Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1947 Chapter 5, Volume 245, 6 Pampering

Chapter 1947 Five Volumes 245 Pampering ([-] words completed)
According to the rules of the Manchus, after a child falls into the grass, he washes three times in three days, and rides a car on seven to nine days.

Although she hadn't finished her confinement yet, Wanxi didn't like lying on the kang like that, so she insisted on getting up and getting down on the ground.

But still heeded the persuasion of Grandma Shouyue and Er Niang, and walked slowly, not going out of the open door.

On the day of getting into the car, Wanxi can't hold her by herself, she has to invite the blessed Fujin who has both children and daughters to carry the seventh princess into the car.

For this matter, you can invite the clan Fujin, or you can invite Fujin of the relatives and noble ministers.Wanxi entrusted this matter to Lan Pei.

Lampe's eyes turned red when he heard it.

"Thinking about all the things in the past, how dare the slave think that the master entrusted such an important matter as the Seventh Princess to the slave... In fact, the slave is not suitable, the slave only gave birth to two elder brothers, and did not have both children. "

Wan Xi shook her head with a smile, "How long has passed since the past, thank you for remembering, I forgot long ago. I only remember that when I was in the most difficult time, it was Jiu Fujin who personally brought seal incense to accompany me, My illness has been kept secret, and now no one knows about it—you and I, after all, are destined to die in friendship."

"Besides, even if you only gave birth to two elder brothers, Brother Long and Brother Kang, who said you can't have both sons and daughters? You still have the big Gege Fuling! Fuling is also your daughter. It's her mother-in-law!"

Jiufu Jin paused slightly, then lowered his head with a smile, "Master Ling is right, Da Gege is also the slave's daughter."

Yuhu hugged the seventh princess by the side, and bowed her head and smiled when she heard Wanxi's words.

Yuhu could understand that the master not only helped Jiufu Jin get "both sons and daughters", but also saved Dagege and Zhuanxiang mother and daughter again here in Jiufujin.

Just for the sake of "both sons and daughters", Jiufujin will definitely treat Da Gege kindly.

After Wanxi finished talking with Lan Pei, she waited for the auspicious time, and asked Jiufu Jin to burn incense and wash her hands, and after paying homage to "Mother Buddha" and "Niang Liuye", she was about to carry Princess Seven into the carriage.But before Lan Pei could make a move, everyone came to the front of the car...but saw that the seventh princess had already laid down in the car!
Everyone was dumbfounded. There are rules and rules for getting on the car, and even Wanxi, the native mother, can't hug her. Who dares to hug the Seventh Princess without authorization?
Although Wanxi tried to maintain a calm expression, she still asked Yuye, Yurui and others silently with her eyes.

It's just... no one paid attention.

Jiufujin's complexion changed, and he stomped his feet and said, "I know who it is!"

Anxi raised her eyes and asked, "...who?"

But Jiufujin knelt down with a thump, "I think, I'm afraid it's my slave who doesn't like Zifu Kang'an!"
It turned out that from the seventh princess' falling grass to Xisan, Jiu Fujin was always with him in the palace.After completing the three rites of baptism, Jiufu Jin left the palace and returned to his residence.This "day of boarding the car" came to the palace again, and the interval between before and after was only three days.

In the past three days, Lan Pei told Fu Heng about the ins and outs of the birth of the seventh princess in detail, and Fu Heng finally felt relieved.

When she came to the palace again, Fu Heng and Zhuanxiang would naturally be at home, so she didn't have to worry about it, she just brought the jade pot back to the palace.

There was only one person who didn't make her worry--and that was Fukang'an.

After all, Fu Kang'an was only two years old, and he was still a baby, and he was still in love with his mother.His mother suddenly entered the palace and left him for a few days, and finally came back. He hadn't kissed enough, so he suddenly wanted to go out again--when he saw Erniang packing up her burden, he burst into tears, He hugged my mother, and refused to let go no matter how much she coaxed her.

Even if Fu Heng got annoyed and came to do it himself, he would rather offend Ama than ask Er Niang to go.

For a two-year-old child, only the mother is the whole world.He is not afraid of Ama's teaching, he just can't see Erniang.

