Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1915 Volume 5 212 Strings

Chapter 1915 Volume 212 5 Strings ([-] more)
In August, the emperor got up from Luan and went to Mulan.

The number of accompanying harem has been customized, this time it is still six people.

Nala family and Concubine Xin stayed in the palace due to childbirth; Concubine Jia was seriously ill and stayed in the palace.

Nala's month is getting old, and the harem also needs help.The emperor left concubine Yu and Yuqin to manage it together.

This time, there were six people accompanying him, including Concubine Chun, Wanxi, Concubine Ying, Nobleman Shen, Nobleman Xiang, and E Changzai.

The emperor's fall this time was to meet all the leaders of the Mongolian tribes who had made great contributions to the pacification of Junggar this time.This autumn festival is destined to be an unprecedented grand ceremony, and Wanxi's heart can't help but surge with pride.

At this moment, all the battles in the harem were left behind.

Along the way, Wanxi rides in the same car with Concubine Chun and Concubine Ying, and the nobleman rides in the same car with Chang.Even Concubine Ying noticed that Concubine Chun was a little unhappy.

Wanxi carefully teased Concubine Chun to talk.Concubine Chun sighed, "This autumn is a great victory ceremony, but at this time the queen can't come, and the emperor's new favorite concubine Xin can't come either. I feel sorry for the two of them~"

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "The two of them will have a son and everything will be fine~"

The pure noble concubine fell silent again, her eyes fixed on the window.

Concubine Ying didn't tell Wanxi until she stayed in the palace all night that the emperor had sent the prince to sacrifice to the mausoleum along the way.

"Because before using the army, the emperor paid homage to the ancestral mausoleum and found the protection of the ancestors. Now that the army has won a great victory, it is natural to report to the ancestors. This time, the emperor sent three, four, and five princes to sacrifice on his behalf..."

Wanxi's heart also raised slightly, "Which tomb will the third elder brother Yongzhang ask for sacrifice?"

"Yongling." Concubine Ying said.

Wanxi bowed her head and thought for a while, "Yongling is the ancestral mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty, in which the ancestors of Emperor Zhaozu Yuan and Emperor Taizu are buried. It is also right for the third elder brother to go to worship Yongling now."

In ancient times, the patriarchal clan system and the matter of the prince offering sacrifices to the spirit also infer the emperor's preference for the throne.Therefore, this sending of the prince to worship the spirit has attracted great attention from both inside and outside the court.

"Fourth elder brother and fifth elder brother?" Wanxi asked.

"The fourth elder brother sacrifices to Zhaoling, and the fifth elder brother sacrifices to Fuling." Concubine Ying's eyes also turned slightly.

"Huh?" Wanxi was stunned.

Fuling is the mausoleum of Emperor Taizu Nurhachi, and Zhaoling is the mausoleum of Emperor Taizong Huang Taiji.According to the order of precedence, the fourth elder brother Yongxie should offer sacrifices to Taizu Emperor Fuling, and the fifth elder brother Yongqi should offer sacrifices to Taizong Emperor Zhaoling.

But the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother are reversed...

Concubine Ying also understood, so she nodded and said: "In the emperor's decree, the fifth elder brother Yongqi was mentioned first, and the fourth elder brother Yongxie was mentioned later."
Wanxi didn't speak for a while, and turned her head away.

The emperor really valued Yong Qi the most, no wonder Concubine Chun felt uncomfortable.

It's just fortunate that Concubine Jia didn't come this time, otherwise Concubine Jia would be seriously ill, and her heart would be even more difficult to settle down.

Concubine Ying looked at Wanxi quietly, then sighed softly, "Not only the two noble concubines, but if the empress and master come together, I will naturally feel uncomfortable. Although the son-in-law is still young, this time the prince's sacrifice to the spirit will inevitably cause the hearts of the government and the public." Move."

Wanxi nodded silently, "It's just that Concubine Yu is also staying in the palace for a while. If the Queen gets the news, Concubine Yu may suffer a lot from the days in the palace."
As the night fell, Wanxi returned to the bedroom.

Yurui walked in mysteriously and looked at Wanxi with a smile.

Seeing this appearance, Wanxi knew that Yurui had received some news from her Amana again.

The line is outside, and Debao is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He needs to take care of everything in person, so it is easier to meet Yurui.

(End of this chapter)

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