Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1938 Chapter 5 236 Removal

Chapter 1938 Chapter 236 Volume 8 Removal ([-] words completed)
"It's just that she and the five girls are still different things." The emperor looked carefully into Wanxi's eyes.

"Wu Niu wants to be favored by the master wholeheartedly, she wants to be the head of the inner court just like you; even, she has a heart to surpass you... The master sees that Wu Niu's mind is real. Yes, the master just gave you the marriage proposal and told you to take it and keep Wu Niu in check."

"This woman Yurui is not. Yurui has her whole heart towards you, and because she grew up by your side, she even has a demeanor and a temperament similar to yours. In every gesture, she already has you three or four times." Go as it should."

"Not only does she look like this, but her inner likes and dislikes are all influenced by you, so this heart can't be controlled by her since she was a child. At this age, she is already in love, but she doesn't even know what she is doing. ..."

Wanxi sighed, "Don't worry, my master, I won't make trouble with Yu Rui just because of this. At this moment, there is a shortage of people around me, and after Yuye leaves in August, the slave's palace will be even more serious." You can't do without Yurui. Therefore, this slave will not do such a stupid thing, just because of this point of jealousy, I will embarrass Yurui."

"My father's analysis of Yurui just now was even more penetrating, and it made my servant's heart suddenly brighten."

"Don't worry, my master. This servant can clearly distinguish Yurui from Wuniu. In fact, Yurui has seen all the good things my master has done to my slave all these years. I know. Besides, she has been in the palace since she was 13 years old, and she has never seen any good men except Ye, so it is inevitable that at this age, she will treat Ye as the best in the world."

The emperor stretched out his hand to scratch the tip of Wanxi's nose, "What's the matter, isn't the master the best in the world in your eyes?"

Wanxi snuggled into the emperor's arms, stretched out her arms and hugged him by the waist, "...the servant just hopes that the master is not the best!"

The emperor smiled and said softly, "Well, then I'm not the best. I just want to be the one who suits you and makes you willing to stay with him. That's enough."

The two hugged each other, not daring to do any more intimate things, so they just hugged each other without speaking.Let's watch the setting sun turn thick outside the window together, and the golden light covers the top of Xishan Mountain, when the beauty is at its strongest.
In the evening, the emperor usually had some wine and meals.After a busy day, drinking some wine at night can always make people relax.But because of Wanxi's body, the emperor still endured it.

Wanxi called Yurui in private, "Let's leave this matter to Liu Zhu'er."

In the evening, the meal was served, and the emperor placed an extra night of glutinous rice balls in front of him.

This fermented glutinous rice has a strong aroma, even though it is fermented glutinous rice, the aroma of the fermented glutinous rice still lingers on the nose.

The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked up at Wanxi.Wanxi pretended not to notice, and secretly took a few mouthfuls of honeydew crabapple fruit to appetize as usual.

The emperor then asked Zhao Sande, the eunuch serving food, "I remember that there is no such thing on tonight's food list. Who told you to come in?"

Zhao Sande went in without knowing it, but thought that the emperor was upset, so he hurriedly kowtowed to the ground, "Go back to the emperor... this, this is not the slave's idea! The slave, the slave was going to feed the emperor according to the meal list. But In the dining room, Liu Zhu'er is very aggressive lately, and he insists on going over the menu that is sent to Master Ling every day with his own eyes. Regardless of whether he is given this errand by his superiors, he dares to write down the dishes as soon as he picks up his pen!"

"It's just that today, after the emperor delivered the meal, Liu Zhu'er insisted on begging for nothing to stuff it in for the servant. The servant refused to let it go, and even the guards who served the meal were angry, but Liu Zhuer You have to be stubborn..."

"The emperor forgives the sin, the slave deserves to die... It's just that the slave has no other choice, and I hope the emperor will find out."

Wanxi could only quietly roll her eyes, and turned her face away.

In this palace, although they are all eunuchs, it is said that eunuchs can observe words and expressions, but you see, this eunuch and the eunuch are two different things; and the words and expressions observed by the eunuchs are actually different. .

The emperor also sighed helplessly, and raised his foot as if to kick, but he stopped in mid-air, and only growled, "Get out!"

Zhao Sande escaped rolling and crawling.The emperor quietly stared at Wanxi, "...Since Mao Tuan'er left, I have always been worried about this. I want to find another suitable envoy for you, but I can't for a while!"

"If there is no suitable one, I will directly point Hu Shijie to you!"