Seeing his son attached so much, Lan Pei felt distressed.Seeing that Master Jiu wanted to punish the youngest son for this, Lan Pei couldn't bear it any more.

It was Yuhu who reminded with a smile, "How did Jiu Fujin forget it? Master Ling has already said that he has asked the emperor to ask Jiu Fujin to bring Brother Kang into the palace together. Master Ling misses Brother Kang too."

Lan Pei knew Wanxi's intentions, but was worried that this bastard was only two years old, and besides being able to talk and run away, he didn't know anything about etiquette.This child was also spoiled by her at home, if he entered the palace without knowing the rules, it would be good, so she didn't want to bring Fu Kang'an into the palace with him.

But at that time, Fukang'an made a fuss, Lan Pei had no choice but to bring Fukang'an into the palace.

After all, Fu Kang'an is the son of Fu Heng and the nephew of Empress Xiaoxian.Besides, Fu Heng almost grew up in the palace when he was a child, so everyone can understand that Fu Kang'an came to the palace at a young age.

These days, Lan Pei personally helps Wanxi take care of internal and external affairs, and sometimes she doesn't care about Fu Kang'an; fortunately, the child is young, and the two-year-old doll is naughty in the palace. , but no one will seriously care about it.

Today, Lan Pei originally left Fu Kang'an in the "Langyin Pavilion".That was the study of the late Emperor Yongzheng. It had a rich collection of books, and a young eunuch under Wanxi was asked to take care of it...Who would have imagined that this kid would clean his hands while Wanxi, Lan Pei and others were burning incense in front of the small Buddhist hall. At that moment, he sneaked into the Xinuang Pavilion, hugged the seventh princess, and even put her in the car before her! .
Hearing Lan Pei say this, Wanxi smiled.

"Hearing what you said, I think it might be him."

Otherwise, who in the palace would dare to risk such a loss?

And only in the eyes of a two-year-old doll, these laborious rules in the palace don't matter.

Lan Pei's face became more and more uneasy, and he stretched his head to look left and right, but he couldn't find the small figure of Fukan'an in the gap between a group of adults.Lan Pei became anxious, stomped his foot and said, "Please wait a moment, the master, the slave will arrest that bastard!"

Wanxi couldn't help laughing anymore, and let Jiufujin go, while she herself stared at the daughter in the car, smiling and shaking her head helplessly.

You say a two-year-old doll is not sensible?At this time, the seventh princess was lying firmly in the car.Even Princess Seven's elbows, knees and ankles were all tied with red cloth according to the rules, and fixed in the car.

Because the car was hung on the beams of the house, it was inevitable that it was biased, or the child in the car was dishonest and tossed the car to the side, or it was simply flipped over, so this Babies in the car should be restrained in this way so as not to fall off.

Wanxi couldn't help laughing with Yuhu and said, "Look, the red string is tied very carefully. Not only can the little thing be tied, but it hasn't been tied into a knot, and it hasn't strangled Xiao Qi's arm." Let's go... for a two-year-old little brother, it's truly amazing to be able to do this."

Yuhu laughed, "Master, I don't know. Brother Kang was so cute when he was at home! Maybe it's because he was treated as a playboy by Da Gege when he was a child, so he grew up a little bit." I also hope that there will be someone younger than him at home for him to play with... It's a pity that there have been no elder brothers or princesses in the mansion in the past few years. As a result, Brother Kang went to the palace to find him The seventh princess."

Wanxi was not annoyed, but giggled instead.

This kind of play house was played by girls when they were young.There was no younger brother or younger sister in her family, so she took care of Yuye or other children in the village as children.

While joking, Lampe had already captured Fukang'an back.Lampe was really in a hurry, so he came with Fukan'an's ear.

The little elder brother, who is only two years old, is at the most asshole time, and his ears are being held by Er Niang, not afraid of pain, but he is jokingly asking, "...Er Niang also wants to pierce her son. Ears and eyes? Great, my son has finally waited for this day!"
Lan Pei pushed Fu Kang'an in front of Wanxi and told him to kneel down.

But Wanxi heard some tricks, and couldn't help but ask Lan Pei with a smile, "What is Qilin Bao doing all this time? He still wants to prick his ears and eyes?"

