Leader Lan Palace

第1945章 5卷243 洗3(6毕)

Chapter 1945 Volume Five 243 Washing Three (Six Thousand Complete)

Wanxi was also shocked, and then smiled.

The "natural picture" where she lives is located on the east side of the back lake of the Old Summer Palace; and the Fuhai where the fireworks are set off is the Changchun Garden formed by the imperial court incorporating the private garden of Concubine Shu's ancestral power minister Mingzhu into the Old Summer Palace.The Old Summer Palace is in the west, and the Changchun Garden is in the east. The "natural picture" is just in the middle of the two gardens.

And the "Wufutang" where Wanxi gave birth to the seven princesses is on the east side of the small island "Natural Picture".A window is opened on the east wall to see the "Su Causeway Spring Dawn" on the West Lake in the east; and at night, this window is such that Wanxi can see the fireworks rising above the Fuhai Sea in the east without even getting out of the kang.

Therefore, the emperor set off fireworks on the Fuhai Sea in the Changchun Garden. Even though the other small islands surrounding the Houhu Lake in the Old Summer Palace may not be able to see clearly, Wanxi's place is in the bedroom of all the concubines, with the best viewing angle.

Wanxi deliberately said, "...Since the emperor set off the French boat fireworks, why didn't he set them off in Houhu? It's closer this way."

Yu Rui laughed, "If it is placed in the back lake, the small islands surrounding the back lake can be seen naturally. Just like the 'Tiandi Family Spring' shared by other masters, you can also see it. Then It's not that the emperor let the master and our seventh princess watch it alone!"

Wanxi couldn't help making a grimace, "Who said the emperor let us watch it alone? I didn't see it!"

Yu Rui and the others also laughed.

Wanxi laughed for a while, then remembered that Sun Yuqing was still waiting outside the hall.

Wanxi then told Yurui, "Pick a purse, and tell him how hard it is."

No matter how lazy I am to deal with such a slave, but I am so good that I came here to report the good news. I don't like people, but there is no need to make things difficult for the good news.

Yu Ye couldn't help snorting, "Master, why bother with him!"

Wanxi stared at Yuye, "...I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain."

Yurui took out the purse, and Wanxi specifically told her, "Go."

At this time, I will not ask Yuye to meet Sun Yuqing, I just hope to calm down and wait for Yuye to leave the palace in August.
Concubine Ling gave birth to the Seventh Princess. Although it was not convenient for everyone in the harem to visit in person, the news had already spread.

Those who have princes, like Empress Nala, Concubine Chun, and Concubine Yu all quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine for the rest who don't have children; after all, they have no children themselves, and it doesn't matter to them that the concubine Ling has an extra princess.

Only Concubine Xin knocked over the sauce and vinegar bottle in her heart.

——Because in the palace, she is the only one who gave birth to a princess at this time.

And the two little princesses are only one year apart!Originally, I thought that there was only the sixth princess in the palace, and she would be able to be favored by the emperor, but before she was one year old, everything was gone!
Concubine Xin was restless and angry, but since she and all the other concubines lived in "Tiandi Family Spring", she was afraid that her expression would be seen by others.So he ordered Le Rong and Le Yi to close the door of the palace and stay behind closed doors all day.

In the Chunzheng Hall of the Tiandi Family, Nala stood by the window, with a reassuring smile, and glanced towards the side hall where Concubine Xin lived.

"Look, she's so lively, but she's shut the door all day today, without even making a move—she tries to hide it, can't I see that she's uncomfortable? That's right, she's sleeping now in the palace. Here, she and Concubine Ling have a little princess!"

"However, in my opinion, this is really a reincarnation of heaven, and the retribution is not good. As soon as my fifth princess passed away, her sixth princess came. She took the golden unicorn as fate, and wanted to snatch my fifth princess's marriage. ——Today is good, her sixth princess is not yet a year old, and the seventh princess of Lingfei is here!"

"Yes! This is what she deserves! Tell her to see my five princesses pass away, and the joy in her heart is all returned today!"

Nala said with a long sigh of relief, "Concubine Ling, the seventh princess, is born well! The emperor likes it, and I like it too!"