Wanxi quickly waved her hand, "Grandpa... our child is about to go to the ground, you put such a face in the slave palace, don't you want to scare the child?"

The emperor was helpless, so he also smiled.

Only then did Wanxi lean over, her head leaning on the emperor's shoulder.

"... Hu Shijie used to be the chief manager of the respect room. It is inappropriate for the master to point him to the slave. Although Mao Tuaner used to be a member of the imperial court, when he came to the slave, he was still a haha ​​bead eunuch. It doesn't matter if you don't have a rank status."

The emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at Wanxi, "Even Hu Shijie is not willing to ask for it, so you have another idea in your heart?"

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "There is a child who has been caring for many years. It's just that Mao Tuan'er was compared to him before, and the slave didn't care about it. Even if the slave was promoted to concubine, there could have been a concubine in Yongshou Palace. There are two chief eunuchs, and the servant would rather spare the other one."

"It's just that Mao Tuan'er is no longer in the palace, and the eunuchs in the servant palace can't be in charge of everything, so the servant has to observe in private. If this person is suitable, the servant will report to the emperor."

The emperor squinted his eyes with a smile, his eyes gliding over the bowl of fermented glutinous rice balls that came just in time, but he didn't say much.
As July approached, many people in the harem could not sit still.

Wanxi had no choice but to go to the main hall of Tiandijiachun every day to pay respects to Nala, so she would send a woman there.Ever since she moved to Yuanmingyuan, Wanxi has assigned most of this errand to Wu Niu.

One day when Wu Niu arrived at the Queen's Palace, Nala cast a glance at De Ge.

Dege then stepped forward to hold Wu Niu's hand affectionately, "Anyway, you used to be a person who went out of our palace, and you should come back to sit and sit often on weekdays. Tana and I miss you very much."

Wu Niu smiled dryly.

She never forgot how she ate Tana and Dege in the queen's palace back then.Therefore, when she came back to the palace this time, she knew that the empress had some affection for her, but unfortunately the empress hadn't said anything to her in the past few years; after the empress had two legitimate sons, she thought she was at ease, so she was indifferent to Wu Niu down.

Wu Niu was more aware of fragrance and smell, and even when they entered the Queen's Palace together, they also turned towards Concubine Xin in their hearts, but they didn't like to come to Nala Shi.

At this moment, Zi Dege stepped forward to show his favor again. It's not that she doesn't know what the queen wants to do.

It's June, and it's still impossible to guess whether Wanxi is pregnant with a boy or a girl.

"...Thank you, Queen's Master, Aunt Tana, Aunt Dege, I am ashamed to be a slave."

Naturally, Nala could hear that Wu Niu was a little unhappy, and also saw that De Ge was a bit embarrassed when questioning, so he said directly, "A person from the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that your brother is responsible for the maintenance and herding of troops for the Northwest. Camel and horse errands. As a result, the number of camels and horses under your brother's management is not enough to fatten up."

"Camels and horses don't grow fat. It doesn't sound like a big deal. But it's the time when the imperial court is using troops in the northwest, and these camels and horses are useless! Then, how to carry the grain and grass for the northwest? Soldiers, what should we ride to fight Junggar?"

"At this time, the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is about to discuss the crime. If your brother's crime is seriously discussed, he should lose his head!"

Wu Niu's knees softened and she knelt down on the ground.

She hated her brother and sister-in-law, but they were still siblings after all.

"My lord... I beg my lord to be merciful. The slave's elder brother must definitely not be trying his best, but whether the camels and horses grow fat or not depends not only on the wages, but also on the weather of the pasture, right?"

The queen smiled faintly, "I think so too. If camels and horses don't grow fat, it doesn't mean your brother doesn't try his best..."

Nala's eyes swept Wu Niu's face up and down.

"Your family is also under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they are the servants of our royal family. The matter of your brother should have been discussed by the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it is not my turn to bother. But since they came back and forth with me specially, I am afraid they will also look at it." For the sake of being a woman in the palace, you are now a first-class woman in the palace, and even the ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are unwilling to offend easily."

"Speaking of it, they probably still remember that you were originally a woman in my palace; but after all, you have been with Concubine Ling for a longer time... I was wondering if they would also send this letter to me after they finished replying to me." Going back to Concubine Ling? But judging by your reaction, Concubine Ling doesn't seem to have told you about this?"

