Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1942 Chapter 5 240 Going Alone

Chapter 1942 Five Volumes 240 Solitary Walks (Six Thousand Completions)

Yu Rui could hear the sarcasm in Wu Niu's words.

It's just that this is not the time to compete with Wu Niu in words.

Yurui endured it, and smiled back, "Fifth Sister is really paranoid. Fifth Sister has also seen what happened to the master at this moment, so how can she take care of others? The rest of us are slaves, and this moment is also too much." They are all just serving the master with all their heart, how can they have other thoughts?"

"No other thoughts?" Wu Niu smiled coldly after hearing this, "If others say so, it's fine. You Yurui said that you have no other thoughts, and you have the nerve to say it, but I'm not stupid enough to believe it!"

Even if Yurui is good-natured, she won't be able to hold back her anger at this moment.

"What is Fifth Sister saying? Why can't I understand?"

Wu Niu sneered, "Who doesn't know that in our Yongshou Palace, although you are supposed to be a second-class woman, you are actually even more first-class than the first-class woman! Don't say that you always step on me on purpose." Go, don't pay attention to me, a first-class woman at all; gradually, Yuye who is in charge of things, why do you really pay attention to it?"

"You rely on your ama to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and you deliberately play tricks in front of the master, so that the master will gradually rely on you in everything, which is tantamount to putting you above me and Yuye. Wait for the girl to go!"

Yu Rui bit her lip tightly, desperately suppressing her anger.

Seeing that Yurui was speechless, Wu Niu felt even more proud.

"I can understand your feelings. After all, when it comes to the relationship with the master, you can't compare to me and Yuye. Yuye and I grew up together with the master as children. , Sister Qingtong... As for you, you just came out halfway."

"You don't need to say that you can't compare with me and Yuye, you can't compare with Yuhu and Yuhan. If Yuhu is not out of the palace, and Yuhan is too dull, you will not be able to show you at all!"

"But your fate is good, you will be reincarnated, and you have a good Amma who can study. You can become a Manchu scholar, you can be a scholar, and you can be the chief minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs... You know the status of the master's family, and your mother's father and brother can't count on it. In the previous dynasty, you needed to find someone to help you, so you took out your Ama and used it to invite favors in front of the master."

Wu Niu paused, staring at Yurui and giggling.

"Do you dare to say that you didn't do this? Or do you dare to deny that if you didn't have such an Ama, would you be able to have the status you have today in front of the master?"

"Or, do you dare to believe that you, a girl who came halfway, can surpass me and Yuye, and have separated from my master since we were young?"
Yurui's forehead twitched on both sides, no matter how much she could bear it, Wu Niu's words were about to break the limit of her patience.

She couldn't help turning her watery eyes, and sneered, "Wu Niu, you want to say the word 'love and sister' again, don't you? I beg you, please don't say it."

"Since you came to Yongshou Palace, you have said it not to mention [-] times in the past few years, at least [-] times. Our Yongshou Palace, or even the entire East and West Sixth Palace, everyone's ears have been worn out by your words. Calluses are coming."

Wu Niu was poked at the sore spot, her face turned red, as if her mouth had been slapped by Yu Rui's words.

But Wu Niu is not a vegetarian, and she refuses to eat the slightest bit of loss from childhood to adulthood.

"Ouch, listen to what you said. What I told you thousands of times, why your ears have calluses - as if how close I am to you! Yurui, don't hurt yourself It’s time to post gold, I’m not that close to you!”

"In the past few years since I came to Yongshou Palace, all the words I have said can't exceed the number you said, let alone I have said those four words to you five thousand times! You are too The daughter of the Manchu Hanlin, why is she so clueless, even such a small amount, I can’t figure it out!”

Yu Rui was so angry that she couldn't speak for a while, her fingertips were tightly clutching the clay pot for cooking porridge, and her shoulders couldn't help trembling slightly.

Looking at Yurui's appearance, Wu Niu couldn't help but feel even more proud.

