Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1925 Chapter 5 222 Gift

Chapter 1925: Gifts (222 more)
When Yu Rui was asked, she was startled.

Wanxi's eyes drooped slightly, "...it's Lord Jiu."

Back then Wanxi asked Fu Heng to introduce Zhao Yi to Mian En's mother-in-law. Fu Heng knew that Wanxi had the heart to take care of Mian En, so he personally taught her.
Under the eyes of everyone, even children in their teens are so nervous that it is inevitable that their hands will shake.But eight-year-old Mian En, with that little bow and arrow, hit the bull's-eye with the first arrow!
Everyone was surprised, and then applauded like thunder.

Mian En was not in the least messed up, and shot another arrow, hitting the bull's-eye again!

Even the emperor was amazed, and laughed in public, "If you hit another arrow, I will reward you with a yellow jacket!"

Mian En calmed down and fired the third arrow, which hit the bull's-eye again!
All the Mongolian princes stood up, knelt down to the emperor, and said, "The slaves and others sent their sons to fight. Unexpectedly, the grandson of my great emperor has already won at such a young age!"

The emperor was overjoyed, and smiled and said, "Mian En, you have been hit by two arrows in a row; if you hit another arrow, I will reward you with a yellow jacket!"

Everyone in the venue was boiling.

In the past, only Prince Xiaoding, Mian De, was known, but this concubine's grandson was ignored.Even though he is also Yonghuang's son, and even though Mian En's eriang is also a concubine bestowed to Yonghuang by the emperor himself, Mian De can assume the title of Prince, but Mian En cannot.

At this moment, Mian En was calm and composed, and two arrows hit the bull's-eye, which was already shocking; if the emperor rewarded the yellow jacket again, he would be the first child in the generation of the emperor's "Mian" to receive the yellow jacket .

In this way, Mian En's status in the emperor's heart will naturally increase.

Concubine Ying was so nervous that she grabbed Wanxi's hand under the table, "...these people are too, why do you stand up and watch. The child is only eight years old, so young, and Ama left early, and Erniang also Didn't follow. What if he made a sudden move?
Wanxi looked back and glanced outside the curtain.

She saw that among the jubilant crowd, there were three people who were calm and relaxed.

The first one is naturally the emperor.The second is Zhao Yi, and the third is Jiu Ye.

Seeing the three of them so calm, Wanxi's nervous heart settled down.

She bowed her head with a smile, "It can be done."
Even though she said so, Wanxi didn't dare to look at it.

Just hearing the breath-holding sound from outside the curtain, Wanxi knew that it was Mian En who was about to shoot the third arrow.

She took two deep breaths and turned her head to look out.Mian En's third arrow has left the string——

The air seemed to be condensed, and the point of the arrow drilled through the viscous air like isinglass.

Finally, with a wonderful "poof", the third arrow hit the heart again!
Everyone inside and outside the curtain cheered.Even the female relatives in the curtain, because they are full of Mongolian princesses, everyone can ride horses and shoot arrows, and they are not as cautious as the daughters of the Han family, so the cheers are like lifting the roof of the house.

Wanxi hastily lowered her head, sobbing.

Concubine Ying grabbed Wanxi's hand, pointed to the outside of the curtain and called, "Look, sister, what is that child going to do?"

Wanxi was afraid of something unusual, so she tried her best to calm down and turned her head to look.

I saw Mian En put away her little bow, facing the cheers of the crowd, she didn't have the slightest complacency on her face.He just walked forward silently and knelt before the emperor's seat.

Wanxi couldn't help it, she lowered her head and laughed out loud.

The emperor also pretended not to understand what the child meant, so he put on a straight face and asked, "Go forward and kneel down, what's the matter?"

Mian En knelt there, still silent.

The emperor couldn't help laughing, stroked his beard lightly, and told Sun Yuqing, "Go, bring it!"

(End of this chapter)

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