Tana and Dege naturally relieved their anger, and couldn't help smiling, "Concubine Ling has always been well-behaved and sensible, but the servants didn't expect that she would even give birth to children like this. Since she gave birth to a princess, she can't threaten the two of us." This little master will naturally be happy to make friends with her."

The corners of Nala's lips twitched slightly, "That's right. It's better to join hands with her than to be an enemy."

"It's just that before she gave birth, I was always worried that she would give birth to a prince. Now all worries are gone."

Nala happily ordered, "Then I have to prepare a big gift for Concubine Ling and the Seventh Princess. Go and prepare it, at least three times the amount given to Concubine Xin and the Sixth Princess."

Tana and Dege looked at each other, and both smiled and prepared.
Three days after the birth of the seventh princess, it was the seventeenth day of the seventh lunar month, and the seventh princess "washed three".

And this day also happened to be the first birthday of Concubine Xin's Sixth Princess.

The important days after the birth of the princes and princesses in the palace are endless, and various etiquettes are also endless.Xisan and the first year of life are both important days. There are rewards in the palace as usual, and people are sent to perform various rituals.


In addition to these utensils, the emperor, empress, and empress dowager also have gifts; the rest of the harem should also have congratulatory gifts.

Concubine Xin was looking out the door early in the morning.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs finally sent the equipment for the sixth princess to catch Zhou, and also sent grandma; but the emperor didn't come.

It was almost noon until the rewards from the queen and concubines arrived.

They were delivered so late, even without asking, Concubine Xin naturally understood in her heart that they all went to Concubine Ling first, and gave the concubine Ling and the Seventh Princess the gift of "washing three".

Because of the difference between morning and evening at this time, Concubine Xin's mood has already faded.After waiting to look through those gifts, there is really nothing outstanding.But they are all purses, small gold and silver locks that are commonly used as gifts in the palace.

Concubine Xin couldn't help but sneer repeatedly, "...there really is a difference between thick and thin!"

Le Rong and Le Yi could only persuade in a low voice.

Le Rong said: "Anyway, the concubine Ling is a concubine, and the master's status is indeed lower than hers for the time being. This harem is a place where respect is respected and orderly, so it is understandable for them to be like this .You don't have to worry about it, master."

Le Yi also said, "...Besides, the master got the princess right after entering the palace, and the concubine Ling has been in the palace for so many years to get such a princess. Even if they care more about the other side, they feel sorry for the concubine Ling. It’s because you only have children when you’re older.”

"The master is so young, there are still many children in the future, why should the master care about this moment?"

After being persuaded by the two women, Concubine Xin felt relieved.

"That's what you said. After all, she gave birth to a princess... I gave birth to six princesses, and I won't be promoted; she can't be promoted this time anyway! Then we, we still can't tell who is better."

"The future will be long. After all, I am ten years younger than her. In terms of the future, how can I not surpass her?!"
Early in the morning of this day, according to the custom of the Manchus, a red cloth strip was hung on the right side of the door at the door of the "Wu Fu Tang" (if it is a boy, hang a bow and arrow on the left side of the door).Manchu custom, a boy is called "Daxi" and a girl is called "Xiaoxi". Therefore, when the palace gate opens in the morning, and outsiders come in to give gifts, everyone will say, "Master Concubine He Ling is Xiaoxi."

Queen Nala's gift was unexpectedly the first to arrive.

It was still dark when Tana delivered the gift herself.Judging by the Western clock, it was only past three o'clock.

This time is exactly Yin time, the time when the Seventh Princess "falls off the grass", and also the time when the emperor gets up every day.

Queen's reward: four pairs of gold and silver eight treasures, two pairs of gold and silver Ruyi, two pairs of gold and silver flowers, one headgear, one pair of pillows, two quilts, two cotton mattresses, four cotton-padded jackets, four jackets, and four socks Shuang, four mannahas, four doudu, four red silk belts, four hugging curtains, two white cloth candy pockets, four moon white spinning ribbons...

It was so dazzling that Wanxi couldn't help looking at it for a while.