She glanced left and right, staring at Yu Rui's expression carefully, as if she couldn't bear to blink.

"...Oh, that's not right. It can't be said that you are not good at calculating. You are quite good at calculating people! When the jade pot was out of the palace, there was something wrong with the master, especially in my heart. At that time, I just came back The foundation of the palace is not yet secure; Yu Yeyou is always so reckless, unable to stand up to the frame of the jade pot; Yu Han is too dull... You just kept your eyes on this opportunity and took advantage of the situation!"

"You imitate the jade pot in words and deeds. Although you are younger than me and Yuye, you look young and mature, which makes up for the lack in the master's heart. In addition, you, Ama, are powerful, With all your help, you seem to be the second jade pot in Yongshou Palace. It seems that the master can leave the jade leaf and me, but he can't leave you either."

"It's just a pity, after all, you are not as important as me and Yuye in the heart of the master, so the master gave me and Yuye the places of two first-class women. No matter how hard you try, you can still only be used as a threshold A second-class woman who waits outside."

"I know, with your current official position, Ama, and with all your painstaking efforts for so many years, how can you be satisfied with being a second-class woman? If you want to be promoted again, you must try to drive me and Yuye out to the palace."

"Now you are even more sure. When Yuye and I go out of the palace, you will not only be the first-class woman next to the master, but you will also become the woman in charge of the Yongshou Palace! Therefore, let's not talk about others. You are the first one who most wants me and Yuye to commit crimes and get out of the palace!"

Wu Niu stared at Yu Rui and sneered repeatedly.

"Yu Ye and I are in love with the master, even when we are old, neither of us wants to go out of the palace. Just like the head of the inner court, there are a few who will serve the closest The first-class women are all sent out of the palace when they reach the age of 25? — Except for Concubine Shu who kicked out Cheng Jue and Ruhuan out of nowhere, almost all the rest stayed behind."

"That's not to stay for a year or two, it's to be kept as a right-hand man for a lifetime, and that's really called being dependent on each other. Just like the folks, when a Fujin of any family comes to her husband's house, they are afraid that they will be alone, and they have to keep a few companions by their side. House, dowry, help me."

"But our palace is doing well now, Yuye and I have to leave the palace soon! The master doesn't even try to keep us! This has really become a big joke in the harem!"

Wu Niu deliberately leaned closer to Yu Rui's face, staring at her eyes.

"So...you're proud, aren't you? The situation you wanted has finally come, isn't it?"

"You want me to tell you, Yu Ye clearly begged the master so much to stay, even knelt outside the dormitory for a night, but the master just made up his mind not to allow it—is it because you are in front of the master too?" Drums'?"

"You must have counted Yuye's recklessness over the years in private, so that the master will realize that with you who is cautious and sensible, you naturally don't need such a straightforward Yuye. But you turned your head in front of Yuye and pretended to be with her. She's a good sister, isn't she?"

Yu Rui couldn't stand listening anymore, and couldn't help but sneered, "Have you said enough?!"

Wu Niu laughed instead.

"Look, tell me to tell the truth, you can't hold on at last, can you?"

"Actually, what kind of bad water is hidden in your heart? Yuye is stupid and can't see through it, but I have already seen it! It is said that when Yuhu just left the palace-I heard that Yuhu found out that the former Yuyan You are the one who exposed the fact that there is a flower in the relics?"

"I hadn't returned to the palace at that time. Although I didn't hear all that well, I knew that Yuye had been uncomfortable for a long time. If you really regarded Yuye as a sister, you owed me so much at that time. What are you doing? That happened many years ago, and you were so young at that time, you can see that you didn't take Yuye seriously at all!"

Yurui's complexion was pale, but in the midsummer of July, Yurui's body trembled like a leaf in the autumn wind.

"Wu Niu, you are spitting blood. Shut up!"

"The two of us have something to say, and there will be plenty of opportunities to talk about it in the future. It's just that I don't have time to talk to you at this moment... When is the master at this moment, if you still remember the relationship with the master, you can give it to me now Stop it!"

