Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 187 Nala

Chapter 187 Nala
Concubine Xian walked out of Shoukang Palace with a smile on her face.

Tana followed up and asked, "In my opinion, will the queen mother be unhappy with the queen because of Xiu Chang's presence?"

Concubine Xian stopped, and stood in the warm spring sun and turned over her cuffs: "The empress wanted to call me 'one palace does not allow two phoenixes', but she forgot that for the empress dowager, one palace cannot accommodate two phoenixes! The master of the harem, is it the queen mother or the queen? If she obeys the queen mother's wishes in everything, that's fine, but if she cheats on the queen mother, how can the queen mother tolerate her!"

As the sun set and warmed her eyes, Concubine Xian couldn't help smiling: "She thought she pointed Lan Pei to her brother because she was clinging to the Queen Mother; but she was clever and was misunderstood by her cleverness. How could she not understand that she made her own way, It has already broken the empress dowager's deployment."

Tana's message also clicked: "The Queen Mother also has arrangements for Sister Shupin?"

Concubine Xian glanced at Tana with a smile: "Our harem of the Qing Dynasty has never lacked stories of aunts, nieces, and sisters working together as a king. If the elder sister is not favored or has a short life, the younger sister will naturally take the top, and the elder will not be left behind. Besides, the Shupin sisters are still young, so they might not be liked by the emperor, so the queen mother asked the two sisters to come in together, but she was thinking that one would not work and the other would not work."

"But now, the deployment of two wings flying together has been broken apart by the queen, leaving only one hand alone. Do you think that the queen mother can not bear the hatred of the queen? It's just that the queen mother can't get angry because of this matter. She needs another excuse, so I This will be brought to her today."

Tana couldn't help but nodded and smiled: "Master is wise."
A shoulder car was walking on the long street, and a shoulder car came across from far away.

When the opposite side saw the guard of honor here, they hurriedly got off the sedan chair, and a group of people retreated to the side to make way for Concubine Xian's shoulders.

Concubine Xian also saw it, she was the wife of the concubine.She smiled and greeted her affectionately: "But sister Shupin?"

Concubine Shu also stood aside, greeting Concubine Xian.Concubine Xian smiled and asked the eunuch to get off the sedan chair, and Xia Yu personally took Lan Jin's hand: "The empress's master loves my sister because she is young, so she didn't ask her to say hello sooner or later, and said she asked her to sleep more. That's why I didn't get it Opportunity and sister Lala family."

The expression on Lan Lai's face was indifferent: "Family? The concubine Xian was joking, so why does this concubine have anything to do with the concubine Xian?"

Concubine Xian couldn't help but put away her smile, and stared at Pin Shu's eyes: "After all, I can't write two Nala clans in one stroke. You and I come from the same family of Nala clan, how can we have no family?"

Concubine Shu laughed, with a somewhat blunt and alienated smile: "Can't you write two Nala clans in one stroke? Concubine Xian is really joking! The concubine is from Yeherana, but the concubine is from Huifa Nala; although they are the same Hala, outsiders will really confuse them if they don't understand."

"That's why this concubine has also heard that some people said that Concubine Xian and Empress Xiao Jingxian of the late Emperor are of the same family, and even made up a theory of aunt and niece, just because Empress Xiao Jingxian came from the Ulanara family. That's all nonsense The Huifanara clan of Concubine Xian is not of the same clan as Empress Xiao Jingxian, let alone of the same origin; nor is it the same as the Yehenara clan of concubine."

Concubine Shu raised her eyes and looked at the sky: "Just like the Han people with the surnames Zhang and Liu, there are so many people in every corner of the country. Could it be that all the people surnamed Zhang and Liu belong to the same family? Concubine Xian will not say 'one stroke' in the future." I can’t write two Nalashi’s words, so it’s ridiculous.”

 Concubine Xian is not Ulanara, she is Huifanara~~~ The Nala clan is mainly divided into four branches: Ulanara, Hadanara; Yehenara, Huifanara.Among them, Ulanara and Hadanara have the same origin, and are called "Nara with the same surname"; while Yehenala and Huifanara are both Nala surnames changed from Mongolian surnames, and they are not in the same family as Ulanara. ha~~
  See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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