Nala couldn't help shaking her head as she spoke, and said twice, "Could it be that Concubine Ling deliberately didn't want to care about your brother, so she simply didn't tell you?"

Wu Niu lowered her head and couldn't help gnashing her teeth secretly.

That's right, Jiu'er is just waiting for her child to be born at this moment. With her mother in the palace serving her, she naturally doesn't want to meddle in other people's affairs!

Wu Niu raised her head abruptly, her eyes fixed on Nala Shi.

"Back to the queen's master, since the master has been pregnant, what he has always loved to eat is the crabapple fruit that she brewed by herself in Yongshou Palace..."

There was a glint of ice in Nala's eyes.

"Begonia fruit? In that case, she loves sour food!"
Wu Niu stayed at the queen's side for a while longer, and happened to meet two princes from the Nala family who came to greet the queen.

Yongzheng is four years old, and after this year he has to formally enter school, although he is still a child, but he also knows that he is the eldest son, so his words and deeds already look like a little grown-up; on the contrary, Thirteen Brother, because he is not yet one year old, this is still in his arms.

Wu Niu hurriedly saluted the two elder brothers.

Yong Xing glanced at Wu Niu indifferently, and only accepted the gift; Thirteenth Elder Brother seemed to like Wu Niu very much, and stretched out his hand to Wu Niu from the mother's arms, as if he really wanted to be hugged by Wu Niu.

Wu Niu was taken aback, and hurriedly backed away.She is just a woman, how can she just be the prince.Besides, the queen loves these two sons-in-law like eyeballs, not everyone can hug them.

Even in the past, when the chiefs of the inner court wanted to show their intimacy to the two elder brothers, and wanted to hug them with their own hands, Nalashi usually used the crying of the child as an excuse and asked the mother to take the matter away.

Unexpectedly, when Wu Niu retreated, the thirteenth elder brother cried loudly, no matter how much the nanny tried to coax her.

Wu Niu was so shocked that she hurriedly knelt down and pleaded guilty to Nala.

Nala laughed, "It seems that you and Thirteen are also destined. Let's hug."

Today, Nalashi managed to regain the distance with Wu Niu, and learned about Wanxi's taste from Wu Niu's mouth, which is also a deliberate gesture of affection.

Wu Niu was so flattered that she hugged Brother Thirteen into her arms.

After all, she is also a 30-year-old woman, and now she is holding a soft and soft child in her arms, and she feels pity suddenly in her heart.

What's more, this is a direct prince, so how can she be able to hug her if she says she can hug her.

She couldn't help but hugged the little prince tighter, and swayed gently.

Nala also smiled, "It's rare that Thirteen likes you, I'm glad to see it."

I don't know if it's because it's rare for the Nala family to allow outsiders to hug the prince, but the twelfth elder brother Yongxin also raised his head and stared at Wu Niu.

Nala cast a glance at Yongxin.

The twelfth elder brother will start school next year, and the nanny will be dismissed, and now he is accompanied by the eunuch Liang Yixin.

Liang Yixin hurriedly smiled and explained for Yongzheng, "The twelfth elder brother has a deep brotherhood. Seeing that the thirteenth elder brother is happy, he will also be happy."

Nalashi also nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand to draw Yongzheng over, "Silly boy, come to Huang'er Nie. Your brother is still young, and you can still enjoy the warmth of being in his arms; but who said you can't do it? If there is Queen Empress, ask Empress Empress to hug her."

Wu Niu hugged Elder Brother Thirteen and teased her for a while, and she found it interesting, so she handed Elder Thirteen back to Nanny, and then bowed and said goodbye.

Nala clasped Yongzheng and nodded, "It's not short time for you to come out, it's time to go back. In case the imperial concubine has to interrogate you when she turns back, it will be embarrassing for you."

Wu Niu walked out of Nala's dormitory quickly, and couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Concubine Xin's dormitory.

During this hesitation, he only heard the first shout, "Stop!"
Wu Niu shuddered, thinking that the people around the empress had noticed her looking at Concubine Xin's bedroom.

Her hair stood up at the roots, and she looked back—but saw a child standing under the eaves of the corridor.

It was Yongzheng.

Only then did Wu Niu heave a sigh of relief, she hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and asked with a smile, "Brother Twelve told you to stop the servant, what are your orders?"

A four-year-old child is not yet a threat, and Wu Niu is not afraid.

Yongzhen pointed at the small courtyard next to him with a cold face, "Follow me."
Today's Wu Niu went to greet the queen on Wanxi's behalf, and the delay was very long.