"When the master gives birth to the little master safely, how many things do you have to say, I will accompany you to the end!"

As Yurui said, he quickly picked up the clay pot for cooking porridge from the fire, and walked towards Wu Niu, "If you stop me again, this porridge pot has no eyes, and if it burns, don't look for me!"

Wu Niu hurriedly jumped to the side, but shouted unwillingly, "Oh, it's scary to bring out the porridge pot! Why don't you just bring out your Ama, who is in charge of the Minister of Internal Affairs? I am a woman from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He He's watching me, I'm even more afraid of him!"

Yu Rui gritted her teeth tightly, not wanting to look back at Wu Niu again, and without making a sound, she stepped out of the threshold and left.

Some villains are like this, the more face they give, the more face they push, the more shameless they are.The best way is not to give her shame, just ignore her!
Wu Niu was a little unsatisfied, and shouted behind her, "Hey, Yu Rui, stop! Is there any more rules? You are only a second-class woman, but I am a first-class woman. I have something to say and I didn't call you Let's go, how dare you leave without authorization?"

Yu Rui looked back, but couldn't hold back anymore, and gave Wu Niu a big white eye.
After finally stepping over the threshold, and staring fiercely, Yu Rui felt a little relieved.He was thinking of quickly adjusting his mood, especially if he had to put on a smile on his face, and wait in front of the master later, so as not to let the master see it.

Just at such a moment of hesitation, I vaguely saw a lotus-colored figure turning from between the flowers and leaves, and then disappeared.

The luster is naturally silk, and the color is not the color that officials and women also use. Yu Rui stood where she was and thought for a while, it must be the head of the inner court in the palace.

Because there is no qualified pharmacy or tea room in the palace of the concubine; therefore, the herbal tea dining room that Wanxi is using now is only on the edge of the island, and a temporary room is set up for the convenience of the imperial doctor, kitchen servants and others. value.Because it is on the edge of the small island, next to the passageway, it is inevitable that there are people from the palace next to it.

Yu Rui thought about it, but there was no doubt about it, so she hurried back with the porridge.

...In fact, she has always been a cautious person. If Wu Niu hadn't stopped her for such a long time today, she would definitely be able to see the man's face.

If Wu Niu hadn't been pissed off for such a time, and her head was a little hot, she wouldn't have heard nothing in her ears before.
The seventh day of July, the Qixi Festival.

It was originally the folk Girl's Day and Qiqiao Festival, but the emperor still went to the "Xifeng Beauty" in person to burn incense in person.

Even Wanxi's mother, Yang Shi, couldn't help laughing, "...the emperor just goes to pick up incense everywhere, so why did the emperor go to pick up incense for this daughter's family's begging festival?"

Wanxi didn't care about the pain, so she hurriedly blushed to defend the emperor.

"...Look at what Er Nie said~ The custom of celebrating the Qixi Festival at Xifeng Beauty has existed since the time of the late emperor. Your Majesty, this is just a continuation of the past of the late emperor."

Yang Shi laughed and glanced narrowly at her daughter.

"My mother was at the time of the first emperor, and she was already in charge of Fujin. Of all the ceremonies attended by the female relatives in this palace, which one have I not participated in? Even the Qixi Festival banquet, I have personally witnessed it!"

"At that time, the first emperor just held a banquet and took his concubines over to beg for a coincidence to celebrate. Why would a dignified man like the Son of Heaven insist on going to burn incense on this day?"

Wanxi also laughed "puchier", turned sideways, and refused to look at her mother.

Yang's heart was secretly happy, and it was rare for her daughter to be in a good mood today, so she said teasingly, "...But there is a reason, which can be justified. This is 'seeking for a child'" .”

Wanxi lowered her head, finally couldn't help smiling quietly.

Imagine that a big man, a high-ranking emperor, wants to burn incense and worship on Qixi Festival...it really makes people laugh.

But with a smile, the tip of his nose was sore, and his eyes were already blurred by water.