Boys have the self-esteem of boys. Wanxi remembers dressing up the little boys in the village when she was a child. When playing house, she used "henna" (Impatiens) flowers to hang on the little boys' earlobes. , to install ear clippers; and to paint the little boy's nails with henna petals...

As a result, the little boy became very angry and refused to continue playing.Especially the crooked "ear pliers" hanging from the ears are unacceptable.

But this Fukang'an, how do you look at the meaning, it seems that he really wants to hurt himself?

Lan Pei had no choice but to sigh, and looked up at the jade pot.

Yuhu laughed, "Speaking of which, it's all the fault of the slave. Because Lunzhu was a child born in the snowy region, and there was a shadow of Tibetan beads in his life, so the slave let Lunzhu hold the child in the snowy region. Lunzhu pierced his ears and eyes, and the servant used the bead that Cangzhu left behind as an ear clip and hung it on Lunzhu's ear."

"And the servant was born from Kang Geer, so he asked Lunzhu to serve Kang Geer. Kang Geer also liked to play with Lunzhu, so it depends on what Lunzhu dresses up, and Kang Geer wants to do something together ..."

Wanxi understood, so she covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing.

In fact, she likes Fu Kang'an's innocent and unrestrained appearance.

Although she also regarded Fu Long'an as her own, after all, Fu Long'an was the eldest son of Master Jiu and Jiu Fujin, who would inherit the title of the family in the future, so Master Jiu and Jiu Fujin had strict control over Brother Long since childhood.

What's more, Long Ge'er was selected as the fourth concubine when he was three years old, Jiu Ye and Jiu Fujin's requirements for Long Ge'er became stricter and stricter.Therefore, Fu Long'an's temperament was restrained.

On the contrary, Fukang'an, because he was the youngest son of the family, didn't have to bear such a big responsibility for the family; and it was Jiufujin who lost a child and got it back, so he was much more lenient.In addition, he is only two years old now, so he looks innocent and unrestrained.

On the contrary, Wanxi felt that boys should be more naughty.She likes this natural temperament.

"Do you really want to prick?" Wanxi suppressed a smile and deliberately asked Fu Kang'an who was kneeling on the ground.

Fukangan raised his head, smiled innocently and mischievously, and nodded vigorously, "Mother Ling, I want to prick!"

After all, Fukang'an was only two years old, and it was not easy to say everything, and he didn't care about the rules of addressing.Naturally, he wouldn't follow Jiufu Jin and call "Master Ling". He used his instinct to call "Aunt Ling" when he saw Wanxi, and Lan Pei was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth and pinched his ass. .

He suffered from the pain and really didn't know what to call him, so he called "Er Niang" along the way, but was pinched by his mother again... He yelled indiscriminately, and then called "Ling A Niang".

Wanxi felt inexplicably kind, so she readily agreed.From then on, there was such a specific title that belonged exclusively to Fukang'an and Wanxi.

A Niang, a little lower than "Er Niang", but also contains the meaning of "mother".

Wanxi remembers the friendship with Jiuye and Jiufujin, so she is willing to have such a mother-child relationship with Fukang'an as if she were her own.

"Okay! Since you mentioned it in front of A-Niang today, A-Niang will let you go! Even if your mother-in-law refuses, A-Niang will stop you..."

Lan Pei was taken aback, and looked at Wanxi, a little dumbfounded.

Wanxi winked at Lan Pei secretly, and then ordered, "Yuye, bring a basin first. Pick the big one—yes, the one that pierced the seventh princess' ears and eyes a few days ago to catch the blood Big pot!"
Wanxi made such a sudden sound, Yuye was also a little silly.

Yu Yexin said: The emperor was so careful, he drove away all the blood on the earlobe of the seventh princess, and only pierced it when there were two layers of skin left, so there was not much blood at all... Where is it? The big pot who came to catch the blood of the seventh princess?

Seeing that Yu Ye didn't react, Wanxi blinked.

It was Yu Rui who understood it first, squeezed Yu Ye's hand with a smile, and Chao Wanxi drew a stroke more than two feet long, "Master said, is it this big?"