It's just that it wasn't Wuniu herself who was waiting for Wanxi to come back, but Tana who was full of anger.

Tana came in front of Wanxi, and because she cared about Wanxi's body at this moment, she didn't dare to make a mistake, she restrained herself a little, and said in a slow tone, "Returning to the master, originally the master is going to give birth soon , The Queen's Master doesn't want to annoy the Master because of trivial matters. It's just that there is one thing, the Queen's Master said, I have to send a servant to ask the Master today."

Wanxi lowered her head and slightly curled the corners of her lips.

"...Miss, let's talk. Since it's the master's empress asking, it's naturally an important matter."

Tana took a deep breath, "Master Empress said, Master Ling has already reported that Yu Ye, the daughter of Yu Ye, who is under the position of Master, has left the palace after her mission expires. Mistress Empress would like to ask, how did Master Ling forget the palace?" There are still people who are older than Yuye, why are they still serving in the palace? Do you want to stay here for the rest of your life, then you should get back to the truth as soon as possible, so that the queen and master can make preparations; besides, you have to tell the family. "

"If the master doesn't have the idea of ​​keeping others for a lifetime, it's better to plan the day of leaving the palace early. It's better to ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to pick new people and teach them in advance."

Wanxi couldn't help raising her hand to caress her forehead, and pretended to be stupid, "Dare to ask girl, who is the lady the master is asking about? Yuhan?"

Yuhan's age is naturally the oldest, but her temperament has always been mediocre, which sometimes makes people forget her existence for a while.

Tana came here in a rage, but she was stopped by Wanxi's words, she was stunned for a while, and then she replied more cautiously, "Master, please forgive the rashness of this slave, Fangcai and slave have said the wrong thing. Yuhan is originally the old man of the former concubine Huang Niangniang, since she has stayed in the palace for these years, she has already decided not to leave the palace."

"The person who the Queen's master asked the slave to ask the master is Wu Niu."
Wanxi lowered her head, her eyes staring at the sunlight reflected on the floor tiles, quietly turning around.

She held back a smile, and looked up at Tana in surprise.

"Oh? Wu Niu? The master and empress want to ask Wu Niu to leave the palace?"

Wanxi glanced at Yu Ye in embarrassment, "Although Wu Niu has been a sister to me since she was a child, she is not the same as Yu Ye after all. Wu Niu was originally an old person in the palace of the master and empress. He was called back after he recovered from his illness. Even if the master and empress sympathized with me and pointed out Wu Niu to my palace, I have always treated it as a temporary thing."

"In the end, whether or not Wu Niu should leave the palace, and when she should leave the palace, I have never regarded it as a matter that I can decide on my own, and it is all up to the empress's orders. Therefore, I plan to ask Yuye to leave the palace this year, but I didn't think about Wu Niu at all, so I didn't tell the empress, I hope the empress will understand."

Tana then smiled, "So that's the case. In this way, the Queen's Master and Ling Master have thought of going together. The Queen's Master said that since Miss Yuye is going to leave the palace this year, there is no reason to keep it for three years." Ten out of five girls!"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "I would like to ask my aunt to go back to Empress Ming for me. I will always let the empress deal with the matter of Wu Niu. Even if the empress arranges it, I am not displeased."
Tana hurried back to report the letter, and Wanxi raised her eyes to look at Yuye and Yurui.Yuye and Yurui couldn't hold back anymore, they laughed softly.

Yu Ye said, "This servant understands who is the master's daughter! This servant is trying to break his head and can't figure it out. What kind of idea did Fujin use to make the queen so eager to take the initiative to talk to the master?" Mention, are you going to send Wu Niu out of the palace?"

Wanxi blinked narrowly, "Ginger is old and spicy, I don't know..."

Yu Rui came over and hugged Wanxi's arm, "But at least the master is Fujin's daughter, what Fujin thinks, the master can guess at least a little bit. But the slaves can't think of it at all, and I beg the master to point me in the right direction .”

Wanxi smiled and raised her eyes to look out the window.

"I am upright, Amma, but sometimes I am too upright and lack of change. My brother and I have always been afraid of Amma since we were young, especially my elder brother, who often provokes Amma to punish me for trivial matters. My mother-in-law will take advantage of it, I have to take care of my Ama's face and protect my brother from punishment. In my opinion, this matter is really difficult, but my mother-in-law has been able to handle it with ease for so many years."