——Such a man is willing to do such a thing for her.He didn't say a single word himself, so how could she not understand?

But, she really didn't want people to know that the emperor went to burn incense before the Qixi Festival for her.In her heart, she only secretly hoped—"It's just a little girl, just like what the slave told me before. In this way, if someone mentions the matter of the incense burning on the Qixi Festival today, the slave can say that the master did it for our daughter. made."

"Just let the world know that the Lord loves his daughter Amma so much. Don't let people say that the emperor favors the harem like this..."

It's also interesting to say, I don't know if she is in a happy mood this day, but Wanxi didn't feel much pain this night.
July [-] is the autumnal equinox.

Although it is still a bit hot, the autumnal equinox represents the coming of autumn.From this day on, the autumn cool breeze officially blows from the back lake, and the irritability in people's hearts is gone.

The emperor has been busy these few days with the rebellion of King Qinggun Zabu of Khalkha County, but every day at noon or evening, he must come to accompany Wanxi for dinner.

On this day, the emperor had finished his meal with Wanxi, and left again to go to the "Shengqiu Pavilion" to burn incense.

Wanxi has long been used to the emperor's various offerings of incense and offerings during these three to five days.He also bowed his head with a smile, opened his hands lightly, and only asked, "It's the autumnal equinox, and I feel that there is a cool breeze on the back lake. The emperor remembers to add more clothes."

The emperor grabbed her hand back again, and asked cautiously, "...today, is there any movement?"

Wanxi thought for a while, then smiled and shook her head, "I feel that the pain in the past seems to have stopped on the night of Qixi Festival. From Qixi Festival to today, I haven't felt such a painful pain."

"The servant asked Erniang and Grandma Shouyue in private, and they all said that the pain was over, which meant that the joints in the whole body of the slave had been opened before giving birth. If it hurts again, the pelvis will be opened again, and Uterine contractions, that is about to give birth."

"My slave feels more relaxed these days, but I haven't experienced the pain of contractions. Thinking about it this way, I'm afraid it will take a few more days for my slave to give birth. The emperor can rest assured to burn incense, and my slave will be fine." .”

Only then did the emperor squeeze Wanxi's hand, "Since it's hard to stop the pain, you should take advantage of these few days and sleep a little more to recharge your spirits. When the uterine contraction hurts again, you'll also feel better." Can bear to toss."

Wanxi yawned cooperatively, "...my master is right, the slave will be sleepy right now. The master has worked hard and settled down earlier. Otherwise, when the slave is born, the master You have to spend your time with God."

The emperor laughed, and suddenly came close to Wanxi's ear, murmuring in a low voice, "...don't worry. Lord, these days, the only thing on his mind is the Junggar war, and the only person he wants to see on weekdays is for the emperor. Please be safe, Queen Mother."

Wanxi's face turned red, and she gave the emperor a gentle push, "Master, go quickly... don't delay the time for the incense stick."
After the emperor finished burning the incense, he went to the Changchun Garden to pay his respects to the empress dowager.

Mother and child are connected, there are some things that the emperor never said, but how can he not understand?

And why did the emperor come to pay his respects in the dark at this time? Didn't the empress dowager know it clearly?
Mother and son are facing each other, the emperor is just going back to today's autumnal equinox.

The Autumn Equinox Festival has the content of family sacrifices, so the emperor will play all kinds of incense with his mother.

After the empress dowager listened, she puffed on a cigarette, and said slowly after a long time, "...this year is the year for the selection of women from the Eight Banners, and since you have already selected someone, I didn't hear your decree when you will let her enter the palace. "

"Since it's already been chosen, we can't make the child wait outside the palace like this without hope, can we?"

The emperor smiled slightly, "No hurry. After all, she is still young, and besides, there are rules of repeated reading in the palace. Even if the son is registered, tell her to learn more rules and spend more time at home. , is also good for her. It also saves her from being homesick after entering the palace."

The empress dowager laughed, "There are rules, but in the past few years, most of the newcomers entered the palace in the year they were selected. Yilan is a member of Niu Hulu's family, so he can't wait outside for too long."

