back to you!"

Between the eyebrows and eyes of this child, he resembled Master Jiu more than Fu Ling'an and Fu Long'an.Vaguely, Wanxi felt as if she saw Master Jiu when she was a child.

Lan Pei smiled and nodded, "Master Ling loves children so much, the servant will copy the scriptures for Master Ling every day from then on, I believe Master Ling will also be able to get an heir early."

Wanxi nodded with a smile, but remembered something.

"Did Brother Kang get a nickname? What is it?"

Banner families raise their boys carefully, and they usually choose a small name before taking a big name.Before going to school, they usually only call their nicknames, thinking that this way the children can be easily supported.

Lampe hesitated.

Because the child was just born, the emperor bestowed his name on him.Therefore, she and Master Jiu did not give the child another nickname, and they all used the emperor's grace to call him a big name.

Since Wanxi asked this meeting, Lan Pei bowed his head and thought for a while.

When he raised his eyes, his eyes were firm.

"...It's Zhaodi. Kang'er's nickname is Zhaodi."
Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "Puchier" smiled, "Recruiting younger brother? Lan Pei, do you still want to give birth to a fat son for Master Jiu?"

But Lan Pei got off the kang, walked to Wanxi's side, and looked at Wanxi firmly.

"Giving Kang'er such a small name is not for the slave himself. It is the slave—to dare to give the master's heart."

"The so-called recruiter hopes that soon after Kang'er, a star in the sky will be born as a boy. The slave hopes that this child will be Master Ling's child."

Lan Pei said and knelt down solemnly, "The slave prays that the master will have a precious son early."

(End of this chapter)

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