Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1890 Chapter 5 187 Who is more heartbroken

Chapter 1890 Five Volumes 187 Who is more heartbroken (2 more)
Not to mention that Zhang Tingyu is the head of Hanchen, and Gao Bin's achievements in governing the river are unmatched.These two are the ministers of the emperor's shoulders.

Besides, Gao Bin is also the biological father of Concubine Huixian.

Even the emperor's heir is important, but a child who has not yet been born to a concubine cannot compare with the importance of these two veterans to the community.

When Nala heard this, she lowered her head and smiled quietly.

Wanxi quietly raised her eyes, "...the mistress smiled! The mistress is the backbone of the harem sisters. Since the mistress smiled, it must be something good. The mistress, tell the concubines quickly!"

Nala glanced at Concubine Ling, and laughed, "Concubine Ling, you really are the most discerning!"

Seeing this, all the concubines could not help but hold their breath quietly.

After the successful inoculation in February of Yongzheng, Nala's mind seems to be open, and she no longer has any worries.For the past two months, she has been kind to the masters of the sixth house.The relationship between the empress and the emperor became more and more harmonious, which made people feel that it was the empress who understood the specialness of this year, so she became united with the emperor and his wife.

Sensing the subtle change in the atmosphere, Nala raised his eyes with a smile, and put his hands gently on his stomach.

"If a child of a concubine is not enough to resolve the ominous death of two important ministers, then - what about the direct heir of the empress of the palace, is it enough to resolve it?"
All the concubines were startled for a moment, then they all stood up and saluted the queen.

"I'm waiting for you, congratulations to the emperor and the master's wife for being the heir again..."

Nala nodded with a smile, "They are all my own sisters, why bother to be so polite? I also accept the wishes of the sisters on behalf of the emperor and the children in my womb."
When all the concubines walked out of Yikun Palace, they couldn't help but glance over the Dongbei Palace where Concubine Xin lived.

Concubine Xin's month is getting older, and Nala said that Concubine Xin was originally from her palace, and she would see Concubine Xin every day naturally, so she spared Concubine Xin's daily greetings, and asked Concubine Xin to stay in the East Palace to raise her baby with peace of mind.

Walking out of Yikun Palace, Yuqin sighed, "The empress is very lucky. She had no children in the past 20 years, but once the seal is opened, it will happen one after another."

Wanxi looked indifferently.

"It's a good thing. After all, she is the empress and the emperor's official wife. The emperor wholeheartedly hopes that his son will inherit the throne and fulfill the wish that Lord Kangxi failed to fulfill. Then only the empress can help the emperor realize this wish."

"Besides, just like us, who haven't had anything out of the palace for many years, after seeing the queen's story, I have more confidence in myself, right? The queen can give birth after thirty years, so maybe we can too~"

Concubine Ying chuckled, "I'm afraid I don't have such a blessing." Concubine Ying blinked as she spoke, "I don't know why Concubine Qing has had nothing to do for so many years, but I know that I my own……"

As she spoke, she stepped forward and took Wanxi's arm, "Sister Ling, tell me, the emperor always smiles at me and has a pleasant face, does he count as pampering me?"

Wanxi blinked, "That's naturally a pet."

Concubine Ying pouted, "Since the emperor also dotes on me, why does he only smile at me, but doesn't flip my brand? Then am I a doting concubine after all?"

Concubine Ying has a straightforward personality, very candid like a grassland daughter, this remark made several people laugh.

Yuqin couldn't help laughing, stepped forward and pinched Concubine Ying's mouth, "Look at your mouth, it makes me feel a little ashamed. I've always been embarrassed to say it directly, and it's a shame about this matter." It's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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