"In my opinion, since the concubine Ling is going to give birth this month, she won't be able to sleep with her for at least a few months. Why don't you ask the child to come into the palace at this time."

There was a trace of exhaustion in the eyes of the Empress Dowager, and her tone was not without compromise, "I am a mother, how can I not understand you. You like Lingfei, but she can't sleep at this time after all, right? You are a dignified son, how many do you want?" Looking for someone else for a few months? How about asking that child to come into the palace and accompany you instead of Concubine Ling during these few months."

The emperor laughed, "Look at what Enie said, it's as if my son really finds someone to sleep with him every night. Especially at this moment, the northwest is using troops to pacify Junggar, and the north is guarding against the rebellious Qing Gunza Bu... son, I have to be busy day and night, I just want to sleep well by myself."

The Empress Dowager couldn't help being a little unhappy.

After all, the newcomer selected this year is Gege from the Niuhulu clan of the Xianghuang Banner who came from the same school as her. If the son delays letting this child enter the palace, won't outsiders think that the son is disregarding her face?
"You are busy, so your mother will understand. But no matter how busy you are, you won't even have time to order a newcomer into the palace. You only need to draw up an order—or if you are busy with your work, I will let you do it." It's okay for your mother to come and issue the decree, as long as you hand down the decree, it won't cost you anything, is it okay?"

The emperor still smiled.

The empress dowager's face finally sank, "This year... is there any difference from previous years? Why do you have to push back and forth like this even when you choose a newcomer to enter the palace?"

The emperor still smiled lightly, "Don't worry, the emperor, newcomers will always enter the palace. Not this year, but next year. But it's the end of the year, so why be so anxious?"

The empress dowager slammed the cigarette pouch on the table.

"Emperor! Are you really going to ban a girl named Niu Hulu from the Xianghuang Banner from entering the palace this year for the sake of a woman with the Han surname of Xin Zheku?!"

Hearing the empress dowager pick up the words, the emperor smiled even more.

He raised his eyebrows lightly and stared at his mother with a smile.

"...the rule of choosing a woman is not to enter the palace once she is selected. You have to revisit it many times, and even if you leave a sign when you look at it for the first time, you can put it down when you look at it again."

The empress dowager stared at her son, speechless for a while.

What is the son trying to say?Does it mean that if she forced him again, if he was in a hurry, he would simply put Yi Lan's child away?

It was even more shameful and humiliating for the child that he was selected in the first place, but was dismissed in the review.In the future, I'm afraid it will be hard for others to find that child...

Seeing that the empress dowager didn't speak, the emperor smiled with satisfaction.

"Ene asked Niuhulu's Yilan the day when he will enter the palace, and my son has decided - let's enter the palace next year after this year."
The emperor retired, and the empress dowager sat in the palace for a long time, unable to recover.

"It's the opposite, it's the opposite... The emperor even forbids the newly-selected couple to enter the palace for a woman with the Han surname under Xin Zheku, so that she can give birth to a child with peace of mind!"

"Anshou, look, the emperor not only doesn't let newcomers into the palace, but also concubine Ling is the only one who meets happy people in the palace all year, right?"

An Shou could only sigh, "Isn't the emperor changing the ancestral rules for the master over the years? How can there be only one like this... The master should be used to it, so why bother to be so angry?"

The empress dowager shook her head vigorously, "It's just like a common people's house, which master or young master favors a maidservant in the family, it doesn't matter how much you favor, as long as it doesn't mess up the status of the descendants."

"After all, a maidservant can be a concubine, not a concubine; after all, the child of a maidservant can't inherit the family business—if the emperor can do this, I will let him. I'm just afraid, he In the end, even this idea of ​​dignity that ordinary people can maintain is abandoned!"

 See you tomorrow~~ The emperor's offering of incense and worshiping Buddha are all recorded, from the "Wearing Documents" and other archives of the Yuanmingyuan in the First Historical Archives.

(End of this chapter)

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