Yu Ye sneered, "It's such a big box, the servant thought it would contain a lot of gold and silver treasures, but it turned out that it was mostly needlework!"

"Anyway, I'm also the queen's master, so I just sent these here. Is it because I'm worried that our palace doesn't prepare for the princess? Or is it because I'm stingy, and I just use piles to make myself bigger?!"

Wanxi laughed, "It's hard for her. All these years add up, and this time she rewarded the most."

"Although most of the needlework is needlework, the needlework of each palace also requires the inner court dignitaries to spend their own money. All fabrics, needlework, and cut pieces have to be bought by the inner officials."

Wanxi picked up a hugging curtain, and brushed the embroidery of colorful butterflies with her fingertips.

"This embroidery method is different from Suzhou embroidery and Hangzhou embroidery. It is the old embroidery method of the Manchu people outside the Guan. In the harem, I am afraid that only the empress knows it. Even the emperor's wrong-breasted mandarin jacket did not fit last time, and the emperor specially made it for him." I asked someone to send it back to the capital to sew it for the queen, because the lapel of the mandarin jacket used to be covered with these old stitches, and even among the sewing mothers in the Sizhiku, few people can do it."

Only then did Yu Ye startle slightly, "Master, you mean, maybe the empress embroidered it herself?"

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "Therefore, I am happy to accept this gift. It is better than giving us a lot of gold and silver."

Yu Rui also laughed, "Isn't that right! Master has never been a person who cares about gold and silver. Master always cares most about people's wishes."

The jade pot was hugging the seventh princess, but said softly with a smile, "...the embroidery of this hugging curtain is really exquisite. Since it was given by the queen, the master must use it to cover us every now and then. The Seventh Princess is going. If the Emperor comes to see the master and the Seventh Princess, he will be able to spot it at a glance."

Yuye and Yurui just looked at each other, and suddenly realized.

Wanxi glanced at Yuhu with eyes and a smile, nodded, and signaled Yuhu to rest assured, it's not that she couldn't see this.

"... If in the common people, she is the main wife, I am a concubine. Even if the child has just been born, he has to be carried to her room. Now that the child is in the palace, I don't have to perform this etiquette any more. If so , I have nothing in my heart that I can't stand."

Yuhan saw that the atmosphere was getting a little heavy, so he smiled and said, "I'm not curious about what the Queen's master bestowed, but I just want to know what the emperor bestowed..."

Yuhu also laughed, "No, this sentence is serious!"

Yuye and Yurui also laughed for a while, and they all waited.

The emperor just got up at this time. According to the rules, he should read the Records of the Ancestors first, and then have breakfast.

"What's the hurry, it's still early for the Sanji given by Qin Tianjian." Wanxi herself smiled calmly.

In fact, she herself didn't care much about what else the emperor would bestow—after all, the emperor's rewards were all recorded in the "Reward File" by the inner palace.As for what rewards should be given to concubines for giving birth, there are clear regulations in the "Great Qing Huidian", so even if the emperor rewards, it cannot go beyond the rules in the "Huaidian", otherwise it will only follow the truth.

On July [-]th, from three or four o'clock in the morning to ninety o'clock at night, the series of burning incense and worshiping Buddha and setting off fireworks were already the best gifts for her and her daughter.

What gold and silver can compare to that heart? .
After dawn, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent the items for cleaning.

There are: pick navel hairpin, apron cloth, crock stove (a kind of snack), millet, gold and silver zizi; flowers, flowers, roses, buckets, locks, scales, small mirrors, toothbrushes , tongue scraper, green cloth tips, green tea leaves, new combs, new cages, rouge powder, palace soap balls, new towels, copper tea trays, green onions, ginger slices, mugwort balls, baking cages, incense candles, money and grain paper codes Children, raw and boiled eggs, sticks and so on.

The mothers who waited on the water in the palace took the things and immediately began to boil the water of locust twigs and puai, dyed Guiyuan, lychees, raw peanuts, and chestnuts with red rouge, waiting for the auspicious time to be used later.