Wan Xi nodded seriously, "That's right, it's the one whose eyes and ears were pierced by the Seventh Princess that day, and the blood was so full!"

The two-year-old Fukang'an was still in high spirits before a few words, but now watching the conversation between Wanxi and Yurui, his face became a little stiff.

Although the complexion was still trying to maintain expectation, it was obviously a little pale.

Wanxi quietly glanced at the kid who was obviously scared but still stubbornly stubborn, so she suppressed a smile and added: "And the needle for the Seventh Princess' ears and eyes!"

Wanxi intentionally made a half-foot-long, thick little finger, "Yes, it's the one that is so long and thick. When you tie it, the blood will flow, and the one that will fill the basin in the blink of an eye... "

Wanxi sings and composes so well, even Lan Pei and Yu Ye understand it.

Everyone held back their laughter and looked at the two-year-old brother who was about to lose his strength.
Fukang'an's small face no longer had a smile on it, and his face turned pale; his eyes became darker and darker.

It hurts to look at it, but on top of this child's complexion and pupils, there is still a layer of disbelief and unwillingness to admit defeat.

"Auntie is telling the truth?"

Wanxi nodded firmly, "Of course it's true. Didn't you see that your Aunt Yuye and Aunt Yurui are both witnesses."

Fukang'an still shook his head.

"But I don't believe that Auntie Ling would treat Xiaoqi like that! Xiaoqi is a newborn baby of Auntie Ling, how can you use such a thick needle and make Xiaoqi bleed so much!"

Wanxi secretly praised one.

It's just a two-year-old child, he can already think of this level, but he is really a monkey.

But an adult is an adult, and he has more confidence in bullying children.Wanxi raised her chin on purpose, "I'm reluctant, but who made Xiaoqi a girl? Girls have had their ears pierced since they were young, and no one can hide it."

"Besides, no matter how reluctant I am, she was born by me after all; even if I treat her a little harder, she can't blame me, can she?"

Fukang'an raised his head high and stared at Wanxi seriously.

No flaws could be seen from Wanxi, Fukangan's black eyes like black beans looked at his mother-in-law, Yuhu in turn, and then Yuye and Yurui and others.

Everyone naturally sullenly nodded to him seriously.

Under the circumstances, he was finally a little bluffed.

The little man suddenly raised his head and stared at Wanxi, and cried out with a "wow".

Wanxi thought that the child was frightened by her, and she couldn't bear it, she just wanted to come forward and hug him, and tell the truth to make him feel at ease.

But I didn't want to, but the little Fukang'an pushed away Wanxi's extended arm, and shouted with tears all over his face, "...Auntie is so cruel! It's all right to pierce my ears like this, After all, I am a man; A Niang used such a thick needle for a child as small and soft as Xiao Qi, and made her bleed so much, so A Niang must not be Xiao Qi's real mother!"

Wanxi was a little taken aback.

——It turns out that this kid is not scared by himself, but is feeling sorry for Xiaoqi?

While Wanxi was in a daze, Fukangan got up with a grunt, turned around and ran into Xinuang Pavilion...

Lan Pei didn't know what kind of demon this child was going to be again, so he blessed Chao Wanxi and hurried in after him.

Wanxi and the others also followed, and surrounded the Seventh Princess' car, only to see that he was gently pinching Seventh Princess's earlobe, and put his mouth to the two red silk threads embedded in her ears. Blow carefully.
Wanxi's heart softened beyond words.

In the blink of an eye, there were tears in his eyes.

Lan Pei was so flustered that she didn't know what to do, she stepped forward and grabbed Fu Kang'an, and dragged him to kneel down in front of Wanxi.

"Kang'er is naughty, it's all slaves who have been too arrogant and spoiled in the past two years. Now that there is no law, you dare to be so unruly when you enter the palace... Let the master punish the slaves. It's all slaves who are the mother-in-law. Didn't teach him well."

Wanxi smiled and shook her head slightly.

Wanxi embraced Fukang'an first, and wiped away his tears lovingly, "You know, you also have a nickname called 'Zhaodi'. Your mother's heart, I originally hoped to borrow your blessing to give Aunt, I recruited a prince... But how did you recruit a princess for me, what do you think is going on here?"