"From then on, I knew that Er Niang was a person with a heart. Later, when I grew up, I realized that Er Niang's heart and mind were served in the harem for many years. here."

"It's just that my mother-in-law will always separate the court from her own family, and she never uses the schemes and fights that people have been exposed to in the palace in her daily life. On the contrary, when my Ama encounters unsatisfactory officialdom, my mother-in-law always Advise Ama, 'Take a step back, what's the big deal'~"

"But this time, in order to protect me, my mother-in-law didn't ask Wu Niu to cause trouble for me at this moment, so she has to take care of Wu Niu herself—this is against her many years of dealing with people. It can be seen that a mother can not care about anything when it comes to protecting her children."

Yuye and Yurui looked at each other and nodded.

"So for a mother, the biggest weakness is her own child. Especially after 20 years in the palace, the empress only had a son. She regards the son as more important than her own life."

"Wu Niu was originally a nail she placed beside me, so she was naturally reluctant to pull it out with her own hands, not to mention it was a critical moment when I was about to give birth. It was too late for her to use Wu Niu, so how could she suddenly offer to let me go?" Wu Niu is out of the palace?"

"But it just happened like this, so I think the most likely reason is her two sons. It must be that Wu Niu's words and deeds offended the two sons, causing the empress to worry. ~"

Yuye and Yurui nodded vigorously, but seeing Wanxi stopped for a while, Yuye still refused.

"The master only said so much, but the slave still can't understand what Fujin did!"
While talking, the five girls outside finally came back.

Yu Ye and Yu Rui have never seen Wu Niu's dejected and disheveled appearance.

Wu Niu came to Wanxi to reply.

Wanxi asked her calmly, "How can the queen be safe? How can the two elder brothers be safe?"

Wu Niu's complexion became even uglier, and she said with restraint: "...Ann."

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "Maybe it's my own child who is about to fall into the world, and I miss the two little elder brothers very much. Have you seen them with your own eyes? Have they grown up?"

Wu Niu seemed to be choking on her breath, so she couldn't speak, but had tears in her eyes.

Wanxi was surprised and said, "What's wrong with you? Just go to greet the queen for me. This is what you do almost every day these days. You are the most eloquent and nimble. It is best to ask you to go." Don't worry. I will ask you to go tomorrow."

Wu Niu suddenly fell to the ground and burst into tears, "... I beg the master to forgive me, I don't want to go anymore!"
Wanxi slapped the table abruptly.

"Five girls, haven't you told me clearly what you did in the queen's palace? Let me tell you the truth, just now Tana in the queen's palace has come back and forth with me, saying that the queen is going to drive you out of the palace Woolen cloth!"

Wu Niu trembled, her legs softened, and she fell to her knees.

"...Master, this slave has been wronged!"

Wanxi narrowed her eyes, "What happened?"

But Wu Niu bit her lip and refused to speak for a long time.

Yu Ye couldn't help scolding, "What do you want? The matter is clear, you must have made a big mistake in front of the queen; since you came back and begged the master to save you, you just refused to say anything like a gourd! "

"In our Eternal Life Palace, there is no rule that the master does not reply when he asks questions. If you continue to do this, the queen will not punish you. I will be the first to inform the Department of Punishment and send you there to learn the palace rules!"

Yuye has not left the palace for a day, and she is still the woman in charge of Yongshou Palace, so she can stand up to the rules in front of Wu Niu.

Wu Niu clenched her silver teeth and raised her eyes to stare at Yu Ye.

"It's fine what the master says about me. But it's not your turn to talk to me like this!"

Yu Ye sneered, "Why is it not my turn to talk to you like this? Although the master is sympathetic to you, he will give you the status of a first-class woman when you enter the palace, but the woman in charge of the Yongshou Palace is me! "

Wu Niu stared at Yu Ye recalcitrantly, "The woman in charge? Don't forget, you will leave the palace in two months."

Yu Ye snorted, "You are right, I will leave the palace in two months. Naturally, I am willing to leave a good idea for the sisters in the palace to go. People make some small mistakes, but I just make big things into small things and make small things into nothing.”

"But then again, what kind of days are these two months to the master? These two months are the time when the master can't move at all! Therefore, who dares to contradict the master and disrespect the master during these two months?" Master, I don't care about my little thoughts. I must investigate to the end!"

Yuye stared at Wu Niu, "Besides, since you returned to the palace, have you always kept mentioning that you were like sisters with the master? Then how dare you make trouble for the master during the last two months when the master's body is most important?" , and want to provoke the master to get angry?"