In addition to these items, the House of Internal Affairs also sent statues of thirteen gods, including Bixia Yuanjun, Qiongxiao Empress, Yunxiao Empress, Shengsheng Empress, Sending Son Empress, Bean Sore Empress, and Vision Empress, to be placed on the incense table in the outer room. .

A pair of wax skewers are placed on the incense table, a pair of mutton oil and small red wax are inserted on the wax skewers, and yellow coins, ingots, and thousand pieces of money and food for worshiping the gods are pressed below.

In Wanxi's Nuan Pavilion, on the case for offering on the west wall, five bowls of flower pot cakes, five bowls of oil cakes... the pastry table waiting for the offering.

Wanxi knew that although Ama couldn't enter the palace to accompany her like Er Niang, Ama must have prepared the altar table for offerings by herself.
By noon, the "gifting ceremony" for the heads of the inner court arrived.

The gifts from the emperor, empress, and empress dowager are called "gifts", and those whose status is lower than Wanxi's are called "additional gifts".

The status of a pure noble concubine is higher than that of Wanxi, so she doesn't have to come to give the gift in person, just ask someone to send it.But Concubine Chun still came in person, and personally sent the soft and soft fabrics.

"I entrusted my family to purchase these from Jiangnan. Although they are not as gorgeous as Sanzhi's promise, I can assure you that in terms of softness and breathability, they are better than those from Sanzhi's tribute."

Wanxi expressed her affection, grabbed Concubine Chun's hand and said with a smile, "If Elder Sister Chun is willing to bring a bag of the old clothes worn by the fourth princess when she was a child, my little sister will be satisfied."

Concubine Chun raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help but be moved, "Look at what you said. How can I wear Nianhua's old clothes when she was a child?"

"I know, you don't forget the old love. Even with the seventh princess, you are still willing to remember the mother-daughter relationship with Nianhua over the years... Don't worry, I understand your heart, and Nianhua understands it better There is no need to use old clothes to wrong our Seventh Princess!"

Wanxi laughed, "Actually, Sister Chun is reluctant to part with... What are you talking about 'old clothes', those are full of memories of Sister Chun and the four princesses. Sister Chun is naturally loved like a treasure, I can't even envy you Woolen cloth."

Talking and laughing for a while, Concubine Wan, Concubine Yuqin and Concubine Ying also arrived.

Since it is "adding pots", it is natural to add valuable items.The three of them opened their small bundles and shoved them in, and Wanxi exclaimed.

"Sister Chen, Sister Lu, Gao Wa! What are you doing?!"

The gold and silver items added by the three of them are already full to the edge of the basin!

Concubine Wan smiled, and came over to hold Wanxi's hand, "You, don't look at the three of us who are usually not favored, and the emperor doesn't seem to have rewarded anything special... But at least the three of us are here It’s been all these years in the palace, so I’ve saved some of these gold and silver things.”

"As for the three of us, we are not usually people who like to wear gold and silver, so we simply gave it to our seventh princess, and asked her to grow up to be beautiful!"

After all, the concubine Wan came from the Chen family in Haining, Gaowa's Ama was Dutong, and the qin master was a great Confucian from the south of the Yangtze River. All three of them came from wealthy families, so it would not be difficult for them to take out these gold and silver jewellery.

But in the end, they are all women who have entered the palace, and their mother's family is still taking care of them, after all, they are separated by the palace wall.It is good for them to have these gold and silver jewelry in their hands in case of emergencies.However, they all gave the Seventh Princess "additional pots", and Ming Wanxi still couldn't help the tears in her eyes.

Yuqin went up to grab Wanxi's veil and wiped it for her, "What is this for? We didn't give it to you, but to our seventh princess. In the future, we will have no children. Yes, you still expect our Seventh Princess to let us enjoy the joy of being a mother, how can we need you as a mother in our relationship with this child?"

Wanpin also laughed when she heard that, "Besides, even if the three of us have given the Seventh Princess a lot of pots, don't they all have to be added to the washing pot bestowed by the emperor? The thoughts of the three of us, After all, it is still inferior to the emperor."

What Wanbi said made Wanxi couldn't help but look at the basin.

