Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1898 Chapter 5 Volume 195

Chapter 1898 Five Volumes 195 (4 More)
All the imperial physicians in the palace are cunning.

Some say they can't figure it out yet, and some say it's a man today and a woman tomorrow.

Later, when the month was old and the pulse had stabilized, those imperial physicians who had received the money were embarrassed to talk nonsense.Only then did one or two tell the truth - it was a female vein.

When she got that answer, it was like a bolt from the blue.

But things have come to this point, and I can't dig out my stomach to change it.So I can only make the best use of the situation and think of other ways to take advantage of the female fetus.

After calming down, she gradually felt that there was nothing wrong with giving birth to a princess.There was a shortage of princesses in the palace, so the emperor favored his daughters more.Not to mention the Emperor's own Princess Hejing and the Fourth Princess, even Princess Hewan born of Prince He Hongzhou was named Princess Heshuo.

It would not be a bad thing if she could give birth to a princess.

Princess Hejing has been married for many years, and the fourth princess is getting old, so it is not appropriate to be so close to the emperor.Then the one who will be favored this time is naturally the little princess.

The only thing that makes her unhappy is that there is already a fifth princess from the queen!
The fifth princess is not yet two years old, it is the cutest time, even when her sixth princess is born, and because she is still young, she cannot share the favor with the fifth princess.Besides, the fifth princess is still a direct descendant, so when the title is given in the future, it will naturally be Princess Gu Lun!And what she produces can only be Princess Heshuo after all.

From this point of view, it was not the empress's son who was blocking her way at this moment, but the fifth princess who was born as a descendant.

However, this obstacle no longer exists.Three months later, her sixth princess will be born, and she will become the only little princess in the palace, the emperor's only beloved little daughter~~.
That night, the emperor came very late.

Wanxi silently got up and took off the robe, coat, shoes and socks for the emperor with her own hands, but she did not make out with the emperor.

She just reached out and hugged the emperor.

The emperor came so late, so naturally he accompanied the queen.

Wanxi rubbed her hair lightly in front of him, "...Actually, tonight, the emperor should accompany the queen. Even if the master doesn't come tonight, the slave won't think wildly."

The emperor sighed and hugged Wanxi tightly.

"...But if you stay there, what else can you do except look at the empress? You want to say something to comfort her, but she complains that you are not sad enough; if you say a few more words, she complains again. Master only cares about Concubine Xin."

Wanxi nodded gently in his arms.

"Actually, the suffering of the Lord is no less than that of the empress... The empress is the mother-in-law of the fifth princess, and the emperor is also the biological father of the fifth princess. How can the pain of two parents be equal?"

Besides, Wanxi also understands how much the emperor loves the younger daughters.

It's just an inappropriate sentence, if the one who dies is a prince, the emperor may not feel so uncomfortable.

"The Queen's Empress is also very distressed, so she thinks that the Emperor is not uncomfortable..."

"It's just that the slave feels that what the empress really wants to say is not that the emperor is not uncomfortable enough, but that the emperor will still take care of Concubine Xin on such an occasion as today..."

The emperor snorted softly and turned over.

Wanxi gently tugged at the emperor's beard, "...the emperor has only one way to calm the empress's anger. That is to move Concubine Xin out of Yikun Palace."

The emperor turned his head, his eyes were burning, and he stared at Wanxi in the night.

"Where to move? There is no empty palace for her to live in in the East and West Sixth Palace!"

"Besides, she's about to give birth, where is the time to move!"

(End of this chapter)

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