Wu Niu gritted her teeth, but was speechless for a moment.

Yuye took a deep breath, "...Besides, even if I'm leaving the palace in two months, but the empress's master wants you to leave the palace right away. Miss Wu, you're at fifty steps away. Are you laughing a hundred steps?"
Wanxi gave Yurui a wink, and Yurui stepped forward to stop Yuye, not telling her to continue talking.

Wanxi lowered her eyes faintly, but she didn't look at Wu Niu, but at the bright shadow of the sun printed on the floor tiles.

"Tell me what happened."

Wu Niu bit her lips tightly, her face full of embarrassment which was rare.

She still didn't want to say it, she lowered her head and struggled for a long while.

But in the end, there was no other way to go but to tell the truth, so he had no choice but to blush, and raised his eyes to glance at Yuye and Yurui, "The slave wants to speak to the master alone."

Yu Ye sneered again and again, "You still want to kick us out? Now that the master is in critical condition, who can rest assured that you can talk to the master alone! If you contradict the master again and make him angry , then what are we?"

Wanxi raised her eyes indifferently, and nodded towards Yurui.

Yu Rui grabbed Yu Ye firmly, persuaded and pulled, and took Yu Ye out.

Only Wanxi and Wuniu are left in the hall.

The water and wind are light, coming up from the back lake.Compared with the Forbidden City, the architectural style of Yuanmingyuan is lighter and more elegant, but more like Jiangnan pavilions.This kind of architectural style makes people more calm.

Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, "Go ahead."

Hearing Wanxi's soothed voice, Wu Niu's eye sockets became sore, and a pair of clear tears finally fell down.

"Jiu'er...help me!"

They called each other by nicknames since they were young, just like those innocent days when a scale feather flew past quietly.

Wanxi lowered her head and said, "You tell me first. I can't stop you from leaving the palace; but at least I will try not to let you leave with a crime. I will tell you to be like Yuye, after the expiration of the age limit. Just take the rewards and items from the palace and go out of the palace dignifiedly."

Wu Niu closed her eyes, "But... Jiu'er, I don't want to leave the palace, and I can't!"

"You know my situation outside the palace. After I returned to the palace, I was determined. I would rather grow old in the palace for the rest of my life, and never go out of the palace again. Roll your eyes!"
Wanxi suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Wu Niu.

Wanxi didn't understand why Wu Niu wanted to stay in the palace, but she didn't want to be a woman like this; Wu Niu's real intention was to be the head of the inner court.

In Wu Niu's eyes, what she can do, that Wu Niu can also do.Even, it will only be better.

But in the end, for the sake of her own children, Wanxi endured it forcefully.

Wanxi's eyes rolled quietly, "...but you still haven't told me what happened until now. Wu Niu, if you don't even have such an idea of ​​trust in me, how dare you ask me to save you?"

Wu Niu lowered her eyes sadly and closed her eyes for a while.

"...It's not that I'm trying to hide it from you, it's that I still don't understand what's going on! I was going to the main hall of 'Tiandi Family Spring' to greet the queen master for you. That's when I ran into it The twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother also came to greet the queen."

Wan Xi nodded.The time of morning and evening appointments is relatively fixed, the concubine has to give the queen morning and evening appointments, and the two direct princes naturally also have to give morning and evening appointments to the mother, so it is inevitable that the two groups of people will collide.

It's just that the two direct princes are still young at this moment, so it doesn't matter; when they are over ten years old, no matter whether they are other inner court lords or official women, they have to avoid suspicion.

However, Wu Niu's words confirmed Wanxi's previous guess: Nala wanted to drive Wu Niu out of the palace, and it seemed that the reason was really the prince.

"Could it be that you ran into the two princes?" Wanxi asked lightly.

Wu Niu bit her lip, "...The slave has been in the palace for these years anyway, how can the slave forget the rules that he should know? Besides, these two are the princes, and the slave is in front of the empress and master. How can the slave dare?" Unruly?"

It turned out that Wu Niu had already resigned and left Nala's dormitory, but she was stopped outside by the [-]th elder brother Yongxi who was chased out for no reason.

Yongzheng called Wu Niu to the side hall and ordered Wu Niu to sit down. The little boy who was about to be five years old suddenly got into Wu Niu's arms and stretched out his hand to untie Wu Niu's clothes...

 Quietly added an update~~Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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