Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1892, Volume 5, 189 Death

Chapter 1892 Five Volumes 189 Death (4 More)
Wanpin lowered her head and smiled lightly, then spoke after a pause.

"From the time you were 14 to now, the emperor has been growing up with you."

"Now, His Majesty, he has finally waited."
It's already April, and Nala and Concubine Xin each have their own children, and it's time to close the gate of Yikun Palace to raise their babies with peace of mind.

Wanxi accompanied the emperor quietly waiting for the arrival of May.

If, as Bandi and others have said, they can arrive in Ili in May, then the battle to pacify Junggar is imminent.

Without warning, on the day of April 22, bad news suddenly came.

The fifth princess from Queen Nala's clan died.
When the news came, everyone in the harem was shocked.

The fifth princess was less than two years old, she had just learned how to run and jump, and she had just finished speaking, when she was the most innocent and lovely, but she suddenly died like this without warning.

The emperor brought Wanxi and rushed into Yikun Palace together with the Six Palaces.

Nala has already fainted to the ground.When he woke up and saw the emperor, he threw himself into the emperor's arms and cried loudly, before fainting again.

Nala was pregnant with a child, and just had a wedding, and it was the most unstable time, crying like this, and fainting one after another, even the emperor was anxious.

The emperor ordered the imperial hospital to guard the empress, went out of the apse, and went to the main hall to interrogate Jingqi, nuns and mothers who were serving the five princesses.

The fifth princess is not yet two years old, and she has been raised in the Yikun Palace of the Nala family for more than a year.This time, Nala's family is happy again, and it is inconvenient to take care of the fifth princess, so the fifth princess just said to move to Zhaoxiang's place.

The only ones who moved to Zhaoxiang's residence with the fifth princess were Jingqi, Nanny and mothers of the fifth princess.

At this time, the emperor was concerned about the use of troops in the northwest, and said that after Junggar was pacified in May, he would discuss with the Nala clan on which mother and concubine the fifth princess would be given to raise... Unexpectedly, something happened at this juncture.
"... Your majesty, the servants are lucky enough to serve the fifth princess, so they must be watching the princess with a good eye. The princess is also in good health, and she hasn't suffered from any illness for more than a year."

"If not, it's just that she just moved to Zhaoxiang's place, and she changed places suddenly. The princess is a little bit resigned. She can't sleep well at night, and she's a little weak when she eats her head during the day."

"In addition, the princess has never left her master and empress since she was born for more than a year. Now she has moved out suddenly, and it is not possible to see her every day. The princess is young, and she doesn't know how to speak. She just cries. fire……"

"It's time to catch up with the spring again, and the princess is a little bit cold. I have a slight fever at night, and the imperial doctor came to see it, so it's not a big deal—the servants never dared to think that the princess actually, unexpectedly..."

A group of women and servants all fell to the ground crying, knowing that their catastrophe was coming, they tried their best to defend themselves.

The emperor checked the medical records himself, and it turned out that, as Jingqi and the nuns said, the princess just caught a cold and had a fever.
Another living little life went away without warning or sound.Wanxi felt very sad, but she couldn't do anything else right now, so she could only stay in the apse and accompany Nala with all the concubines.

Yuqin said in a low voice, "According to the days, the Queen got this child, it should be in March. Now it is April, and it was only a month ago that the five princesses were moved to Zhaoxiang's place. "

"I'm worried, the reason didn't happen this month; why couldn't it be a month ago? That is to say, who can guarantee that the accident happened in Zhaoxiang's place instead of in Yikun Palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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