Chapter 189
When Wanxi walked towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the emperor was also sitting in the "greenhouse" smiling.

He thought about the conversation between mother and son when he went to pay his respects to the empress dowager in the morning.

The Empress Dowager complained: "This time the newcomers to the palace are Concubine Shu and Concubine Yi. I heard that you often go to Concubine Yi's Xianfu Palace, but you have never checked the signboard of Concubine Shu. She is a newcomer. I was already nervous when I entered the palace, if you don't turn over her name, how can you tell her to settle down in this palace?"

Holding two jade gourds in his hand, he beat the Queen Mother's legs in person.His face is full of a filial smile as a son of man, but only he knows the firmness in his heart.

He lowered his eyes and blocked his gaze: "That's just a 14-year-old girl...just a little older than He Jing. My son looks like a girl, flipping cards or something, I really feel like doing something evil."

"But Er Nie's mind, my son understands that even if he doesn't turn over Shupin's brand, he will often sit in her palace when he is free. As long as his son goes often, no one in this palace will look down on her. Besides She still has Er Nie's care, so she will definitely not suffer."

The emperor said this so that the queen mother could only sigh: "Yes, that concubine Yi is quite old, she is already nineteen this year! But she was born in Nanfu after all, so you should be more reserved!"

Only then did the emperor raise his head, and looked at his mother quietly: "Ernie, just don't worry, the status of Concubine Yi is always better than that of Concubine Shu~"

The emperor sighed lightly when he thought of this, and slowly took out the picture of the blind man from his cuff.

He kept saying in front of his biological mother that he couldn't like a 14-year-old girl, but he was taken away by a [-]-year-old girl when he was last year... It makes me want to laugh.

Li Yu would also choose a time, come in happily and reply: "Master, Miss Wei is here."
The emperor's mood lifted, and he got off the kang with one leg: "Hmph, she still knows it's coming!"

That being said, people have already strode out first.Arriving at Ruyi Gate, with a smile in his long eyes, he looked Wanxi up and down: "What kind of wind brought such a noble lady like a girl here?"

Wanxi blushed so much that she could only kneel down to pay her respects.But as soon as he bent his legs, the emperor had picked up his arm, and excitedly wrapped him up and headed inside.

"...Fourth Master, there is still a piece of cake in that box!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "You did it?"

Wanxi shook her head.

"Hey! Li Yu, take it—hey hehe!"

Li Yu also suppressed a smile and agreed: "Hey!"
The emperor wrapped Wanxi into the apse, and couldn't help muttering all the way: "You are so brave! You dare to send me pastries made by others to fool me!"

Wanxi blushed: "It's just that this elm is old, and it won't taste good anymore."

The emperor snorted: "I knew you would always find excuses to evade!" Then he raised his voice and called: "Mao Tuaner!"

Wanxi watched anxiously as Mao Tuan'er brought someone into a large wooden box, and only when she got closer did she feel that the wooden box was very cold.When the wooden box was delivered to her eyes, Wanxi recognized it: "Bingjian?"

The emperor was tense, but the corners of his lips still couldn't help but smile happily: "It's good to know. I'll keep the freshest elm money for you all the time. Let's see how you continue to bully me today!"

The lid of the ice mirror was opened, and on the silver plate with holes drilled inside, there were elm coins threaded like copper coin hangers, green and green in one place.

Wanxi had no choice but to follow Mao Tuan'er into the tea dining room of the Hall of Mental Cultivation and use the small charcoal stove in the tea dining room.Although the utensils are simpler and not as complete as in the imperial dining room, the good thing is that there are no outsiders, and Mao Tuan'er has already driven away all the eunuchs serving tea in advance.

Wanxi put her big braids on her head and rolled up her sleeves.But the hair is too slippery, the ends of the braids can't be coiled, and they keep slipping off.As soon as she was cruel, she wanted to bite the end of the braid in her mouth, but when she turned her head, the end of the braid missed a person's face instead.

 It will be on shelves on Friday~~ Everyone, wait a little longer.see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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