Originally, Wanxi didn't pay much attention to this basin, after all, this basin was sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Wanxi thought it was just used in the palace for washing the emperor's heirs.

Seeing Wanxi looking towards her, Concubine Wan smiled, "... If I'm not mistaken, this basin is the one that our emperor used to wash three days after his birth!"

"The reason why I recognize it is because the emperor sent the wash basin back to Lama Temple for storage in order to commemorate the place of birth. At that time, it was still solemn in the womb and performed some rituals. Because I am the emperor The old man from Qiandi, I went to Lama Temple with him, so I know this basin."
Wanxi was stunned.

Not to mention Wanxi, Yuqin, Concubine Ying and the others also stared wide-eyed, then covered their mouths and laughed.

With the jade pot by the side, I couldn't help laughing out loud, "Oh, it's still the master of the concubine Wan who wakes up the dreamer. Otherwise, I'm as stupid as a slave, and I'm still wondering why the emperor hasn't rewarded me yet. !"

Although Wanxi didn't want to be overjoyed, the people in front of her at this moment were all her sisters, so she didn't have to be so constrained, and the corners of her lips would eventually be raised, and she couldn't let it go.

Yu Rui also came to make fun of it, "I just forgot to return, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a gift from the emperor... But it is also in accordance with the rules in the "Gongzhong Regulations" and "Huidian", there is nothing wrong with it." Extra go."

"Slave is so narrow-minded, just now I was muttering in private, why did the emperor show such a little... It turns out that the slave has no eyes, and never saw the emperor's grand intentions!"

Wanxi raised her eyes to stare at Concubine Wan, "...in this palace, who else can recognize it?"

Concubine Wan bowed her head and pondered, "Of course only the old man in the hidden mansion has seen it. The queen doesn't have to come in person today, but Concubine Yu is below you, so she must come to give gifts in person..."

Wan Xi nodded, "It doesn't matter to Concubine Yu. After all, I will give birth to a princess, so it won't affect Yong Qi."

Yurui looked at Wanxi and whispered in Wanxi's ear, "It's enough as long as Concubine Xin doesn't recognize her... But in fact, the slave wants her to recognize her instead, so let's take a breather!"

Wanxi shook her head, "Today is also the sixth princess's first birthday, and she has to hold an afternoon ceremony for the sixth princess in the palace. The two auspicious times collide, and when our little seven is washed up, she may not be able to live well."

Yu Rui laughed, "That's fine!"
After noon, it was the auspicious time to wash the seventh princess.

Wang Shi and Xu Shi were busy, turning the princess's head in the direction that Qin Tianjian had calculated.One washed the princess, and the other sang a happy song by the basin.

"Gold on the left, silver on the right, if you can't spend it, reward the servants"...

Amidst the auspicious singing of happy songs, the emperor walked in through the curtain with a smile on his face.

Everyone put their heads on the seventh princess before, and they didn't pay attention to the emperor's sneaking in like this.In a hurry, I wanted to salute, but the emperor raised his hand to stop him, "Today is the Seventh Princess washing three, how can I steal Xiao Qi's limelight! Excuse me, everyone get up, today the big guys just coax Xiao Qi to go , don’t be too polite to me.”

Concubine Wan smiled and said, "Why didn't the emperor come one step earlier? According to my concubine, if this is for the seventh princess to be washed three times, whose luck is better than the emperor's? It would be better for the emperor to personally wash the seventh princess~"

Wanxi hurriedly grabbed Concubine Wan, her face was blushing, and she begged in a low voice, "...Sister Chen."

Where is the rule that the emperor washes the three by himself?He is the emperor, after all, he is not the father of ordinary people.

The emperor was not annoyed, he just stood by the basin, looked at his daughter and smiled.

The ritual of washing three is really cumbersome, and the running water will even pour into the eyes and mouth of the child, so usually the baby will cry loudly...but the seventh princess did not.She just endured all this quietly, with a pair of eyes that could not see people clearly, patiently looking for familiar figures and voices in this strange world.

Hearing the emperor's voice, she finally reached out her little hand in that direction without knowing whether it was intentional or not.

(End of this chapter)

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