Lan Pei hurriedly lowered her head and said, "The servant has changed it for him, and called it 'Zhaodi'."

"Di", female brother, is the language used by elder brothers and elder sisters to address younger sisters.

Wanxi thought for a while, then nodded with a smile, "Alright~"

Wanxi handed Fukang'an to Yuhu, saying that the child was tired from crying, and asked Yuhu to coax him to sleep for a while.

"It's said that it's a big deal for a child to get into the U-car after three years of washing, and you have to find the right person. I originally thought that Jiu Fujin would be the best candidate...but now I've changed my mind." Wanxi continued Help Lanpei up, and pull Lanpei to the side of the car to have a look.

"Look, you said he was naughty, but what I saw was that he arranged the seventh princess so well. Even the red cloth strips on the elbows, knee sockets, and ankles were tied so properly. "

"I thought, oh, maybe this is the fate of the heavens... Although Jiu Fujin couldn't get you to do it yourself, Kang Geer is Jiu Fujin, you and Jiu Fujin. Master's direct son is connected by blood, if he does it, it will be the same as Jiu Fujin doing it yourself."

Besides... Seeing Fu Kang'an, who has always been innocent and mischievous, treating Xiao Qi so tenderly at that moment just now, Wanxi only felt tears dimly, and what she saw was the appearance of Master Jiu.

"Besides, the seventh princess has already entered the leisure car, and the body has already been fastened. If you open it and try it again, it seems to be deceiving the heavens. In my opinion, it is God's will to insert willows like this unintentionally."

Wan Xi pressed Lan Pei's hand with a smile, "Let's leave it at that, I like it."
Although Lan Pei was still terrified on the face, he was quietly relieved in his heart.

She lowered her head and tried to plead guilty again. Seeing that Wanxi insisted, she finally smiled quietly.

After he had to take Fu Kang'an out of the palace and go back to the mansion, Lan Pei was very happy in the carriage, and pampered Fu Kang'an's face.

"You naughty boy, you really scared Er Niang's soul away. Fortunately, what you did happened to be what Er Niang secretly hoped for. The master said, this is God's will, I'm afraid It is destined in the dark; my mother, I naturally believe it the most."

Lan Qiao and Bi Hai also laughed when they heard the words.

They knew that Fujin had long wished to have another family relationship with Master Ling's child.That's why Fujin wasn't happy about how Concubine Xin and the six princesses rushed forward; on the contrary, this time, Brother Kang pushed the matter halfway open by mistake.

Lan Qiao then quietly said to Lan Pei, "...When the seventh princess is one year old, please ask the ninth master to ask the emperor for a while, I believe the emperor will not refuse."

Lampe nodded with a smile, but frowned quietly after a while.

"It's just that there is a fifth princess in front of me. The royal family is most concerned about the order of dignity and order, and there are rules for everything. If the emperor proposes marriage to the little princess, it is natural that he will marry the sixth princess first, and then marry the seventh princess." The princess refers to marriage."

"But Concubine Xin has long wished for her Sixth Princess to marry our family again, and she has never forgotten to mention this in front of me this year... I am afraid that when the time comes, our intention will be lost. Concubine Xin messed it up."

Lan Qiao and Bi Hai were also startled.

"Master, what should we do then?"

Lan Pei sighed, "...It's okay, I'll wait. After all, our Qilinbao is only two years old, so we don't rush to get married. And the sixth princess is already one year old. I'm afraid that marriage will be proposed before the age of four. Then we will wait until the sixth princess proposes marriage at the age of four, and then we will discuss this matter with the emperor and master Ling."

"After all, the sixth princess is one year older than the seventh princess. The sixth princess is four years old and the seventh princess is only three years old. It is the most appropriate time to mention it to the emperor."

Only then did Lan Qiao and Bi Hai smile reassuringly, "No, Master Jiu will pick it up when Seventh Princess is three years old, and just wait for Seventh Princess to be officially assigned when she is four years old! There is still time for everything!"

 Dear friends, wait for me for a few more days~~Thank you for your monthly pass, reward and recommendation~~
(End of this chapter)

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