Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 193 Alone

Chapter 193 Alone
She couldn't help feeling a silent sourness in her heart.But she only smiled coquettishly: "The servant said, is the emperor willing to approve? Since I know the emperor will not agree, the servant wasted a favor for nothing, thank you."

Her sweet smile like this made him feel more pity in his heart.

He was even more reluctant to let go of her hand: "...Then you say it. As long as it's not about leaving the palace, no matter what you want, I will promise you."

Wanxi lowered her head: "Fourth Master, please tell me about that unhappy thing."

The emperor choked.

Wanxi herself was so nervous that she lowered her head and clenched the corners of her clothes tightly: "I know that the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, but I am not the emperor's harem. Even if the emperor told me, it would not be considered a violation of the ancestor's rules."

"Besides, I was born in the countryside, and I don't understand anything about the affairs of the court. Even if the master told me, I am also a duck who listens to thunder. I just don't understand anything."

His pitch-black eyeballs rolled slightly, and the corners of his lips were already raised: "Hmm, you are afraid that the master will accumulate the suffocation in your heart, and Yu Zu will get sick. It's not that you want to hear about the previous court, you just want to call Grandpa let it out."

Wanxi shrugged her shoulders: "Actually, I'm just curious, what kind of people and what kind of things are there in this world that can make a broad-minded person like Fourth Master angry."

As Wanxi spoke, she tilted her head and smiled again: "It is said that the prime minister can punt a boat in his belly, and the fourth master is the emperor. The servant wonders how the fourth master's stomach can fit a large fleet of ships! Just like back then Lord Kangxi’s trip to the south of the Yangtze River is like the boats of Zheng He’s voyages to the West in the previous Ming Dynasty.”

The emperor was amused by her, shook his head and smiled: "You, you want to say that my belly shouldn't capsize in the gutter."

Wanxi also laughed: "This slave thinks so, but I dare not say it so bluntly."

The emperor's name was Li Yu, and Li Yu brought in a toothbrush and peppermint salt. After the emperor rinsed his mouth and hands, the emperor sighed softly and said, "I killed a person. He was an important minister of the court."

Wanxi bowed her head and nodded: "It is not rare for the emperor to execute his subjects in all dynasties."

The emperor closed his eyes lightly: "I ask myself that I am lenient and benevolent. Since I took the throne, I have also governed the country with benevolence and filial piety. I don't want to kill ministers lightly, especially such important ministers. Besides, his crime is not worthy of death."

Wanxi stretched out her hand to slowly collect the dishes and chopsticks, and gathered them into a pile: "The emperor's benevolent government is because of good intentions. This servant is bold, and this servant also knows that many people complained about the tyranny of the late emperor; therefore, since the emperor came to the throne, he has tried his best to reverse the political situation. Extensive benevolent government. This is to make the world feel at ease, and it is also to accumulate virtue for the late emperor."

Just like the eight kings and others whom Yongzheng hated the most, they were reintroduced into the imperial family after the emperor ascended the throne, and the jade record was restored.

The emperor took a deep breath: "But whether it is benevolent or tyrannical, it is always a double-edged sword. I practice benevolent government, thinking that the ministers will be able to assist the government with peace of mind, but they gradually develop arrogance and extravagance. I have to kill! Even if you are only greedy for a thousand taels, I will kill you!"

Wanxi turned her head slightly: "It's his own fault, not the emperor's benevolent government. Besides, the person who made the mistake is already dead, leaving the past behind, why should the emperor still worry about the damned person?"

The emperor sighed softly and reached out to hold her little hand.

"Jiu'er, do you know that I am alone on this throne, but there are always times like this, when I look around, I find that I am always alone? With you accompanying me like this, talking, I It just feels better."

Wanxi felt pain in her heart, but she didn't dare to meet his gaze.

"How can the emperor be alone? The emperor still has so many harem lords, and the emperor can talk to them. They are more knowledgeable than slaves, and they know how to help the emperor share his worries."

"Really?" The emperor smiled, "It seems so. They are indeed older than you and have more knowledge, but if I tell them this, the first thing they think of is not how to share my worries, but rather How to figure out what I want, and then send the news out of the palace to their father and brother as soon as possible, so that their respective families can try to benefit from it."

The emperor took a deep breath: "I won't hide it from you. This time, one of the ministers I assigned to investigate this case came to protect me. If it is known that I am serious about this matter, within three days, there must be someone from the previous court." Take the opportunity to attack and impeach to protect."

 There will be more updates on Friday, please wait a moment.See you tomorrow.Thank you Mi Mi for the flowers; Damai Niang, 13778808016a, 189833ghhh for the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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